Category: Science: Chemistry Unit

Balancing Chemical Equations Free Worksheet Set 0

Balancing Chemical Equations – Free Worksheets

This FREE Chemistry Packet includes printable worksheets which introduce students to Balancing Chemical Equations. The answer keys are also provided! The first balancing chemical page introduces the seven diatomic molecules. Students also practice counting the number of atoms of each element in a molecule. The second page introduces coefficients. Coefficients tell us how many molecules of a given formula are present. The next two worksheets have students practice balancing chemical...

High School Chemistry Homeschool Syllabus Free PDF 0

High School Chemistry Homeschool Syllabus

Free Printable Chemistry Syllabus for Homeschoolers! This year my youngest daughter is doing high school chemistry. I wanted to share the basic chemistry syllabus I created to (try to 🤣) keep us organized! This syllabus should give you an idea of what we will be covering and the notebook pages and worksheets I printed out for her. (Hopefully I didn’t forget much… there’s a lot I carry in my head...

Organic Chemistry Unit - hydrocarbons - macromolecules 0

Organic Chemistry Unit

New! 100+ Page Introduction to Organic Chemistry Unit During both high school biology and high school chemistry, my kids have done a unit on organic chemistry. This Organic Chemistry Unit includes over 120 pages of notebook pages, worksheets and activity suggestions. All answers are provided! You can do this! This seemed like such an intimidating topic at first, but we broke it down into understandable chunks! My kids came away...


The pH Scale – Acids and Bases Worksheets

Chemistry Mini-Unit on the pH Scale, Acids and Bases (25-pages) The pH of a solution is a number which tells how acidic or basic a solution is. This 25-page chemistry mini-unit covers some of the following which numbers on a pH scale indicate that a substance is an acid, base or neutral substance using the pH scale to identify different acids and bases, comparing the acidity/alkalinity of substances, pH indicators...

Ions and Isotopes Worksheets Chemistry Unit 0

Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit

My middle school daughter has just finished a new chemistry unit on ions and isotopes. It is more than 125 pages. I’m excited to share this new unit with you! What are ions and isotopes? An atom has three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each element on the periodic table has a unique number of protons. The number of protons for an element is always the same. It can...

Chemistry Unit The Periodic Table Ions Isotopes Bohr Diagrams and more 0

Chemistry Unit – Middle School

150-page Chemistry Packet with Notebook Pages, Worksheets, and Hands-on Activities! Learn about the periodic table with hands-on activities Full explanations for instructors!  😊 Discover valence electrons Learn the names of the first 20 elements Learn the names of the unusual elements Learn about Bohr diagrams and Lewis diagrams Build simple molecules Interactive notebook pages, worksheets and notebook pages What’s in this unit? This 150+ page Chemistry Unit covers topics such...


Properties of Matter – Interactive Notebook Activity

I have just updated the Properties of Matter Chemistry Packet to include a new interactive notebook activity and chemistry review worksheet on pages 92 to 102 of the packet. The Properties of Matter packet covers topics such as elements and compounds, mixtures, physical and chemical properties, molecular vs. structural formulas and includes hands-on activities on some of these properties (viscosity, cohesion, capillary action, and density). We are going spend a...

Chemistry Activities - The first 20 elements - unusual symbols 0

Chemistry Activities – The First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table

Learn about the elements of the Periodic Table with these new chemistry booklets! I have added them to our 100+ page Chemistry Packet!  I made two new booklets – one on The First 20 Elements and the other on Elements with Unusual Symbols which are now included in the Chemistry Packet: Introduction to the Periodic Table. It has been a year and a-half or so since we first talked in-depth...

Chemistry Experiments 0

Fun Chemistry Experiments!

This week we started back to school.  We love hands-on activities and jumped in with some fun, hands-on activities to bring our new units on chemistry alive! These are experiments you may have done with the kids in preschool, but are as important for understanding chemistry concepts in middle school and beyond! 🙂 For ED, we spent some time reviewing the changing states of matter. It had been several years...


High School Chemistry Notebook Pages

Hey there! This is a question for the parents of high school students: Are you working with your high school student on high school chemistry this year? Are you interested in our chemistry notebook pages? Drop me an email if you are interested. I’m just trying to see if there’s interest/need (because it can be time consuming and time is limited… you know b/c we’re a busy homeschooling family!!). UPDATE:...

Properties of Matter Worksheets Activities - elements compounds solutions 0

Properties of Matter Worksheets and Activities

We are starting off the year with this middle school chemistry unit on the physical and chemical properties of matter. I have done an extensive update to the original Properties of Matter Packet, adding in dozens of pages of materials! This packet is well over 50 pages and includes various hands-on activities and all the teacher-notes/answer pages (bringing it closer to 100 pages in all!) Note: If you ordered the...

Chemistry Unit - Worksheets Chemistry Cards Interactive Notebook Piece - Periodic Table Valence Electrons and More 0

Chemistry Unit – Periodic Table, Valence Electrons, Periods, Groups, Lewis Diagrams and More!

150+ Page Chemistry Packet! I am excited to share our new chemistry unit with you! (It has been recently updated and now is around 150 pages!!) As you know, we love hands-on activities and I want to show you some of the fun ways we explored the periodic table and touched on topics like valence electrons, Bohr Diagrams, Lewis Diagrams (electron dot diagrams), ions, isotopes, and more! Some of the...

Chemistry in the Early Years 0

Fun, Simple Science Experiments for Younger Kids! (Introducing Kids to Chemistry)

In this post, I wanted to highlight some of the amazing science experiments that we did when my kids were younger and share several free resources we have here on the blog. These are some of the activities that really impressed my kids when they were younger!! I usually tried to weave the science experiments into topics we were learning… in this case some basics about chemistry. When the kids...


Make Your Own Crystals – Hands-On Science Activity!

The past few weeks, my youngest has been doing a unit on “Winter.” Today, I want to share one of the fun, hands-on projects she did – Growing Sugar Crystals (ie. rock candy!!).  I’ve seen this mentioned before, but this was the first time we actually did it! This is a project that can be done with things you have around the house. That’s always a plus, right?!! 🙂 What...