Category: Science: Chemistry Unit

Properties of Matter Chemistry Unit Elements Compounds Mixtures viscosity density and more 0

Physical Properties of Matter – Chemical Properties of Matter 100 Page Packet (Middle School Chemistry Unit)

This past week, we finished our second chemistry unit on the Properties of Matter. We explored physical properties (which do not change what the object is) and chemical properties.  We did a lot of hands-on activities exploring density and determining the density of various materials. At the beginning of the year, we spent time first exploring the different states of matter. Then, in this unit we dove into more detail...

States of Matter Packet 3

States of Matter – Changing States of Matter Packet (50+pages)

Our 50+ page packet on the three states of matter – solids, liquids, gases and changing states of matter includes worksheets, matching activities, vocabulary building pages and interactive notebook pages as well as hands-on activity ideas. We began the unit by talking about the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases. We also went into a lot of detail on the changing states of matter covering those six changes (melting, freezing,...


Changes in States of Matter: Sublimation and Deposition Activities with Dry Ice!

Sublimation and Deposition Activities – Making Chemistry Fun! This fall we’ve been studying the states of matter and changes of matter.  Today I’m going to share some of our activities as we talked about the changes in states of matter from solid to gas–sublimation and from gas to solid–deposition.  It was a day of Dry Ice FUN!! 🙂 While most kids know freezing, melting and evaporation sublimation and deposition are...

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States of Matter: Hands-On Activities about Liquids

In this part of our States of Matter unit we talked about some of the properties of liquids. A few days ago, I shared some of activities as we discussed gases. You’ll find that here: States of Matter-Hands-On Activities about Gases. We continued to talk about the structure of matter. Liquids have a definite volume, but no definite shape. Not only did we talk about some of the characteristics of...


States of Matter: Hands-On Activities about Gases

We started our chemistry unit this year with a study of the States of Matter – Solids, Liquids and Gases. Today, I’m going to share four hands-on activities we did about air. We started the unit with a discussion of the states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. The kids had to brainstorm as many examples as they could in two minutes. Then they shared their examples.  I then asked...


Homeschool Science: Year in Review and What’s Coming Up

When I think about all we’ve done this past year in 2015 in science, I’m really pretty amazed! It’s been a fun, full year!  This post has links to dozens of our science experiments, printables and hands-on activities. You’ll find direct links to the posts in the table below. We managed to squeeze in various engineering (STEM) type activities here and there. In January of 2015 we were in the...


Giveaway of Molecules to the MAX! — IMAX Film Newly Release onto DVD (Now Closed)

Just as we were finishing up our Chemistry Unit on the periodic table, the team at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute got in touch with me to see if I would be interested in reviewing and/or hosting a giveaway of their  Giant Screen animated film, Molecules to the MAX! This film has just been released on DVD and Blu-Ray. I talked with the kids (and we watched the trailer and decided...


Chemistry Unit: The Periodic Table

This semester we did a new unit on chemistry and focused on the Periodic Table. We typically use secular resources, but I previewed Chemistry 101: An Overview of God’s Chemical World over the summer on the recommendation of a close friend. It is a wonderful resource. I found the video to be really well done (the kids really enjoyed it) and while there were a few references religion (especially in...


Chemistry Unit: Bohr Diagrams

The last topic in our chemistry unit has been about Bohr Diagrams.  We’ve been talking for the last week or so about the organization of the periodic table. Elements are organized by atomic number how many electrons are in the outer shell by which shell is their valence shell (or the shell that electrons are added to) Columns tell us how many atoms are in the outer shell. Rows tell...

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Chemistry Experiments for Kids (Grade 2) – Mixtures, Chromatography, DNA Kit

Today, I want to share the three more chemistry activities we did during our unit on chemistry for my youngest, who is currently 7. Mixtures Un-Mixing: Chromatography DNA Kit Earlier this week, I shared the first two science experiments we did, and you can find those here (and in the free pdf printable at the bottom of this post): Matter is Neither Created Nor Destroyed (Molecules switch atoms) – Chapter...


Chemistry Experiments for Kids (Grade 2) – Matter is Neither Created Nor Destroyed — Acids and Bases

This semester we’ve been doing a Chemistry Unit for science. We tend to do our science and history units together. In the next two posts, I wanted to share some of the activities I did that were more geared toward my youngest (my older kids have done these before).  Then after that I will share the chemistry materials my older two (grades 5 and 7) have used as we’ve delved...

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Photosynthesis Worksheets

This week  we spent a few days talking about photosynthesis.  We covered the basic differences between plant and animal cells last week and I wanted to briefly talk about the process of photosynthesis before moving on to our Human Body unit. Some of the things we talked about included as we learned about the process of photosynthesis: parts of the plant, plant cells and the plant organelles, what is needed for...


States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas — Learning Activities

Are you working on chemistry this year? I thought I’d share some of the activities we did when we learned about the States of Matter. I also link to a number of other posts from our chemistry unit. We’ve been having a blast with chemistry — well not literally, but sure have been learning a lot! Today we did most of the hands on activities suggested by the wonderful, wonderful...


Explosion of Colors in Milk Experiment and Other Chemistry Fun!

Isn’t this pretty? This was one of our experiments as we finished up our chemistry unit! One of the chapters in our chemistry book (Real Science 4 Kids-pre-level 1) talked about mixtures. It talked first about how how some mixtures dissolve (like salt in water). Then it went on to talk about soap and soap molecules. We read how soap makes things like butter and grease “dissolve” in water. Detergent...