We have done a number of Chemistry Units over the years. Plus, we would often weave a bit of chemistry in with our other units. For example, if we talked about the water cycle we would build a water molecule with our Molecular Model Kit (affiliate link) or we would build carbon dioxide (or even glucose molecules!) when talking about photosynthesis.
Molecular Model Kit: We have had our Molecular Model Kit on hand from the time the kids were pretty young. We use it multiple times a year… building everything from water and carbon dioxide molecules to glucose or methane, ethane, propane, etc. (depending on what we were talking about!) I recommend you get one that has at least 12 (white) hydrogens, 6 (red) oxygens, and 6 or more (black) carbons — I highly recommend this kit (for any time) but especially if you do the Physical & Chemical Properties of Matter Unit and/or the Chemistry Unit.
We now have two Chemistry Bundles available.
Our Chemistry BUNDLE of 6 includes 6 packets. These units are PDF downloads.
- Introduction to Chemistry – Size of Atoms Mini-Unit
- States of Matter Packet
- Properties of Matter Packet
- Electricity & Circuits Packet
- Chemistry Packet
- pH scale – Acids and Bases Worksheet Packet
The Chemistry BUNDLE of 8 option includes the units above plus the Ions & Isotopes Unit and Organic Chemistry Unit.
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link. Feel free to email me with any questions you have! ~Liesl
$27.99 Chemistry BUNDLE of 6 1) Introduction to Chemistry Activities 2) States of Matter Packet, 3) Properties of Matter Packet, 4) Electricity & Circuits Packet, 5) Chemistry Packet 6) pH Scale – Acids and Bases Worksheet Packet
$44.99 Chemistry BUNDLE of 8 The Chemistry BUNDLE includes 1 ) Introduction to Chemistry Activities 2) States of Matter Packet, 3) Properties of Matter Packet, 4) Electricity & Circuits Packet, 5) Chemistry Packet, 6) pH Scale – Acids and Bases Packet (The following two units should be done after the Chemistry Unit so that students understand the basics of the periodic table, valence electrons and how to create Bohr diagrams.) 7) Ions & Isotopes Chemistry Unit 8) Organic Chemistry Packet (high school unit which we used both in biology and chemistry)
You can also purchase these chemistry packets separately
$2.99 Introduction to Chemistry – Size of Atoms Mini-Unit
$5.99 States of Matter Packet (50+pages)
$7.99 Properties of Matter Packet (now close to 100 pages) – Learn about the structure of atoms; Elements & Compounds; Molecular vs. structural formulas; Physical and Chemical Properties; Basic definitions (of terms such as viscosity, elasticity, capillarity, ductility, malleability, etc.); Hands-On Activities of some of these properties (viscosity, cohesion, capillary action, etc.); Density Activities; Mixtures: Solutions, Colloids and Suspensions; Separating Mixtures; Review Materials; Building Molecules Activities (and activity cards)
$6.99 Electricity & Circuits Packet (30+pages)
$8.99 Chemistry Packet – An introduction to the Periodic Table (150 pages) – Learn how the periodic table is organized and find out more about the different groups of the periodic table (Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens). Learn what valence electrons are and do some fun activities to create Lewis structures. Learn about the first twenty elements as well as elements with unusual names. Plus, learn about electron configuration and more! (We did this primarily in middle school, but did electron configuration in high school again.)
$2.99 pH Scale – Acids and Bases Worksheet Packet (25 pages) – Includes material for younger students (elementary/middle school) and older (high school) students.
$7.99 Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit (125 pages) This unit is an introduction to ions (which have fewer or more electrons) and isotopes (which have fewer or more isotopes). This unit should be done after students have completed the Chemistry Unit. (middle school/high school)
$9.99 Organic Chemistry Unit (100+ pages) Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon-containing molecules. In this unit, we study many of the organic compounds that include carbon and hydrogen (hydrocarbons), carbon-carbon molecules and more! This unit covers hydrocarbons, functional side groups and the four classes of macromolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, fats and nucleic acids. *high school level unit
The Energy Packet is not included in the Chemistry Bundle (it is included in the Earth Science & Physical Science Bundle of 10), but is closely related to some chemistry concepts – particularly when it comes to waves (amplitude, frequency and so forth).
$7.99 Energy Packet: Kinetic vs. Potential Energy, Types and Sources of Energy, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources, Waves & the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Fossil Fuels, the Carbon Cycle and more! (100 pages) View Post or View image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5, image 6, image 7, image 8, image 9, image 10, image 11, image 12
The Pathogens Packet is not included in the Chemistry Bundle (it is included in the Biology Bundle), but would go well with the Introduction to Chemistry – Size of Atoms mini-unit.
$8.99 Pathogens Packet (100 pages) – This unit covers the six major living and nonliving pathogens: bacteria, protozoa, fungi and parasites/worms as well as viruses and prions. The large majority of this packet goes into detail about bacteria and viruses. See more information about the Pathogens Unit here.
Click on the link to see more details about each of these units or keep scrolling down below to see more pictures:
Introduction to Chemistry – Size of Atoms Mini-Unit
States of Matter (Click here to see the full post!)
Properties of Matter Unit (Click here to see the full post!)
Electricity & Circuits Unit (Click here to see the full post!)
Chemistry Packet: The Periodic Table (Click here to see the full post!)
pH Scale – Acids and Bases Worksheet Packet
High School Chemistry Units:
Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit (Click here to see the full post!)
Introduction to Chemistry – Size of Atoms Mini-Unit
How small is an atom? How does an atom compare in size to virus or to a plant cell? This introductory chemistry packet has a number of activities to help kids conceptualize just how small an atom is. This unit includes activities and notebook pages to help students conceptualize just how small an atom is compared to other things such as DNA, cells, frogs’ eggs, or a mosquito or other small organisms.
This packet begins with a basic introduction to chemistry. We talked about how Greek philosophers thought about matter and proposed the idea of an indivisible particle called an atom. In the 1700s scientists learned more about atoms and in 1803, John Dalton proposed the Atomic Theory, the idea that all matter is made of atoms.
From there, we talked about the size of an atom. One quick activity includes illustrations of atoms and molecules, viruses, bacteria and other cells. Students have to pick out the pictures of atoms and molecules. Illustrations don’t tell us much about the relative size of these particles. The next Size Comparison Activity is designed to help understand just how small an atom is.
It also introduces students to some really small measurements – the nanometer and micrometer.
The final page introduces students to elements and the periodic table.
There are several notebook pages. The student pages are fill-in-the-blanks. There are full-text pages which the instructor can use (or if your family prefers, your students can read through the full-text pages instead). You do not need any outside sources or books with this packet. This Introduction to Chemistry Packet will take just a few days to complete.
States of Matter Packet
50+ page packet on the three states of matter – solids, liquids, gases and changing states of matter.
In this packet there are various notebook pages, worksheets, lapbook (interactive notebook) pieces, sorting cards, cut-and-paste activities and more! I included the hands-on activities that helped this unit come alive!
We talked quite a bit about the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases.
We also went into a lot of detail on the changing states of matter covering those six changes (melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, sublimation, deposition).
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Packet
This packet is well over 50 pages and includes various hands-on activities and all the teacher-notes/answer pages (bringing it closer to 100 pages in all!)
This 100+ page Properties of Matter packet covers:
- Atoms
- Elements & Compounds
- Organization of the Periodic Table (on a very basic level, our Chemistry Unit goes into *much* more detail on that!). In this unit there is just one page on that.
- Molecular vs. structural formulas
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Basic definitions (of terms such as viscosity, elasticity, capillarity, ductility, malleability, etc.)
- Hands-On Activities of some of these properties (viscosity, cohesion, capillary action, etc.)
- Density Activities
- Mixtures: Solutions, Colloids and Suspensions
- Separating Mixtures
- Review Materials
- Building Molecules
Electricity & Circuits Packet
This packet is now close to 50-pages!
This is such a fun, hands-on unit! My kids absolutely loved all the projects… from paper circuits, to squishy circuits, an art bot and more… while learning about
- Volts, amps, ohms
- Electrical circuits: Power source, load, conductor
- Simple Circuits
- Direct and Alternating Current (DC and AC)
- Resistance, Resistors and How they work.
- and more!
150+ Page Chemistry Packet!
The Chemistry Unit is more than 150 pages and goes into detail about the periodic table, valence electrons, periods, groups, Lewis Diagrams, and basic vocabulary such as ions and isotopes.
Students are introduced to the structure of the periodic table, Bohr Diagrams, Lewis Diagrams and electron configuration in a fun, hands-on way! There are also booklets for students to become familiar with the first 20 elements and elements with unusual names.
I would do the Chemistry Unit after the Properties of Matter Unit.
This booklet had my daughter find out: the atomic number, atomic weight, period and group numbers. Plus, there was some space for her to write some basic facts about each element.
Some of the topics we explored in the Chemistry Unit include:
- Building the Periodic Table
- Bohr Diagrams & Understanding Valence Electrons
- Periods, Groups & Families
- hydrogen & the alkali metals, alkaline Earth metals, halogens, noble gases
- Atomic Number, Atomic Mass & Chemical Symbols
- Lewis Diagrams
- Metals, Metalloids and Nonmetals
- Unusual Element Symbols
- Trends of the Periodic Table
- Electron Configuration
Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit
$7.99 Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit
My middle school daughter (14) just finished this new chemistry unit on ions and isotopes. It is more than 125 pages. I’m excited to share this new unit with you!
What are ions and isotopes? An atom has three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.
- Each element on the periodic table has a unique number of protons. The number of protons for an element is always the same. It can be determined by the atomic number of that element on the periodic table.
- Sometimes an atom has more or fewer electrons. This gives it a negative or positive charge. These are called ions. Most chemistry students need to know some of the common ions like chloride, sulfate, oxide, or peroxide and this unit will help students become familiar with them through worksheets and other activities.
- An atom sometimes has more or fewer neutrons. These are called isotopes. Students will practice writing isotope names, learn about mass numbers and determine the exact number of protons and neutrons in a given isotope.
$7.99 Energy Packet: Kinetic vs. Potential Energy, Types and Sources of Energy, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources, Fossil Fuels, the Carbon Cycle and more! View Post or View image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5, image 6, image 7, image 8, image 9, image 10, image 11, image 12 This unit is also included in the Earth Science and Physical Science BUNDLE of 10.
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What other packets do you have available? You can check out Our Store for details about our other packets. Some of our other Bundles include the Earth Science Bundles, Human Body Bundle, Chemistry Bundle, Biology Bundle of 5 (upper elementary & middle School), Big Animal Bundle (for early elementary), K-2 Math Bundle, Multiplication/Division Bundle, and Spelling Bundle. We also have German Worksheet Packets and Spanish Worksheet Sets for learning these two foreign languages.
Other Homeschool/Education Resources: We have hundreds of printables on the blog. There’s a lot to navigate here on our website. Two good pages to explore are this one and this homeschool resource page.
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
Again, if you are interested in joining our Homeschool Den Newsletter, feel free to subscribe here. It’s a great way to hear about our latest packets and to learn about many of the hundreds of printables & other materials we have tucked away on the blog!