Learning about the major Human Body Systems
Each year, usually in the spring semester, our family has learned about one of the major Human Body Systems. We started studying the human body when the kids were in elementary. We’ve circled back around to study these units again and I’ve added updates to each of these packets as my kids have gotten older (so as with many of our packets, these packets will suit a wide range of ages!)
Scroll down for lots of pictures – both of the worksheets/notebook pages as well as some of our hands-on activities! Also, scroll down for FAQ (frequently asked questions).
We usually started with an overview of what Human Body Systems are and how they work (in general) from cells, tissues, organs to body systems. We’ve gone over this general set most every year. 🙂
From there we moved on to a specific Human Body system
- Skeletal System (bones, joints, tendons, etc.) – This unit has lots of hands-on activity ideas!
- Digestive System – this unit also has a lot of hands on activities!
- Circulatory System – with a really fun hands-on activity to trace the path of blood throughout the body!
- Muscular System – three main types of muscles, voluntary and involuntary muscles, how these three muscle groups work, and the functions of these muscles.
- Nervous System – covers the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, the anatomy of the brain, neurons and more
- Reproductive System
- Endocrine System
These can be purchased individually or in one of the Human Body BUNDLE Options that includes these packets:
These units can be purchased individually or together in our Human Body Bundle. I included some photos of these packets below.
Our packets are PDF digital downloads. After your purchase, remember to check your PayPal email address for the download link. It will come automatically from SendOwl (the delivery service I use); feel free to email me if you have any trouble! ~Liesl
There are a couple of different Human Body BUNDLE options and I wanted to create a new page to show what options are available (like I’ve done for the Earth Science Bundles, Biology Bundle of 6, Chemistry Bundle and Big Animal Bundle, and Spelling Bundle). We also have German worksheets and Spanish worksheet sets for learning these foreign languages. You can purchase these units separately or in various combinations depending on your need.
Just so you know, the Cells Unit is included in the Biology Bundle of 6 or in Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 2. If you plan to purchase the Biology BUNDLE, then you might want to purchase Human Body BUNDLE 1 or 3 instead.
This page answers some Frequently Asked Questions. I have also placed answer to some questions about making purchases down below. We use PayPal (a secure site) to process payments and SendOwl to automatically send the download link. (Again, check your PayPal email address for the download link! What if you don’t have a PayPal account? This page has instructions on how to checkout using a credit card without having to create a PayPal account.)
$8.99 A Study of Cells Unit (150+pages) Animal and Plant Cells, Cell Theory, Organelles of the Cell, Photosynthesis and More
$4.99 Human Body Systems (50+ pages)
$6.99 Skeletal System Packet (90 pages)
$7.99 Digestive System (150+ pages)
$6.99 Circulatory System Unit (40 pages)
$5.99 Muscular System Unit (50+ pages)
$3.99 Nervous System Packet (20+ pages)
$5.99 Endocrine System Packet – (60 pages) Exocrine glands are those glands that have ducts and lead to the surface of the body… like sweat glands, tear glands whereas endocrine glands (like the hypothalamus or thyroid) secrete hormones into the bloodstream.
$5.99 Five Senses Unit: This 100+ page Five Senses Unit has dozens of hands-on activities and detailed, colorful worksheets for learning all about the five senses – sight & the eye, hearing & the ear, taste & the tongue, smell & the nose, touch & the skin. (NOTE: This unit is NOT included in the Human Body BUNDLE 1 or 2.) Recommended for PreK to Early Elementary. View Post, image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5
$35.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 1: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit or the Five Senses Unit.)
$42.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 2: Human Body Systems, A Study of Cells Unit, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (We often talked about cells as we started our Human Body Units… then went on to talk about human body cells, tissues, organs & systems… and then would move on to a different body system each year. Generally as homeschoolers, we covered just one or two major body systems each year before moving on to another science topic.) (Does not include the Five Senses Unit.)
$38.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 3: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets AND The Five Senses Unit (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit.)
FAQ: Do you need to purchase any other books or materials to go with these packets? No, these materials will work with any books or curriculum resources you have on hand. The answers to various notebook pages and worksheets are provided. We tended to get a lot (10-20!!) books from the library and we’d read through those as we covered a particular topic. When my kids were younger, we did a number of activities from the Body Book (which can be found here affiliate link). I photocopied things onto cardstock. For example, the kids made a skeleton that was about 3 feet once it was put together! They really enjoyed doing that, though it is not necessary to purchase that!
Here are some quick images for you to glance through:
$4.99 Human Body Systems (Body Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems)
Sample Notebook Page: Here is a sample notebook page about the small intestine. On the left you can see the student fill-in-the-blank page. On the right is the full text version. I would print the fill-in-the-blank page/s for my kids and then a full text version for myself. We would take turns reading and my kids would try to provide the missing answer. If they didn’t know, I would provide the answer from the full-text page. Answer pages are always provided both for notebook pages and for worksheets (such as a matching page).
$6.99 Circulatory System Unit (40 pages)
$5.99 Muscular System Unit (50+ pages)
$3.99 Nervous System Packet (20+ pages)
$5.99 Endocrine System – (60 pages) This covers the major endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, etc.) and some of the major hormones of the body.
$35.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 1: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit or the Five Senses Unit.)
$42.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 2: Human Body Systems, A Study of Cells Unit, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (We often talked about cells as we started our Human Body Units… then went on to talk about human body cells, tissues, organs & systems… and then would move on to a different body system each year. Generally as homeschoolers, we covered just one or two major body systems each year before moving on to another science topic.) (Does not include the Five Senses Unit.)
The Human Body BUNDLE 2 also includes our 100+ page Cells Packet. (One year, we started with a study of cells and then moved on to the cells of the human body)
$38.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 3: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets AND The Five Senses Unit (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit.)
Note: You can also purchase this in the Biology BUNDLE. See the Biology Bundle of 5 page or Our Store for more details.
These units can be purchased individually or together in our Human Body Bundle. I included some photos of these packets above. Below I will link to some posts where you can find out more about our hands-on activities for each unit. 🙂
Visit these posts to see some of the hands-on activities we did in these units:
- Skeletal System Unit
- Skeletal System Hands-on Activities
- Digestive System Unit
- Circulatory System Unit
- Human Body Systems Unit
- Cells Unit
- Muscular System Unit
- Five Senses Unit
If you have any questions, be sure to drop me an email. ~Liesl
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well.
Here is a quick glance at some of our other science and history units:
Earth Science & Physical Science Units:
Chemistry Bundle
Big Animal Bundle
Again, if you are interested in joining our Homeschool Den Newsletter, feel free to subscribe here. It’s a great way to hear about our latest packets and to learn about many of the hundreds of printables & other materials we have tucked away on the blog!
Happy Homeschooling! ~Liesl
Frequently Asked Questions:
Site Security — Is it safe to make a purchase? You will not be entering any payment or credit card details here on our website, homeschoolden.com. I use PayPal (which is a secure site) to process payments. Then, I use SendOwl (an automatic delivery service) to send you the download link. Of course, if you have any questions or trouble with your order, you can contact me (Liesl) by email here.
To Make a Purchase: Click on the Add to Cart button. When you are ready to make a purchase, it will take you to Paypal. Upon receipt of payment you will immediately get a link to download this pdf in your browser. You will also receive an email from SendOwl Downloads to your PayPal email address which will give you a link to download.
What if I don’t have a PayPal account? Remember, you do not have to have a PayPal account to make a payment. Just click on the option that says (usually a grey button), Checkout as Guest (It used to say: “Pay with a debit or credit card or PayPal credit.”) That gives you the option of paying with a credit card even if you don’t have an actual PayPal account. Just be sure to provide your email address!
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Click here for lots more instructions (and pictures) of how to check out using a credit card:
What other packets do you have available? You can check out Our Store for details about our other packets. Some of our other Bundles include the Earth Science Bundles, Chemistry Bundle, Biology Bundle of 5 (upper elementary & middle School), Big Animal Bundle (for early elementary), K-2 Math Bundle, Multiplication/Division Bundle, and Spelling Bundle.
Other Homeschool/Education Resources: We have hundreds of printables on the blog. There’s a lot to navigate here on our website. Two good pages to explore are this one and this homeschool resource page.