Category: Mom Stories


10 Things You May or May Not Know about Me

These kinds of posts were really quite popular back five or six years ago.  At that point, bloggers tagged one another — “You’re It!” and we’d all share bits of trivia about ourselves. I actually really loved reading those random fact posts.  So, it’s 11:15 pm, the kids are sleeping and I’ve got a backlog of 8 or 10 posts that “should” be written.  Instead, my Kindle is calling, so...


Exercise for Busy Parents – 2 New Pieces of Exercise Equiment

This post is a bit off topic in a way… I just wanted to share a little bit about how I squeeze exercise into our busy day.  If you’ve been reading our blog for a while, you know that last year I had crazy ear/balance/dizziness/noise-sensitivity/vision problems all stemming from inner ear problems/ear surgery.  I wound up having 6 surgeries and in the end they had to remove my ear drum/bones/balance...


Mom Down! Why I’m in Surgery Today…

The past three months have been very difficult.  If you’re a regular reader, you know I had ear surgery in October.  I have more complications than I can count on one hand. Healing was very slow and a couple of weeks after the surgery I came down with something called BPPV in two semi-circular canals (in my ear) which causes vertigo, the entire world to spin, balance issues and incredible...


When the House Falls Apart, You Find you Need Surgery… And There’s Lots to Juggle!

So, a couple days ago I wrote a blog post about how are homeschool routine is working out this year.  It’s going pretty well and I love being back into a routine.  But as for life in general, it’s sometimes hard to juggle everything.  Preparing and time with the kids homeschooling takes up a good chunk of my day, as you can imagine. Plus, writing also takes time.  But there...


LD Turns 10 — IVF Reminiscing — Dragon Birthday Cake

After we got back from our Colorado trip, LD had a birthday. It’s hard to believe he is now 10! As many of you know — and some of you probably don’t — LD and DD are IVF babies (not ED, though!!! She was our surprise baby!).  We had trouble getting pregnant and there didn’t seem to be much of a cause for it. Oh my goodness, what a stressful,...


14 Things You Didn’t Know About Me…

Let’s face it, my life, especially when you look at the blog, revolves around the kids and homeschooling. I spend a lot of time preparing for homeschooling; the kids and I spend time working on their schoolwork, projects and activities; I blog about homeschooling; and I’m even (gulp) trying to write a book — not about zombies (though I did meet a woman at LD’s Parkour (sport’s) class who writes...


Don’t Read This If You Don’t Want to Read About Hormones and Female-Stuff!

Honestly, I will start posting about our homeschooling stuff again. In fact, I have all kinds of materials I’ve made for the kids and have a heap of new things to share with you all, but since I was on the topic of health and well-being (with yesterday’s post about LD’s horrible allergies) I thought I’d share with you some of the struggles I’ve personally had the past eight to ten...


Where Were You on Sept. 11?

It was a day that few of us will forget. I’m sure you remember where and what you were doing that terrible day.  I was in my sister’s guest room in Nashville, Tennessee and watched in horror as the second flight flew into the World Trade Center. And then, glued to the TV,  I watched it again and again and again as the news replayed it, as the towers collapsed,...


Who are you Remembering for Memorial Day?

Memorial Day was formerly known as Decoration Day and started after the Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union Soldiers. By the 20th century Memorial Day was extended to honor all Americans who have died in wars. Last week we spent the entire week with my family: my folks, my sister, brother-in-law and their three kids. We had some long conversations about the members of our family who have served...


Snippets of our day (Mom’s Week)

This blog is so often about the kids, but I was thinking today (last Sunday) about writing a blog entry about my life–as separate to the kids. Sometimes I feel quite discouraged. The house gets away from me, manipulatives wind up everywhere, but I know I do work hard… So kind of more to be affirming to me (Go Me!) — I wanted to jot down the things I’ve done...


Mom Stories: Scary Adventure on the Trail

This is another Mom-Story I’d like to share with my kids/family/friends (well for the kids, maybe I’ll share this when they’re MUUuuuuch older!).   It’s a story about a scary drawing, potential kidnapping (and worse),  and the police!  Bear with me as I set the scene–it takes a few minutes before I get to the story itself. When I was at university, I studied anthropology.  I started out being interested in...


Mom Stories — Attack of the Bees

Everyone has amazing stories that make them unique and interesting.  I’ve had the itch for a long time to write down some of my stories for the kids.  I had this “I can do it” moment on Sunday morning when I realized I could write up a few stories on the blog, collect them in a folder and sometime compile them for the kids.  Why the blog?  Well, this is...