Category: Homeschool Den

Homeschooling After the Holidays 0

How to Start Homeschooling After the Holidays

I am still in full holiday mode (and as I mentioned on FB, it’s after noon and I am *still* in my PJs), but I spent a little time updating this post with tips on How to Start Homeschooling After the Holidays. When (and only when!) you are ready, you can read this post here: Meanwhile, enjoy your Holiday Break! ~Liesl


Happy Holidays!

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!  May your holiday season be filled with wonder, joy, good health, and happy memories! ~Liesl, Tony and the Kids

Ultimate Hands-On Homeschooling Guide 0

Why Hands-On Homeschooling is Amazing!

Hands-On Homeschool Activities Your Ultimate Hands-On Homeschooling Guide Make Learning Memorable, Exciting, and Engaging! I wanted to let you know that I added a New Page: Hands On Homeschool Activities. This is a page (rather than a blog post), so I wanted to link to it here – for those of you who come to the blog from time to time to check out our latest posts! (As a new page,...

Hibernation Worksheets - Winter Unit 0

Hibernation Unit

Today I have a new Hibernation Unit to share with you today! It is more than 25 pages and covers: why animals hibernate, terms such as torpor, brumation, estivation, diapause, endotherms vs. ectotherms. where animals hibernate and spend the winter Plus, it covers the dangers of hibernation. It includes various activities such as notebook pages, interactive notebook/lapbook pieces, matching and tracing pages. The Winter Packet is now 100+ pages! First,...

Christmas Subtraction Games - Board Game 5 In a Row Game 0

New Holiday Subtraction Packet Added to the Math Bundle!

As many of you know, I have been adding to the Addition and Multiplication Bundles throughout the year.  Last week, I just added a new Christmas Subtraction Packet to the Addition Math Bundle. Today I added some Subtraction Games! The Addition Bundle is a bit mis-named because it includes addition and subtraction worksheets, games and activities as well as place value, measure, clocks, shapes, graphing and more! It includes a...

Photo Highlights 0

Fun Photos

I spend a lot of time talking about what we’re doing academically, but now and then I like to share some of our outings and excursions too! I know the Grandparents still check in on what we’ve been up to. So here are a few fun photos! I want to share a few photos from this stunning picture of our local library… to our fall hike around a lake. A...

Mid-Year Homeschool Assessment Packet 0

Mid-Year Homeschool Assessment Packet: Evaluate, Reflect and Assess How Things Are Going

Free Mid-Year Homeschool Assessment Packet About this time of year, I get itchy.  I know that the holidays are coming up and we will take a well-deserved break! Right around the holidays, I also take the time to think about how things are going. Today, I wanted to share this Free Homeschool Assessment Packet with you (I updated and expanded it a bit this year.). This packet has several pages...

Homeschooling in November December - A Busy Time of Year - Free Printable Packet 0

Homeschooling in November – December (A Busy Time of Year!)

Homeschooling during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be particularly trying/demanding.  There are more events on as the semester comes to an end.  On the homeschool front, we are often finishing up big projects and wrapping up units before taking an extended break.  But there are a lot of other things going on too! There are holiday-themed parties and get-togethers. There are concerts. There also more demands on our...

History Portfolio Projects - Using them in your homeschool or classroom - Free Prinable 0

What is a History Portfolio Project?

History Portfolio Projects have student focus on one theme, topic or time period and can include an array of writing, art, and geography assignments that are compiled together in a final product. While we did a couple of portfolio projects when the kids were in elementary (age 8 -10 or so), Portfolio Project really become a powerful tool during the middle and high school years! History portfolio projects require students...

Consonant Blends - L-Blends - Worksheets Games and Activities 0

L-Blend Worksheets, Games and Activities – Consonant Blends

L-Blend Worksheets, Games and Activities This is the first in a series of three Consonant Blends Activity Packets. This set focuses on the L-Blends such as bl, cl, gl, fl and pl. There are practice worksheets that include tracing, write in the consonant blends (bl, cl, fl, gl or pl), write in the words, and cut-and-paste activities.  There are consonant blend sorting cards and a sorting mat. Plus, your kids...

Hands-On Activity Ideas - Homeschool Teaching Strategies 0

Update to the Hands-On Activity Ideas and Teaching Strategies List – Free Printable

Hey Everyone, This is just a real quick note to let you know that I updated the Hands-On Activity Ideas and Homeschool Teaching Strategies List.  I wanted to update that list and add in some pictures. This post has a wide range of different hands-on activity ideas and teaching strategies that might inspire you in your homeschooling! This time of year, our homeschooling can start to feel a bit stale....

The mean email... 8

I just got a mean email which prompts me to write this…

Hey everyone, It’s a Sunday evening. It’s been an exhausting, though very fun family weekend.   But of course, as you can see from the title of this blog post, it’s been soured just a bit.  I got an email that is clearly a troll trying to make me feel bad and/or threaten me (well, or the website in general)…– accusing me of stealing (content I’m supposing?)…  May as well just...

10 Things I Learned Homeschooling Math 0

10 Things I’ve Learned About Homeschooling Math (and 30 Math Activity Ideas!)

In this post, I want to share some of the things I’ve learned over the years while homeschooling math with my three kids. Plus, I’m going to share more than 30 different math activity ideas that were big hits with my kids… everything from the types of math manipulatives we used to various math games and activities we incorporated into our math time. Very quickly, what are some things I...

Free Letter W Worksheet Printables 0

Free Letter W Worksheets

I have some fun, free Letter W worksheets for you today! These include Letter W tracing, finding the words that start with the letter W, and matching pictures with words that start with W such as well web wagon watch witch walrus watermelon whale worm Because it is close to Halloween here in the US, there’s also a fun Letter W coloring page with the words web and witch! 🙂...