Category: Homeschool Den


The Homeschool Hop: 10 Random Questions

Time for a bit of fun this week. Just copy the 10 questions below and enter your answers after each one of them for this week’s blog hop. I can’t wait to see all of your answers. 1. What time is it right now? 5:20pm, I’m making dinner 2. What are you wearing? my soccer uniform 3. What is your mood? great, I have an evening out (soccer followed by...


Layers of the Earth Activity and Cards

I’ve been quite ill this week (I think I was awake for a total of three hours yesterday), so I won’t be posting very much this week. Someone shared a link to the learning ark where there was a wonderful hands on activity about the layers of the earth. There are printable layers of the earth cards at Cultivating Dharma.


Winter Olympics

We’ve been doing some activities related to the winter Olympics.  If you have younger kids be sure to check out They have some printable activities you might find of use.


Sunflower School House Website (writing prompts)

Honey over at Sunflower School House always amazes me with the free downloads she provides.  She has had some website problems and has redesigned her website.  I was over their taking a look when I had a moment this morning.  She has a First Creativity Journal that has writing assignments that will be perfect for LD. [Scroll down her download list, it’s in alphabetical order.]  I’ll definitely use those along...


And other school subjects…

We’ll be posting more about science experiments for the next few weeks (after all that’s makes for better pictures), but we are more or less back into the swing of things with: mathhandwritingjournal writing (or preschool activities for DD)German (review: greetings, numbers and animals)reading (them reading to me)book time (me reading to them)art (daily crafts/drawing — if not multiple times a day!)the kids have also been doing mazes and dot-to-dots...


ED’s Sense of Humor

The other night ED was sitting next to us on the couch. She signed, “The frog is hurt.” A little confused I asked her “The froggy is hurt?” She nodded her head and pointed to a little frog tattoo she had on her foot… she had scratched much of the tattoo off. The best part about all this was that ED started to laugh hard when she pointed at tattered...


Halloween Lanterns

The day before Halloween we made lanterns on glass baby food jars and tissue papers. We placed small candles inside and they looked quite cute. You might want to check out some of our other Halloween Posts: Halloween: Freebies (Math, Writing), Homemade Candy Corn Recipe and More!! Free Letter W Printables Halloween Party Games! Free Printable: Homemade Candy CornRecipe: When we lived in Australia (when the kids were little), we...


Stickers for the toddler

Here’s an easy activity everyone probably does with theirkids — stickers! Oriental Trading sells rolls of round stickers that all threeof my kids have LOVED as toddlers (ED is 20 months now).Search within the Oriental Trading website under “sticker rolls.”ED’s using some Halloween stickers, but there are allkinds of sticker themes from holidays, animals and dinosaurs,to Bible and religious stickers. If your child is young, I wouldrecommend using the round...


Board Games

The kids have really enjoyed games this week — we’ve playedCandy Land, DinoMath Tracks, Hungry Hippos, the marblerun (not really a board game, but stored with the games!), LetterSoup, and several card games (Rat-a-tat-Cat) being the favorite!