Category: Homeschool Den


Music Curriculum: Week 3 in Pictures – Music Note Identification Game and More

We’ve still been moving slowly, but steadily through our music curriculum. My older two are definitely understand all the material we’ve gone over, but it definitely takes ED longer to remember all the notes… which is why all the games we’ve been playing have been so wonderful! She needs a lot of repetition and it is not yet translating to what she does on the piano (she just memorizes what...


Our Own Mrs. Frisby Mouse Story

Have you read Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (affiliate link)? It’s a book we read aloud a couple of years ago (and we highly recommend it!!). It is the touching story of a field mouse who lives in a farmer’s vegetable garden. She needs help moving her young mouse family because her baby, Timothy, is very sickly. Her home is warm and cozy, but is in danger both...

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German Conversation Practice Set: Weather, Days of the Week, Months, Seasons

Today I’m going to share our German worksheets about the weather and seasons, winter words and sickness/illness. These and a dozen other pdfs are icluded in German BUNDLE 1. I have found it difficult to find good German materials and curriculum for kids.  Early on we used a lot of free German worksheets and materials, but then at a certain point the kids were ready for more.  Last spring I...


Podcast or Video Posts? I’d love to hear your opinion

I’ve been toying with trying something a bit different and I would love to hear your opinions.  I’ve been thinking of either putting together a few podcast episodes or video episodes highlighting different hands-on activities and/or thoughts about homeschooling.  I happen to listen to a TON of podcasts, but then video seems better to be able to incorporate visuals.  Anyway, I’m just bouncing this around in my head and am...


Pope’s Arrival in the US: Free Packet about the Catholic Pope

Today, the Pope is making his first visit to the United States.  The kids and I watched his arrival on TV just a little while ago. We aren’t Catholic, but the kids’ Grandma is.  (My Mom died about 15 years ago and my Dad remarried just before LD was born.). Anyway, we took the opportunity today to talk about a bit about Catholicism today and about why the Pope is...


Free Fall-Themed Packets for Ages 3-6 (PreK-Gr. 1)

Are you looking for free fall printables for PreK-K? Here’s a huge list of fabulous FREE fall-themed packets that have been shared by generous parents and teachers.  Get your 3-6 year old into the fall spirit with some of these fall-themed activities and printables. You will find everything from puzzles, counting and letter recognition activities to writing, do-a-dot pages, dot-to-dots and more! Fall Pack from 3 Dinosaurs: Leaves Unit by...


Chalk Circle Game: Outdoor Math Game (For anything from Addition thru PreAlgebra!!)

The weather is gorgeous, so once again it was time to take advantage of the lovely temperatures, get active, and practice some math! For this game we drew a giant circle out of chalk and put numbers into each space all around the circle. Which numbers? We wrote down the numbers as we skip counted by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s. (2 thru 20, 3 thru 30, 4 thru 40 and...


Thoughts on Teaching: Getting Organized

So in my last post, I talked about how I really wanted to start off my mornings strong.  I realized I needed a Power Morning Routine to make sure that *I* was energized, refreshed, focused, and prepared.  You can read more about all that in this post: Thoughts on Teaching: Creating a Power Morning. But, along with that I really needed to make sure I was completely organized. I think...


Music Theory Curriculum: Week Two, Rhythm Pizza, Rhythm Game and more

Music continues to go really well for us. I’m glad I’ve got the general plan and all the printables organized and ready to go at a moment’s notice.  It means that music really is getting done about 3 days a week. Hooray! So this is Week Two following the rough Beginners Music Curriculum that I put together this summer. My write-up here really is geared more for my youngest (ED...

Long i words ie y i-e igh Spelling Activities 0

Long I Word Sort – Words with y, i_e or ie

Are your kids studying words that have the Long I sound? They might enjoy the activities in this packet.  It contains a word sort, board game and bingo cards for reviewing the long /i/ spelling patterns: ie, y, i-e, igh, ind and i. I made this long /i/ word sort file folder game for ED.  She went over many of these words (and rules) last year, but she will definitely...


Writing Workshop Mini-Lesson: Rules for Writing and the Story Writing Process

Have your kids read the Plot Chicken? We started our Writing Workshop off with this book. What a great buk, buk!!  In fact, I liked it so much that I created a chicken writing rules printable to go along with the book (free to download down below)!!!  So, in this post I want to share some of our Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons about the Story Writing Process & Story Structure. The...


Thoughts on Teaching: The Power Morning!

I really want to do a series called “Thoughts on Teaching.” Why? Well, I’ve been reading a lot lately and have been excited about some of the ideas I’ve come across. As I process all that, I always want to write about it.  May as well bounce my ideas with my online reader friends, right?!! Do you ever need a private cheerleader… someone to pat you on the back and...


Free Minecraft Math Addition & Subtraction Practice Pack

Today I’m going to share this Minecraft themed addition and subtraction packet that I made for my daughter.  It’s free to download! It’s the beginning of the year, so ED definitely needs some review of some of the basic addition and subtraction facts. Combine math facts with her beloved Minecraft characters and she’ll beg to “play” more!! Although they are not presented in this order in the packet, we first...


Happy Labor Day! Can you imagine your 4 year old working to help pay the bills?

It’s Labor Day and there are so many reasons to be thankful that our family lives here in this country and at this time!  This is a post I wrote a couple of years ago and I thought it was worth sharing again. After the Civil War, the availability of natural resources, new inventions, and a receptive market combined to fuel an industrial boom. The demand for labor grew, and...