Category: Homeschool Den

If you were in my living room right now... homeschooling life 0

If you Were in my Living Room Right Now… I would tell you…

If you were in my living room right now… I would offer you a cup of coffee (partly because I’m tired from driving ED early in the mornings to her soccer games this weekend) and I’d have some cookies baking in the oven. That sounds overly domestic of me, but the truth is we had signed up to bring cookies yesterday and I ran out of time to bake the...

25+ Free Grammar and Writing Worksheets and Printables 0

25+ Free Grammar and Writing Worksheets and Printables

I wanted to highlight some of the free grammar and writing worksheets and printables we have tucked away on the website.  It has been a while since I have talked about these and we have dozens of free resources!! I’m going to start with a few of the free writing resources we have and then I’ll give you links to our free grammar worksheets  on the major comma rules, apostrophes,...

Where I Live Activities - galaxy, solar system, planet, continent, country, state, city or town, home 0

Where I Live Activity Packet

Where I Live Activity Packet!  My galaxy, solar system, planet, continent, country, state, town, and home! This packet contains a booklet and an interactive notebook activity to help kids understand where they live — from our Milky Way Galaxy right down to their city/town, street and home! Plus, this packet now also includes some materials for reviewing the continents and oceans. With the help of a number of other homeschoolers...

Skip Counting Games and Worksheets 2s through 10s 0

Skip Counting Games and Worksheets 2s through 10s

I made a new set of skip counting games and worksheets that I have just added to the Multiplication Bundle.  As many of you know, I have been trying to add fun, seasonal activities to both of our math bundles. This latest set of skip counting games will help students who are just starting to learn their multiplication facts to practice skip counting. And, this is great practice for students...


Hurricane Hands-On Activities (and other Natural Disasters)

Many of us who live on the east coast of the U.S. are bracing for Hurricane Florence. And because of that, many of us are talking with our kids about what a hurricane is and why they can be so damaging. I thought I would share a couple activities we’ve done about hurricanes and share the Natural Disasters Packet again, which is currently free to download! I added in a...

Rainforest Printables and Resources 0

Rainforest Resources and Printables

In this post, I want to highlight some fun rainforest resources and printables that would really add to any rainforest unit! Earlier this summer, I came across these beautiful rainforest animal masks and wanted to be sure to mention them to those of you with younger kids – preK and early elementary! And, for those with kids ages 7-10 or so, you might want to check out our Rainforest Packet....


Homeschool Week Wrap-Up – Grades 5, 8, 10… but mostly about my 10-year old’s week!

Life in Our Homeschool This was our first week back and it didn’t go quite as planned (though, when does homeschooling ever go exactly as we think it will?!) At the end of last week and into the weekend, I was quite sick.  My older two were away for the holiday weekend with some friends.  When Monday rolled around, ED was excited to start back.  We jumped back into homeschooling...

Summer Vacation - Niagara Falls Banff Glacier TRoosevelt Natl Park 0

Summer Vacation Across Canada to Glacier Nat’l Park (Niagara Falls, Banff, etc.)

This summer we took across Canada and visited a number of amazing places — Niagara Falls, Banff National Park, Glacier National Park, Theodore Roosevelt Park and the National Buffalo Museum.  This post shares some of the picture and also one harrowing afternoon’s adventure as a car accident unfolded in front of us. Some of the best experiences were the hiking trips we too in these beautiful national parks! Before too...

symbiosis commensalism mutualism worksheets and activities 0

Symbiosis, Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism, Mimicry Biology Worksheets and Notebook Pages

I have added new worksheets and other activities on symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, mimicry and similar topics to the Biology Packet today! In all, I added about 20 new pages, so the Biology Packet is now well over 170 pages! I also added in some matching review cards for how organisms derive their energy and nutrient requirements: herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detritivores, decomposers as well as for the terms above. I...

Homeschool confessional 6

Homeschool Confessional – Apologies – Construction, etc!

Hey everyone!! Just warning you right up front, this post has become part confessional, part apology, part explanation of our website!! I have been humbled by how many new readers we have these days.  For just one Mom sharing the work she’s making for her kids and the hands-on activities we’ve done along the way,  it’s really been an inspiring journey.  I just love what I do… and have been...

Homeschool Spanish Classes - Spanish 1 2 3 0

Homeschool Spanish Classes (from Elementary through Spanish 3)

Are your kids looking for a Spanish teacher or a Spanish curriculum? My girls are taking Sra. Morato’s Elementary Spanish class online,  but I wanted to take a moment to share with you all of her other classes as well (Spanish 1, 2 and 3). UPDATE: Her Spanish 1 class (with live teacher) is now FULL, although you can still sign up for the Spanish 1 independent study course. These...

Ancient History Writing Paper Set 0

Ancient History Writing Paper Set

This Ancient History Writing Paper Set features many of the ancient world civilizations starting with early humans and including pages on Ancient Israel, Egypt, Greece and Rome, as well as the Aztecs, Incas, and Vikings. This packet is sold as a set and is about 25 pages. Please note that there are no teacher’s notes provided. This packet contains notebook pages only! Here is what is in this packet: Early...

how do I start homeschooling 0

How Do I Start to Homeschool?! Help!

This post is both for first-time homeschoolers who are wondering where to start and for veterans who are looking for some inspiring teaching strategies to get the kids completely engaged day-to-day! Since I’ve gotten a number emails/messages asking where to begin I thought I would write a post to say You CAN Do This!! This post may also have some useful resources/activity ideas for those of you who have been...

European History Packet - Worksheets Notebook Pages and More 0

European History Packet 1500-1750

Renaissance, Reformation, Absolutism, Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment This 90+ page European History Packet contains materials covering the period from roughly 1500-1750.  It covers the Renaissance & Reformation and goes into detail about the political rulers of this time.  It also traces some of the major intellectual changes that are going on during this period.  This packet touches on all these topics – the Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Absolutism, Scientific Revolution...