Ultimate Egg-Speriment Pack!
Egg-tivities to get egg-cited for Easter!! Lots of Egg Experiments for Kids in this free printable!!
Last year around this time we had an egg-cellent time with eggs. I wrote a series of 4 posts sharing all of our activities. At the end of the series, I put together an Egg-speriment Packet. It is 16 pages long and has 13 egg experiments and activities. A few of the things we talked about included
- Why are eggs shaped the way they are?
- Why do they move the way they do?
- Can you stand on an egg?
- Will eggs float or sing in water?
- Do eggs breathe?
- How do chicks develop inside an egg?
- Is this egg hard boiled or raw?
- Brush your… egg
We did so many, it’s hard to choose our favorite. I’ll highlight just a couple of our favorite egg activities with pictures. Of course, you’ll find them all in our free packet (the link is below)!
Egg in a Jar Activity: We definitely loved the anticipation/excitement of this activity.
To do this activity, you have to soak the egg/s for 2 days in vinegar. We used old baby food jars for this activity and the kids slowly tried to maneuver the egg into the jar. It’s one we will try again this year since only LD was successful!! And, I think we will soak two eggs for each of us to try!
Egg Drop:
The kids always love the egg-drop activity. The first time we did this activity, we were studying the brain. I had the kids design a helmet that would protect our egg pilot in a fall. The shell, I told them, was his skull; the egg white and yolk was his brain.
Then I left the kids to it! I just told the kids to design something to protect their egg if we dropped it off the deck. I loved LD’s balloon idea (which worked!!) that he designed when he was 6!!
Crash Test Egg: The kids had fun trying to design a seat belt for their egg that would keep the egg safe in the long trip down our (steep) driveway! The kids made their own pinewood derby type car and tried to design a seat belt to keep it safe. They didn’t have very good luck, but they sure had fun!
Brush your… egg!
Download our free 16 page Egg-Speriment Packet here!
Click here to Save this on Pinterest:
or click here to Save this on Pinterest: Egg Experiments for Kids
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
You might be interested in these Science Packets:
Life Cycles Packet: In this 50+ page unit, kids will become familiar with the different stages in the life cycles of the chicken, sea turtle, frog, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, bee, mouse, and ladybug.
Be sure to check out our various Science Packets, like the Simple Machines Packet (which we did when the kids were 5, 7 and 9)
Earth Science Packet (150+ pages)
Layers of the Atmosphere Packet
You might be interested in these Easter posts:
- Free Easter Games: Word Family Game for -at -it -ot, Egg Races Math Game
- Free Easter and Spring PreK Packs and Printables
- Free Easter Multiplication and Division Worksheets
Do you an your kids like science experiments? You might enjoy these posts. You’ll find free Science Experiment Packs that you can download there as well.
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well.
Happy Homeschooling, everyone!! ~Liesl
You might also be interested in our 60-page Dinosaur Packet!
you may want to try this experiment to get the egg in the bottle
If the link doesn’t work the concept is to take an empty bottle. Use a match or lighter to light a small strip of paper on fire and drop it into the bottle. Before the fire goes out set a peeled hard boiled egg over the opening of the bottle. The fire will extinguish itself due to the lack of oxygen then it will force the egg into the bottle from the suction. It starts slow then all of a sudden the egg pops through. If the opening is too small in the bottle the egg will sometimes crumble as it goes through.
Thanks for the ideas for some great egg-speriments!
Thanks for sharing–what a great idea!! We’ll have to try that! 🙂 ~Liesl