Dinosaur Packet for 3-7 Year Olds – Dinosaur Lapbook, Montessori Cards and More!
DD had an amazing time with this Dinosaur Unit! She did everything from learning many of the dinosaur’s names, to finding out what they ate, what period they lived in, and a number of dinosaur games along the way!
This packet covers 15 dinosaurs: Allosaurus, Ankylosaurs, Apatasaurus, Brachiosaurus, Herrerasaurus (one of the earliest dinosaurs), Iguanodon, Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurus, Pteranodon, Quetzalcoatlus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor.
There are Montessori 3-Part cards for each of these dinosaurs:
She worked really hard to complete a dinosaur lapbook, the first one she’s done in quite a while. She was very proud of the final product! She did a lot of writing and really enjoyed all the games and activities we did during this unit. In her lapbook, she sorted the dinosaurs into the periods in which they lived. She also learned a bit about each dinosaur and chose several to write about.
Since my kids were interested in dinosaurs at a very young age, I decided to make a number of pages for younger kids as well (I’ll share more pictures below.) The result is a very large packet!! It has more than 100 pages! I’ll share some close-ups of the various pages in this packet down below.
Our Dinosaur Packet contains a dinosaur lapbook, Montessori 3-Part cards, Dinosaur Fast Fact cards, Information cards, math games, letter recognition and number recognition activities, coloring, matching, herbivore vs. carnivore sorting, notebook pages (with tracing or fill-in-the-blanks) and so much more! I kept adding more activities — and it is now over 100 pages of activities… This includes four PDFs. Hopefully you’ll find everything you need to have an *amazing* time with your kids!
This packet is $4.99. When you click on the link below, it will take you directly to paypal. You will receive the four files immediately after payment is received.
NOTE: This unit is included in Big Animal BUNDLE 2. You can see more details about Big Animal BUNDLE 2 here.
Our Packets are PDF digital downloads. We use PayPal, but you can pay with a credit card (without creating a PayPal account). PayPal doesn’t make that very clear, so here are directions on how to pay with a credit card.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or need help! ~Liesl
Dinosaur Unit
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Here are pictures of what is included:
Dinosaur Preschool Activities: This packet contains tracing practice sheets, dinosaur matching, coloring, Montessori cards as well as a math grid game, a bingo game, letter recognition activities, counting and addition activities, and more!
Here are some of the activities my daughter (age 7) did last week:
Dinosaur Lapbook:
What is a Lapbook? A lapbook is a project book that kids can hold in their lap. It is usually made from a manila folder (or two) that is used to display different foldables, mini-books and other materials. It provides a space for displaying graphic, written material, games, manipulatives and other educational materials.
Here’s how my daughter made the lapbook pieces:
After my daughter put together the lapbook pieces, she spent time on the Age of Reptiles pages. I printed out both the page with the time period when the dinosaurs lived and the blank Age of Reptiles page.
Day 1: We went through the page together and she matched the lapbook pieces with the picture and put all the dinosaurs in order (there are dinosaurs from each of the three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods). You can also use the Montessori 3-part cards for this.
Day 2: She cut out the small dinosaur squares and glued those onto the Age of Reptiles page.
Day 3: Using the information in from the Dinosaur Fast Facts (in her lapbook pieces), she sorted the dinosaurs into herbivores and carnivores.
Montessori 3-Part Dinosaur Cards:
Our packet contains 15 Montessori cards. You will need to print out two sets of the cards. I usually print cards out on card stock for durability.
Odd-Even Game: We played the Odd-Even Game several times (pictured in the collage below on the right). She rolled two dice and added them together. If she got an even number, she could move ahead one space. Then it was my turn. Since I was traveling along the odd dinosaur tracks, I could only move forward if the sum of the dice I rolled was odd.
Dinosaur Games: Here are just a few of the Dinosaur-Themed Games in this packet:
Update: My daughter has been interested in fossils and paleontology for a long time now! She recently requested some notebook pages. I added in a new PDF – this one with basic dinosaur information pages (with tracing) for the younger crowd and some notebook pages (with lines) for older students like my daughter! Here are a couple of pages of this third Dinosaur PDF (which is 50 pages itself!!)
$4.99 Dinosaur Unit (100+ pages – Multi-Age Packet: 75 pages for ages 3-6; 80+ pages for ages 7-9) View Post or View Image 1 image 2, image 3, image 4 lapbook, image 4, image 5, image 6, image 7, image 8, image 9, image 10, image 11, image 12
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link! Feel free to email me if you need any help!
That’s about it! This project was much more time consuming than I anticipated, but it was a blast to put together! It grew steadily from 30 pages to 40 to 50… to well over 100!! I hope some other dinosaur lovers will have fun with our packet!!
Big Animal BUNDLE 2
The Dinosaur Packet is included in Big Animal BUNDLE 2. You can find out more
$29.99 Big Animal BUNDLE 2 1) Animal Unit, 2) World Animals Packet, 3) Rainforest Packet, 4) Life Cycles Packet, 5) Winter Packet plus the 6) Cicada Packet 7) Chameleons Packet 8) Wolves Packet 9) Mitten Activity Packet 10) Dinosaur Unit and the 11) Australia Unit.
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link. You can always email me if you need help! ~Liesl
These units are also sold separately. Visit the Big Animal BUNDLE page for more details!
The Animal Unit is 100+ pages. It covers basic animal classification, animal characteristics, body coverings: feathers, fur, scales or skin, vertebrate groups, invertebrate groups, domesticated vs. wild animals, animals and their tracks, nocturnal vs diurnal animals, herbivores vs. carnivores animal homes and shelters and more!
The World Animal Packet is 75+ pages. It covers animals of the 7 continents. There is a new section all about African animals of the savanna.
The Rainforest Packet is 75+ pages. Learn all about Tropical and Temperate Rainforests, where they are located, Amazon Rainforest Facts, rainfall in the Amazon, Animals & Insects of the Amazon, Layers of the Rainforest Activities and more.
The Life Cycles Packet is 50+ pages. It helps kids become familiar with the different stages in the life cycles of the chicken, sea turtle, frog, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, bee, mouse, and ladybug.
The Winter Packet and Hibernation Unit is 100+ Pages. The first part covers Growing Crystals, Months/ Seasons, Earth’s Axis and the Seasons, Arctic vs. Antarctica, Polar Animals, Penguins, Seals, Whales, about a dozen PreK Activity Pages. The Hibernation Unit covers: why animals hibernate, terms such as torpor, brumation, estivation, diapause, endotherms vs. ectotherms. Plus, it covers where animals spend the winter and the dangers of hibernation. It includes various activities such as notebook pages, interactive notebook/lapbook pieces, matching and tracing pages.
Cicadas Packet: This 20-page unit includes cicada worksheets, notebook pages and a lapbook so kids can learn more about this fascinating insect!
Chameleons Packet This 15-page mini-unit helps kids learn all about chameleons from where they live and what they eat to how big they are and why the change colors.
Wolves Packet This 35+page mini-unit helps learn all about wolves. It includes notebook pages with tracing, a lapbook and activity pages.
Australia Unit (75-pages) This unit covers the geography and animals of Australia.
I’d love to hear how it goes for your kids. 🙂 Leave me a comment here or at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! ~Liesl
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Hi I have a 4 year old I will be using this with. So would I just use the first file and add to it from the second file as he gets older? Thanks it looks great.
Hi–There are pages from both files that you could use with your son. The reason there are two pdfs is because one was made in portrait and the other (like the Montessori cards) were made in landscape mode… otherwise I would have put the two files together. Actually, if I took the time to figure that out, I could probably combine the files, but since it’s not intuitive, I just kept the two files separate. 🙂 So, be sure to look through all the materials. A lot of the materials could be adapted for using with your son… For example, he could make a lapbook with the lapbook pieces, but instead of the descriptions of the dinosaurs, you could lightly pencil the dinosaurs’ names and have him trace them. Hope that helps! ~Liesl
How many different dinosaurs are in the set?
Hi Dyamon,
There are 15 different dinosaurs: Allosaurus, Ankylosaurs, Apatasaurus, Brachiosaurus, Herrerasaurus (one of the earliest dinosaurs), Iguanodon, Parasaurolophus, Plesiosaurus, Pteranodon, Quetzalcoatlus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor. I also uploaded a screen shot of these dinosaurs to the top of the post. Hope that helps! 🙂 ~Liesl