Spelling Bundle

Spelling BUNDLE - Activities and GamesOur Spelling BUNDLE currently consists of 9 PDFs. Pictures are provided below!

1. Long A & Long I Packet

2. Long E Packet

3. Long O Packet (NEW!)

4. ou/ow oy/oi au/aw Packet

5. /er/ Sound Packet

6. /k/ Sound Packet

7. /ul/ Sound Packet

8. ie/ei Words Packet

9. Plurals – add -s or -es

Glance through pictures of all of the spelling games/activities listed below.

Our packets are PDF digital downloads. Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link. If you don’t get your link within a few minutes feel free to email me and I can get you your link manually. Let me know if you have any questions or special requests! ~Liesl

$4.00 Long A Sound and Long I Sound Word Sorts and Games (plus the bonus packet: Word Sorts for Activities for r-wr and n-kn)

$3.00 Long E Sound Word Sort and Games

$3.00 Long O Sound Word Sort and Games

Long O Sound Spelling Word Sorts and Activities $3.00 ow ou oy oi aw au Word Sort Activities and Games

$3.00 /er/ Sound Word Sort and Games

$3.00 /k/ Sound Word Sort Activities and Games (c, k, ck, ch, cc, que – spellings)

$3.00 /ul/ Sound: Word Sort and Activities for words ending in -le -el -al -il -ol -ile

$3.00 ie ei Words – Worksheets, Activities & Games for words spelled ie (such as piece, chief, yield, ancient, science, glacier, goalie) and words spelled with ei (such as receive, beige, foreign, ceiling, receipt and more!)

$3.00 Plurals – Worksheets, Activities & Games for adding -s or -es to create plurals. Plus, there are activities for practicing irregular spellings & words that change from f to v.

$18.99 Spelling BUNDLE – Buy all of the packets listed above (and any that I create in the future). The Spelling Bundle includes: 1. Long A & Long I Packet 2. Long E Packet 3. Long O Packet 4. ou/ow oy/oi au/aw Packet 5. /er/ Sound Packet 6. /k/ Sound Packet 7. /ul/ Sound Packet 8. ie/ei Words Packet 9. Plurals – add -s or -es

Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me by email! ~Liesl

Spelling BUNDLE - Activities and GamesClick here to save this for later on Pinterest:

Spelling BUNDLE - Long A Long I Long E vowel teams K-sound er-sound and more

Here’s more about the spelling sorts, games and activities: You can click on the links to read the posts which provide a bit more detail.

Long A Word Sort

LongA-Sound-ActivitiesLong A Sound Words a ai ay ei ey eigh silent e Activities

Long I Word Sort

Long-i-Word-Sort-Practice-PageLong i words ie y i-e igh Spelling ActivitiesPlus words spelled with R/Wr or N/Kn

Words spelled wr - r or kn - n - Word Sorts Activities and GamesLong E Words: e ee ea e-e, ie, ei, y ey

Long E-Sound Word Sort Activities and Games

Long O Sound Word Sort, Games and Activities

Long O Sound Spelling Packet - words sort activities and games

ou ow oi oy aw au Word Sort

ow ou oy oi aw au Word Sort-Activities

er Sound Word Sort and Game: ur, ir, er, or, ear, our Spelling Words


K-Sound Spelling Sort:  This set works on the /k/ sound: covering the hard K-sound with spellings c, k, ck, ch, cc and que.


Spelling Word Endings -le -el -al -il -ol -ile Word Sort, Games, and Activities

L-sound le el al il ol ile - Gamesie ei Words – Worksheets and Activities

ie ei worksheets games and activites for spellling practice

Plurals – Activities and Games This set works on adding -s or -es to form plurals. Plus, there are some sorting cards & a game board for practicing some of the irregular plurals or words that change from f to v.

Plurals Spelling Games and ActivitiesPlurals - Irregular Words or Changing f to v

You might also be interested in our Consonant Blend BUNDLE:

$5.99 Consonant Blend Worksheets Games and Activities (Bundle of 3 pdfs). Includes Set 1 (L-Blends such as bl, cl, gl, fl and pl, 20 pages) 2 (R-Blends such as br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, 30 pages) and (S-Blends such as sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw).  See more details here for L-Blends and here for R-Blends and here for S-Blends or you can check out the Quick Preview here.

Consonant Blend BUNDLE - L-BLends R-Blends S-BlendsConsonant Blends - L-Blends - Worksheets Games and Activities Consonant Blend Games and Activities for bl cl fl gl pl R-Blend Games and Activities Consonant Blends Games for L-Blends and R-Blends R-Blend Worksheets and Games S-Blend Activities - Fun with Blends Consonant Blend Games and Activities - S-Blends S-Blend Worksheets Games and Activities Packet

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