Free Fall Skip Counting Mazes – 2s 3s 5s 10s
This post has lots of free Fall and Thanksgiving math printables including these free skip counting worksheets.
The skip counting mazes review the 2s 3s 5s and 10s. In the maze, kids have to find the numbers 2 through 22, 3 through 33, 5 through 55 and 10 through 110.
To find the skip counting row, move in any direction up, down, left, right, diagonal!
Download the FREE Skip Counting Mazes here:
Be sure to check out all the skip counting activities, games, and worksheets in our 300+ page MULTIPLICATION/DIVISION BUNDLE!
The answer solutions are provided as well: I made this next set of skip counting mazes for my daughter a couple of years ago. She really liked doing these!! Some of them have characters on them, but I also included a few plain ones at the end so you can use them any time of the year.
Again, with these pages, you can go in any direction – up, down, left, right and diagonally.
Fall Skip Counting Pages for 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s
Multiplication and Division BUNDLE!!
Learning the Multiplication Facts: As my daughter moved into learning her multiplication facts I looked around for the kind of multiplication practice that would help her. The math book she was using went through the math facts a bit too quickly for her. She needed quite a bit of repetition and wanted bright, colorful worksheets. I wound up making my own sets of practice pages and games. She loved that! Be sure to check out our Multiplication/Division Bundle here at this page: Multiplication & Division BUNDLE Or scroll down to purchase the bundle of 25 pdfs below. (I enjoy making these!)
If you are interested in even more fun, colorful worksheets and games be sure to check out our HUGE Multiplication/Division BUNDLE!
At just $7.00 it’s an amazing deal! You get well over 300 pages of materials and more than 25 PDFs in this math bundle! I recently added a new PDF packets on the 11s and 12s!
$7.00 Multiplication and Division Bundle (300+ pages of materials, more than 25 PDFs!)
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link (from SendOwl, the service I use)!
This Multiplication/Division BUNDLE includes packets on the 2s through the 12s!
Worksheets, Games and Activities for learning the Multiplication and Division Facts!
You can visit this Multiplication/Division Bundle page for more details or scroll down below for more pictures of what is included.
Multiplication and Division Bundle (300+ pages of materials)
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
A new Fall Themed 3s Multiplication and Division Packet was recently added to the BUNDLE!!
Buy our COMPLETE Multiplication & Division bundle, 300+ pages, 20 PDF files (and growing!), for $7.00. These fun packets include fun, colorful worksheets, games and activities!
Here is what is included. I’ll include some closer pictures as well.
- 2s Monster Truck Theme! (12 pages)
- 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s (8 Pages) – Bugs, Butterfly and Flowers Theme
- Flower and Bird Theme (25+ pages total) 13 worksheets specifically for learning the 3s; Plus it also has 8 pages of mixed practice for reviewing the 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.
- Flower and Bird Theme File Folder Games (2s through 6s)
- The 4s Packet has a total of about 25 pages.
- The 6s Packet is 10 pages.
- Multiplication by 7s Packet and Review Pages, 10 pages. (Only available in this bundle.)
- 8s packet (seen below) is 37 pages.
- The 9s packet has a total of 19 pages.
- Mixed Multiplication Practice Pages (9 pages) – (Only available in this bundle.) Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction plus introducing the new skill – double-digit multiplication (a few problems on each page).
- Multiplication (and Division) Review Packet, Ancient Egypt Theme (25+ pages)
- Easter QR Code Reader Multiplication Card Packet (12 pages)
- Multiplication and Division Practice Packet – Doodle Animals (25 pages)
- Seasonal Math Multiplication & Division Worksheets – Valentine’s Day (10 pages)
- Skip Counting, Multiplication & Division Practice Pages – (15 pages)
- Fall Multiplication Solve and Color Worksheets (7 pages) (Only available in this bundle.)
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well.
Again, if you are interested in joining our Homeschool Den Newsletter, feel free to subscribe here. It’s a great way to hear about our latest packets and to learn about many of the hundreds of printables & other materials we have tucked away on the blog!
More Fall and Thanksgiving posts that might be of interest:
- Free Fall Math Game Board – Use this game board for any type of math fact practice. Players move around the board until one person lands on the WIN space. My oldest used this to add positive and negative numbers… but you can use this for number recognition, easy addition, subtraction or multiplication problems. 🙂
- Free Fall and Thanksgiving Math Games and Printables – Which has links to over a half-dozen free math activities (grades K-4th roughly)
- I also made some Thanksgiving themed Number Family Sheets and basic addition matching (turkey to feather)
- Fall and Thanksgiving Themed Printable Activities (free) has a lot of links to materials appropriate for younger kids — preschool and kindergarten including dot-to-dots, preschool packs and more…
You may also be interested in our free skip counting mazes: