Tagged: multiplication games

FREE Math Game Board - Multiplication Division 0

FREE Math Board Games – Multiplication and Division

These FREE Math Board Games will help your kids practice their math facts!  This version includes multiplication & division cards for the 2s through 10s! My kids played a version of this game for years and would always beg to play “just one more round.” (That’s a win for Mom!!) By the way, the Addition/Subtraction version is here. It is also free! I wanted to make this set available FREE...

Easter QR code multiplication cards 0

Easter QR Code Multiplication Games

Active Easter Multiplication Games for 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s We absolutely love active math games.  With the weather getting nicer, I thought I’d put together some fun games for the girls to practice their multiplication math facts.  I made a set of multiplication cards for the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s multiplication tables. The answers are on the QR code reader. Here are some of the...

Math Cups 3

Active Multiplication Math Games and Free Online Multiplication Games

DD has learned most of her multiplication facts, but she still needs lots of extra practice because it takes her a while to come up with the answer sometimes.  I’m trying to find some fun ways to keep her practicing them and making sure she has them memorized and can recite the answer quickly. So here’s a post covering some of the fun ways we’re reviewing those facts… everything from...


Free Ultimate Math Game Board (+free addition cards)

This week I brought out a math game board to go over some math facts with the kids. The great thing about this board is that the kids can practice any math skill they’re working on. A player can start on any green start space. If she answers a math fact card correctly, she rolls the die and moves clockwise around the gameboard.  If she lands on a space such...

Fast Track Multiplication Facts Game 2

Fun Multiplication Facts Practice

Last week DD played many, many rounds of Fast Track.  This is an idea I got years ago from Peggy Kaye’s wonderful book, Games for Math: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Learn Math, From Kindergarten to Third Grade (affiliate link). We used the little Pokemon-themed flashcards I made for her a month or so ago… she’s working hard on those multiplication facts! This is a homemade board with several...

File Folder Games 0

File Folder Games

Have you heard of File Folder Games? They are quick games to help build skills in math, reading, science, social studies and more.  We use them lots and lots in our homeschool. Here are a couple examples that ED, my preschooler, has played recently. This File Folder Game has her practicing counting by 10s and 1s: Here are a couple other examples. One has the child fill in the missing...

Multiplication Card Game – Great for beginners or advanced learners 0

Multiplication Card Game – Great for beginners or advanced learners

Last November we reviewed a  multiplication card game called Speed!  We still love this card game so much!  DD has started playing it almost daily as she works on her 3s and 4s times tables and practices skip counting.  We play a variety of games with these decks of cards. Since DD is just learning how to play we don’t do the competitive, quick game of Speed (see details about...

Multiplication Games 1

Multiplication Games

LD has learned most of his multiplication facts, but he still needs that extra practice. Here are some online games that he has really enjoyed. And best thing is,  they’re free to play! Multiplication.com has quite a selection of multiplication games. Here are a few of the online games that have been great for reviewing those facts. The Knight and the Princess Multiplication Game: This has to be one of the kids very...