Multiplication Games
LD has learned most of his multiplication facts, but he still needs that extra practice. Here are some online games that he has really enjoyed. And best thing is, they’re free to play! has quite a selection of multiplication games. Here are a few of the online games that have been great for reviewing those facts.
The Knight and the Princess Multiplication Game:
This has to be one of the kids very favorite online games!!
And another from called Fairy Fun. The picture adds more and more detail as you answer the problems correctly.
There is also an addition game Fairy Fun Addition Game from Fun4thebrain.
Keep your penguin customers happy by scooping at the correct answers in Cone Crazy:
Fun for the Brain also has a lot of good multiplication games:
Scrambled Egg City
A game by MacMillan-McGrawHill for reviewing the
6s and 8s (pictured below)
Timez Attack
The other terrific game that I’ve had the kids play is called Timez Attack. There is a free version that does a wonderful job of teaching all the multiplication facts. This game plays more like a video game and students work on progressively harder problems.
you should check out all the multiplication games at Multiplication Games