Category: Homeschool Den

What science topics could I teach my 5-7 year old - Homeschool Science Curriculum 0

What science topics should I teach my 5-7 year old?

I had a reader ask what  topics that a Kindergartner/1st Grader (ie. 5-7 year old) might learn for science. I’ve gotten this same question several times in the past month or so, so I thought I might share with you some of the topics we explored when the kids were in early elementary. As you’ll see below, there are SO many things you could do with your kids.  Just ask...

Chemistry Experiments 0

Fun Chemistry Experiments!

This week we started back to school.  We love hands-on activities and jumped in with some fun, hands-on activities to bring our new units on chemistry alive! These are experiments you may have done with the kids in preschool, but are as important for understanding chemistry concepts in middle school and beyond! 🙂 For ED, we spent some time reviewing the changing states of matter. It had been several years...


High School Chemistry Notebook Pages

Hey there! This is a question for the parents of high school students: Are you working with your high school student on high school chemistry this year? Are you interested in our chemistry notebook pages? Drop me an email if you are interested. I’m just trying to see if there’s interest/need (because it can be time consuming and time is limited… you know b/c we’re a busy homeschooling family!!). UPDATE:...

Spanish Worksheet BUNDLE Set 2 - colores formas figuras mascotas numeros 0

Spanish Worksheet Bundle – colores, formas y figuras, mascotas, numeros

The second Spanish BUNDLE for kids is now available. It covers Spanish Basics  Numbers, Shapes, Pets, Numbers – colores, formas o figuras, mascotas, numeros. In this unit, students will learn the colors in Spanish and then will go on to be able to describe and count different shapes and many different types of pets. This program builds progressively from unit to unit, so students continue to use, practice and build...

Properties of Matter Worksheets Activities - elements compounds solutions 0

Properties of Matter Worksheets and Activities

We are starting off the year with this middle school chemistry unit on the physical and chemical properties of matter. I have done an extensive update to the original Properties of Matter Packet, adding in dozens of pages of materials! This packet is well over 50 pages and includes various hands-on activities and all the teacher-notes/answer pages (bringing it closer to 100 pages in all!) Note: If you ordered the...

Days of the Week Months of the Year Seasons Worksheets and Booklet 0

Calendar Packet – Days of the Week, Months, Seasons Worksheets & Booklet

This new Calendar Packet covers the Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons. It includes both worksheets & booklets. This 40-page pdf has just been added to the (growing) K-2 Math BUNDLE, but can be purchased individually as well. What is included in the Calendar Packet? There are worksheets for the Days of the Week, Months of the Year and Seasons of the Year. There are also booklets for the...

USA States and Capitals Packet 0

USA States and Capitals Packet

This new 100+ page packet will help your student/s learn the U.S. states and capitals. We are doing American History this year and I wanted to be sure the kids had a good foundation in U.S. geography. U.S. regions worksheets: The 50+ pages of geography worksheets are organized by regions: Northeast Southeast Midwest Northwest (plus Alaska and Hawaii) Southwest We’ll go over the state’s location and the capitals of the...

5 Things you Can Do Now to Prepare for the New Homeschool Year - Homeschooling 0

5 Things you Can Do Now to Prepare for the New Homeschool Year!

It’s mid-summer. For some of us, school is still a few weeks away.  Others have started homeschooling or never stopped!  Regardless, we all would like to head into the new year more organized and ready to go, right?! Here are a few tips for getting off on the right foot: 1. Relax It is SO important to get recharged.  Make sure both you and the kids have stepped away from...

High School Homeschool Resource Guide - Subjects, Topics of Study - Grades 9-12 0

Free Resource Guide for Homeschooling in High School: Grades 9-12

Over the past few months, I’ve had quite a number of people contact me, asking if I had the Homeschool Resource Guide for High School, Grades 9-12, ready yet.  It is now available and like the other Curriculum Resource Guides for younger students, this is FREE to download! I hope it’s helpful! This free Homeschooling in High School Resource Guide for grades 9-12 will help you and your student figure...

Middle Ages Unit - Worksheets, Chronology Cards, Notebook Pages, Feudalism Simulation, Activities 0

Middle Ages – Feudalism Packet

Middle Ages – Feudalism Unit Our Middle Ages – Feudalism Packet has grown to more than 50 pages!!   I added in a number of new activities including Middle Ages event cards (for the Early, High and Late Middle Ages) with extensive teacher notes and a new cut-and-paste feudalism activity.  You will also find an awesome feudalism simulation, art analysis, and lots of different notebook pages (with answers provided, of course!)....

Homeschool Travels Summer 2019 Flight 93 Memorial, WWI Museum, Palace of Gold and more 0

Flight 93 Memorial, National World War I Museum and more!

We have gotten to see (and do!) a wide variety of things this month!!  I want to share a couple of amazing places to visit if you have studied World War I or the Russian Revolution. Plus, I wanted to share some pictures of some other places we have visited like the Flight 93 Memorial in PA, the Palace of Gold in West Virginia, and the Institute of Art in...

Spanish Worksheets for Kids Mi familia - My Family - SpanishSet1 2

Spanish Worksheets for Kids – Mi familia – My family

Learn the vocabulary about your family with these fun, colorful Spanish worksheet sets! Mi Familia Students will learn the words for family members, how to introduce someone by name, vocabulary to describe your family members (artistic, shy, talented, funny, neat, studious and more), and greetings and farewells. There are 4 packets in this  Spanish Worksheet Set: 1) ¿Quién es mi familia? Who is my family? 2) ¿Cómo se llama mi...

Free Summer Planning Packet 0

Free Summer Planning Packet!

Are you getting ready for summer?! Check out this free Summer Planning Packet  — including more than 350 activity ideas, summer planning pages, pet sitter instruction page, trip planning pages, a packing list, a summer goals sheet, and a Summer Camp at Home planner. Hopefully, this FREE packet will help you get ready for some serious summertime fun! 🙂 Free Summer Planning Packet Click on the link or the picture...


Homeschool Challenges – Organization, Schedules, and More!

As homeschoolers we wrestle with a lot of questions, issues, and challenges: planning, preparing, organizing, scheduling, juggling, managing (moods/squabbles) AND getting things done. Plus, we have the added challenge of having our kids watching us and learning from us every moment of the day! “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” ~John Cotton Dana As we look at a new year (or even when we look at the...