Spanish Worksheets for Kids – Mi familia – My family
Learn the vocabulary about your family with these fun, colorful Spanish worksheet sets! Mi Familia
Students will learn the words for family members, how to introduce someone by name, vocabulary to describe your family members (artistic, shy, talented, funny, neat, studious and more), and greetings and farewells.
There are 4 packets in this Spanish Worksheet Set: 1) ¿Quién es mi familia? Who is my family? 2) ¿Cómo se llama mi familia? What is my family called? 3) ¿Cómo es mi familia? What is my family like? 4) Saludos y despedidas greetings and farewells
Let me tell you about how/why these Spanish Worksheets were created!
Sra. Morato, a native Spanish speaker and Spanish teacher with more than 20+ years of teaching experience, and I have worked for the past two years building the Spanish Elementary Program. This is an online course that builds progressively from topic to topic, using vocabulary from previous units. The Online Elementary Spanish Program includes videos, online flashcards, online games, and face-to-face classroom/speaking time with Sra. Morato. These worksheet sets are found within Sra. Morato’s Spanish Elementary Spanish Course. (See more about Sra. Morato’s Online Homeschool Spanish Program in the Spanish Store!)
Sra. Morato and I have also been receiving emails and requests to see if the Spanish Worksheet Packets are available for purchase. Some of you speak Spanish, but want the support of a worksheets geared for kids. We have decided to make these worksheets available for purchase. Eventually there will be 12 Spanish Worksheet Sets!
This program builds progressively from unit to unit, so students continue to use, practice and build their Spanish vocabulary!
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 1: Mi familia – My family
Spanish Set 1: Mi familia – My Family This set includes 4 pdfs:
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 1 – Quick Preview or visit the post for more details
- ¿Quién es mi familia? vocabulary about family members from son, daughter, mother & father to aunt, uncle, grandpa and grandma (30 pages) Click here to view image of this packet
- ¿Cómo se llama mi familia? what is my family called (10 pages) This packet teaches students how to introduce someone by name. View image of this packet.
- ¿Cómo es mi familia? vocabulary to describe your family members (artistic, shy, talented, funny, neat, studious and more) (20 pages) View image of this packet.
- Saludos y despedidas greetings and farewells (15 pages) View image of this packet.
- These sets include matching pages, flashcards, and fill-in-the-blank pages.Answer sheets are provided!
- There are two sets of bingo games in this set to help kids practice and review the vocabulary – one for the family members (mother, father, aunt, cousin, etc) and one for adjectives that describe people (talented, intelligent, short, serious, etc.).
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 1: Mi familia – My Family
$6.99 currently $5.99
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Note: This is a zipped file with 4 pdfs. You might need to accept the file before it downloads completely. Keep your eye on the bottom of your browser as the file downloads.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems! ~Liesl
Be sure to check out the other Spanish BUNDLES in the Spanish Store!
Six Spanish Worksheet BUNDLES are now available as is the Human Body Parts Packet. 🙂
Each packet covers about 20 to 25 new vocabulary words with practice worksheets & flashcards for this new vocab… plus, each packet also includes full practice sentences. These sentences build upon the vocabulary in the previous sets.
$6.99 $5.99 Spanish Set 2: BUNDLE: colores, formas y figuras, mascotas, números – colors, shapes, pets & numbers (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 3: BUNDLE School – 1. Mi Salón de Clases 2. Mi materiales de la escuela 3. Mis materias de la escuela 4. Mis actividades de la escuela (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$5.99 $4.99 Spanish Set 4: BUNDLE Days Months Seasons Weather – 1. Los días de la semana 2. Los Meses del año 3. Las estaciones 4. El tiempo o El clima (includes 2 pdfs – the days of the week & months of the year are in one pdf, the seasons and weather are in the other pdf. Each pdf is about 50 pages.) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 5: 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom and 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores. (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 6: Todo sobre la comida – All About Food The four topics in Set 6 are 1. Alrededor de la mesa – Around the Table 2. El desayuno – Preparing Breakfast 3. El almuerzo – Preparing Lunch 4. La Cena – Preparing Dinner (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$3.99 el cuerpo humano Spanish Worksheet Packet (1 pdf – 25 pages) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 2: colores, formas o figuras, mascotas, numeros
Spanish Basics – Numbers, Shapes, Pets, Numbers
In this unit, students will learn the colors in Spanish and then will go on to be able to describe and count different shapes and many different types of pets.
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 3: escuela
Visit the Spanish Store.
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 3: Escuela – School
This set includes 4 pdfs and includes worksheets, flashcards, games and more!
- 1. Mi Salón de Clases – Learn items around the school room including things like table, chair, globe, clock, floor, wall etc. 30 pages including answer pages.
- 2. Mi materiales de la escuela – Learn materials you use in school such as paper, pencil, glue, paint brush, scissors, and more.
- 3. Mis materias de la escuela – Learn the school classes such as math, science, history, art, music and more.
- 4. Mis actividades de la escuela– Learn activities you might do at school. These are simple verbs such as I study, I draw, I practice, I learn, I use, I sing and more.
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 4: Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Seasons Weather
Spanish BUNDLE Set 4: Each of the 4 topics includes 12-18 simple words and 15-20 sentences using that new vocabulary and include matching pages, fill-in-the-blank pages, flashcards and more. Here are some examples (right click to enlarge the image):
- Los días de la semana: vocabulary words such as lunes, martes, miércoles, la semana, etc. and sentences such as Hoy es viernes. Ayer fue martes. El jueves aprendo español.
- Los Meses del año: vocabulary words such asenero, febrero, marzo, el mes, el día de fiesta, etc. and sentences such as Es el mes de octubre. Hay doce meses. etc.
- Las estaciones: vocabulary words such as el otoño, el invierno, el verano, la vacación de primavera, la navidad, la pascua etc. and sentences such as La navidad es en el invierno. El día de San Valentín es en febrero. Navidad es el veinticinco de diciembre.
- El tiempo o El clima: vocabulary words such as Hace frío, la lluvia, el sol, las nubes, Hace viento. etc. and sentences such as En el verano hace calor. Hoy hace viento. En la primavera hace sol.
Spanish Worksheets for Kids – Days Months Seasons Weather
$5.99 $4.99 Spanish Set 4: BUNDLE Days Months Seasons Weather – 1. Los días de la semana 2. Los Meses del año 3. Las estaciones 4. El tiempo o El clima (includes 2 pdfs – the days of the week & months of the year are in one pdf, the seasons and weather are in the other pdf. Each pdf is about 50 pages.)
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Note: This is a zipped file with 2 pdfs. You might need to accept the file before it downloads completely. Keep your eye on the bottom of your browser as the file downloads.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems! ~Liesl
Spanish BUNDLE Set 5: Mi Casa – My house
Spanish BUNDLE Set 5:
$7.99 currently $6.99
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish BUNDLE Set 5: 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom and 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores.
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Each of the 4 topics includes 12-18 simple words and 15-20 sentences using that new vocabulary and include matching pages, fill-in-the-blank pages, flashcards and more. The sentences include vocabulary from previous Spanish sets such as family members, colors, shapes, numbers and days of the week.
Here are some examples (right click to enlarge the image):
- 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house – Words such as la cocina, la sala, el garaje, el cuarto de juguetes, el sótano, el comedor etc. and sentences such as Mi hermano está en el baño. or La oficina es pequeña.
- 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom including words such as la cama, la almohada, el ropero, la sábana and las cortinas and sentences such as La lámpara es azul. Hay veinte juguetes. This packet includes 8 bingo cards.
- 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom including words such as sofá, sillón, la lampara, la mesita, el papel higiénico, la ducha and el cepillo de dientes and sentences such as Esta es la mesa de centro marrón. or Este es el lavamanos verde. This packet includes 8 bingo cards.
- 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores. This includes first-person simple sentences such as Hago la cama. Pongo la mesa. Recojo los juguetes. Doy de comer al perro. and others such as Yo saco la basura los lunes. or Yo lavo los platos en la cocina.
Note: This is a zipped file with 4 pdfs. You might need to accept the file before it downloads completely. Keep your eye on the bottom of your browser as the file downloads.
Remember to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems! ~Liesl
Spanish Set 6: All About Food Around the Table (common items and foods), Preparing Breakfast, Preparing Lunch, Preparing Dinner (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
Spanish Worksheet Set 6 is all about food. There are 4 pdfs in Spanish Bundle 6 that include common words you would use while preparing and making meals. These include dishes, food items and various verbs you would use while preparing food from chopping and cooking to wiping the table and sweeping the floor.
The four topics in Set 6 are 1. Alrededor de la mesa – Around the Table 2. El desayuno – Preparing Breakfast 3. El almuerzo – Preparing Lunch 4. La Cena – Preparing Dinner
Again, here’s how you can reach us:
Sra. Morato’s website:
Sra. Morato’s email:
Contact me (Liesl) for more information about the Spanish Worksheets here.
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
Again, if you are interested in joining our Homeschool Den Newsletter, feel free to subscribe here. It’s a great way to hear about our latest packets and to learn about many of the hundreds of printables & other materials we have tucked away on the blog!
My name is Diana. I made a purchase of a spanish packet. I have not received it yet. What should I do?
Hi Diana,
I have sent you a reply with your download link (to the email address you provided here). I can see that SendOwl (the automatic delivery service I use) sent off the download link to a different email address (it’s the one probably still linked to your PayPal account). Anyway, let me know if you have any trouble! Again, I am so sorry for the delay! Thanks so much for your purchase. I hope your kids enjoy the material! ~Liesl