Spanish Worksheets for Kids – Mi Casa y Mis quehaceres de la casa
My House and Chores
This set of Spanish Worksheets for Kids covers four topics: 1) Rooms in the house, 2) Things in the bedroom, 3) Things in the living room and bathroom and 4) Chores.
Each set includes a list of 10-20 new vocabulary words and around 20 sentences that uses this new vocabulary. Each pdf includes tracing pages, matching pages, fill-in-the-blank pages, flashcards and more. Here are some examples.
Note: Some of the sentences in this set use vocabulary from the previous sets in this curriculum: For example, the sentences in this unit assume students know vocabulary from the previous Spanish sets such family members, numbers, colors & shapes, and the days of the week.
- Mi Casa – Rooms in the House: vocabulary words such as el dormitorio, la sala, el baño, la cocina, la oficina etc. and sentences such as Mi madre está en la sala. The kitchen is dirty.
- Mi dormitorio – My bedroom: vocabulary words such as la cama, la cómoda, el ropero, el reloj, la sábana, etc. and sentences such as La almohada es blanca. Hay veinte juguetes. El espejo es un óvalo.
- Sala de estar y baño – Things in the living room and bathroom: vocabulary words such as sillón, la lampara, la toalla, la bañera etc. and sentences such as Esta es la mesa de centro marrón. Esta es la ducha. Este es el lavamanos verde.
- Mis quehaceres de la casa – My Housework: vocabulary such as Hago la cama. Limpio el dormitorio. Camino al perro. etc. and sentences such as Yo recojo los juguetes los sábado. Yo saco la basura los lunes.
Each pdf above is about 20-25 pages. They include answer pages.
There are larger pictures of each set down below.
Spanish BUNDLE Set 5: $7.99 currently $6.99
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish BUNDLE Set 5: 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom and 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores.
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Each of the 4 topics in Set 5 includes 12-18 simple words and 15-20 sentences using that new vocabulary and include matching pages, fill-in-the-blank pages, flashcards and more. The sentences include vocabulary from previous Spanish sets such as family members, colors, shapes, numbers and days of the week.
Here are some examples (right click to enlarge the image):
- 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house – Words such as la cocina, la sala, el garaje, el cuarto de juguetes, el sótano, el comedor etc. and sentences such as Mi hermano está en el baño. or La oficina es pequeña.
- 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom including words such as la cama, la almohada, el ropero, la sábana and las cortinas and sentences such as La lámpara es azul. Hay veinte juguetes. This packet includes 8 bingo cards.
- 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom including words such as sofá, sillón, la lampara, la mesita, el papel higiénico, la ducha and el cepillo de dientes and sentences such as Esta es la mesa de centro marrón. or Este es el lavamanos verde. This packet includes 8 bingo cards.
- 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores. This includes first-person simple sentences such as Hago la cama. Pongo la mesa. Recojo los juguetes. Doy de comer al perro. and others such as Yo saco la basura los lunes. or Yo lavo los platos en la cocina.
Note: This is a zipped file with 4 pdfs. You might need to accept the file before it downloads completely. Keep your eye on the bottom of your browser as the file downloads.
Remember to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems! ~Liesl
Here are the other Spanish sets we currently have available:
See our Spanish Store for more details!
$6.99 $5.99 Spanish Set 1: BUNDLE Mi familia – My Family (includes 4 pdfs 1. ¿Quién es mi familia? 2. ¿Cómo se llama mi familia? 3. ¿Cómo es mi familia? 4. Saludos y despedidas (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$6.99 $5.99 Spanish Set 2: BUNDLE: colores, formas y figuras, mascotas, números – colors, shapes, pets & numbers (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 3: BUNDLE School – 1. Mi Salón de Clases 2. Mi materiales de la escuela 3. Mis materias de la escuela 4. Mis actividades de la escuela (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$5.99 $4.99 Spanish Set 4: BUNDLE Days Months Seasons Weather – 1. Los días de la semana 2. Los Meses del año 3. Las estaciones 4. El tiempo o El clima (includes 2 pdfs – the days of the week & months of the year are in one pdf, the seasons and weather are in the other pdf. Each pdf is about 50 pages.) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
Spanish Set 5: See Above!
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 6: Todo sobre la comida – All About Food The four topics in Set 6 are 1. Alrededor de la mesa – Around the Table 2. El desayuno – Preparing Breakfast 3. El almuerzo – Preparing Lunch 4. La Cena – Preparing Dinner (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$3.99 el cuerpo humano Spanish Worksheet Packet (1 pdf – 25 pages)
See our Spanish Store for more details and pictures!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me! ~Liesl
Remember these packets were made with Sra. Morato, a native Spanish speaker who taught Spanish in a public high school for more than 15 years.
If you are looking for an Online Homeschool Spanish Course, be sure to check out her classes (my kids did her elementary Spanish Class and learned SO SO much!!). Plus, my daughters went on to take Spanish 1 & 2 and my oldest daughter is currently in Sra. Morato’s Spanish 3 class.
All of the worksheet sets above are included in Sra. Morato’s Elementary Spanish Program!!
Online Homeschool Spanish Program:
As many of you know, my girls are enrolled in an online Homeschool Spanish Program for elementary students with Sra. Morato. (They love it and have learned SO much! They’re speaking in full sentences now!) Sra. Morato also offers other online Spanish classes.
- Elementary Spanish Program
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
Registration for this coming year is now open:
Sra. Morato has 20+ years of teaching experience. She taught in the public schools for 16 years. (Most of her students passed the rigorous IB exam in Spanish.) She then went on to get her Master’s M.A.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and Online Learning. She is a homeschooling parent herself. 🙂
Sra. Morato has courses with weekly live speaking classes. She also has courses with self-paced/self-study options with teacher support.
- Elementary Spanish Program – full curriculum plus interactive speaking group classes each week (This is what my girls are enrolled in.)
- Elementary Spanish Program – full curriculum with community support
- Spanish 1 Foundation
- Spanish 2 Beyond Foundation
- Spanish 3 Advanced Communication
Registration for this next year (2019-2020) is now open. See her website for more details!
She is also happy to jump on a call or talk via email if you’d like more details:
Note, there are limited spaces available for the weekly live Spanish classes.
Here’s a Description of her Spanish 1 Course:
This course introduces the fundamental elements of the Spanish language. It will give your student the knowledge and skills they need to be able to put the language together and start communicating in Spanish through everyday situations. The conversational classes are 100% to accelerate learning and speaking skills. Exploration of the culture is part of the learning journey. When comes to proficiency, the course aims for students to move from novice low level to novice mid-high level. Depending on the student’s language, study and practice skills. Find more details about Spanish 1 here.
Now a little more about the Elementary Spanish Program:
Here is a link to a post I wrote about the Elementary Spanish Program about how it works and why my girls love it. 🙂It includes
- teaching videos,
- online flashcards and games,
- printable worksheets, flashcards & games
- weekly group classes (This is what my girls do. They meet each week on Tuesdays with the same group of kids & with Sra. Morato to go over the new material and practice speaking.) OR There is an independent Elementary Spanish Program version that includes online community support.
This program has been created by topic and each topic has 4 or 5 sub-units.
For example, in the first unit, Mi Familia – My Family, students learn words related to their family… (mom, dad, brother, sister). Then they learn say the names of their family members. (My grandmother’s name is…). In the third section, the kids learn some adjectives to be able to describe their sister/brother, etc. [Mi padre es trabajador. My father is hard working.]. They move on to basic greetings. Finally, the kids start learning to use pronouns – he and she.
Each sub-topic has a simple set of vocabulary and an advanced set. So for example in the 1.3 Simple Set, kids learn adjectives such as intelligent or shy. And in the Advanced Set, kids practice saying full sentences… My uncle is neat — Mi tío es desordenado.
Topic 1: My Family – Mi Familia
- 1.1- Who is my family? ¿Quién es mi familia?
- 1.2- The name of my family member – ¿Cómo se llama mi familia?
- 1.3- Describing my family – ¿Cómo es mi familia?
- 1.4- Greeting and farewells – Hola, buenos dias, adios and more!
- 1.5- He or she?
Each topic builds over time… so students will continue to use the words they learn in previous topics. Here are the first half-dozen topics (which means a total of 24 lessons – each lesson with a simple and advanced set to work on).
Topic 2 – Spanish Basics
- 2.1- All about the colors- Los colores
- 2.2- Shapes- Las Formas o figuras
- 2.3- Pets- Las Mascotas
- 2.4- Numbers- Los números
Topic 3- My school
- 3.1- My Classroom- Mi Salón de Clases
- 3.2- My school supplies – Mi materiales de la escuela
- 3.3- My School subjects- Mis materias de la escuela
- 3.4- My school activities – Mis actividades de la escuela
Topic 4- All about the calendar
- 4.1- Days of the week- Los días de la semana
- 4.2- The months – Los meses
- 4.3- Holidays and Seasons- Los días festivos y las estaciones
- 4.4- Seasons and weather- Las estaciones y el clima
Topic 5 – My House
- 5.1- My house- Mi casa
- 5.2- My bedroom- Mi dormitorio
- 5.3- My living room/ Bathroom- Mi sala y baño
- 5.4- My chores- Mis quehaceres
Again, for more information about the Elementary Spanish Program or the Spanish 1, 2 or 3 online courses visit Sra. Morato’s Website: