Spanish Human Body Worksheets & Activities – el cuerpo humano
Spanish Human Body Parts Worksheets & Activities!
Today, I wanted to let you know that I just shared the el cuerpo humano Spanish Human Body Part Worksheet Packet in the Spanish store. 🙂 This is a 25-page packet and includes 33 of the most common body parts from the eyes, nose, mouth (forehead, eyelashes, cheek) down to the leg, knee, ankle and toes!
My kids have been learning Spanish with Sra. Morato for the past couple of years. You can read all about my girls experiences in the Elementary Spanish program here. As part of the course, Sra. Morato and I have been creating vibrant worksheets sets for her Elementary Spanish course.
Some people asked if they could purchase just the Spanish worksheets (because they speak Spanish themselves and/or are Spanish teachers). Thus, the Spanish Store was created! The Human Body Spanish Worksheets and Activities: el cuerpo humano Spanish Worksheet Packet is the latest packet I’ve added.
It includes 33 of the most common body parts from the eyes, nose, mouth (forehead, eyelashes, cheek) down to the leg, knee, ankle and toes!
This set includes fill-in-the-blank sheets (with pictures or with the English or Spanish word), matching pages with pictures, matching with words (Spanish to English, English to Spanish).
This pdf also includes 8 Spanish Body Bingo Cards. My kids always enjoy reviewing the vocabulary with a few rounds of Bingo! 🙂 If you are a teacher, your students can play this in small groups. The bingo lists are provided so students can take turns reading the words to the other members of the group!
Click here to save this for later on Pinterest
The el cuerpo humano Spanish Worksheet Packet is $3.99. It is about 25 pages and includes answer pages.
el cuerpo humano Spanish Worksheet Packet
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email! ~Liesl
Other Spanish Worksheets (available in the Spanish Store) include
$6.99 $5.99 Spanish Set 1: BUNDLE Mi familia – My Family (includes 4 pdfs 1. ¿Quién es mi familia? 2. ¿Cómo se llama mi familia? 3. ¿Cómo es mi familia? 4. Saludos y despedidas (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$6.99 $5.99 Spanish Set 2: BUNDLE: colores, formas y figuras, mascotas, números – colors, shapes, pets & numbers (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 3: BUNDLE School – 1. Mi Salón de Clases 2. Mi materiales de la escuela 3. Mis materias de la escuela 4. Mis actividades de la escuela (includes 4 pdfs) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$5.99 $4.99 Spanish Set 4: BUNDLE Days Months Seasons Weather – 1. Los días de la semana 2. Los Meses del año 3. Las estaciones 4. El tiempo o El clima (includes 2 pdfs – the days of the week & months of the year are in one pdf, the seasons and weather are in the other pdf. Each pdf is about 50 pages.) (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 5: 1. Mi Casa Rooms in the house 2. Mi dormitorio Things in the bedroom 3. Sala de estar y baño Things in the living room & bathroom and 4. Mis quehaceres de la casa My chores. (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
$7.99 $6.99 Spanish Set 6: Todo sobre la comida – All About Food The four topics in Set 6 are 1. Alrededor de la mesa – Around the Table 2. El desayuno – Preparing Breakfast 3. El almuerzo – Preparing Lunch 4. La Cena – Preparing Dinner (More details at this post or in the Spanish Store.)
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 1: Mi familia – My family
Spanish Set 1 (Family) – Quick Preview or visit the post for more details
- ¿Quién es mi familia? vocabulary about family members from son, daughter, mother & father to aunt, uncle, grandpa and grandma (30 pages) Click here to view image of this packet
- ¿Cómo se llama mi familia? what is my family called (10 pages) This packet teaches students how to introduce someone by name. View image of this packet.
- ¿Cómo es mi familia? vocabulary to describe your family members (artistic, shy, talented, funny, neat, studious and more) (20 pages) View image of this packet.
- Saludos y despedidas greetings and farewells (15 pages) View image of this packet.
- These packets include matching pages, flashcards, and fill-in-the-blank pages. Answer sheets are provided!
To purchase, visit the Spanish Store
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 2:
colores, formas o figuras, mascotas, numeros
Spanish Basics – Numbers, Shapes, Pets, Numbers
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 2: colores, formas o figuras, mascotas, numeros
This set includes 4 pdfs and includes worksheets, flashcards, games and more!
- Los colores – Learn the basic colors. Work on simple sentences with the colors (La casa es verde. El gato es blanco. La iguana es verde.) Play the color board game and more! View image. (30 pages)
- Las Formas o figuras – Learn the basic shapes (el circulo, el cuadrado, el triángulo, el rectángulo, la estrella, el diamante, el trapezoide). Describe their color and shape. Play the shape board game and more! View image. (20 pages)
- Las Mascotas – Learn common pet names and their colors (el pájaro rojo, el caballo marrón, el pez anaranjado, el cachorro café, la tortuga verde) View image. (15 pages)
- Los Numeros – Learn to count to 30. Practice counting shapes and pets. View image. (50 pages)
- These packets include matching pages, flashcards, fill-in-the-blank pages and games. Answer sheets are provided!
Again, you can visit the Spanish Store for more details!
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems! ~Liesl
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 3:
My school – Classroom, School supplies, Classes, and Activities.
This set includes 4 pdfs and includes worksheets, flashcards, games and more!
- 1. Mi Salón de Clases – Learn items around the school room including things like table, chair, globe, clock, floor, wall etc. 30 pages including answer pages.
- 2. Mi materiales de la escuela – Learn materials you use in school such as paper, pencil, glue, paint brush, scissors, and more.
- 3. Mis materias de la escuela – Learn the school classes such as math, science, history, art, music and more.
- 4. Mis actividades de la escuela– Learn activities you might do at school. These are simple verbs such as I study, I draw, I practice, I learn, I use, I sing and more.
Spanish Worksheet Bundle Set 4:
This set of Spanish worksheets for kids covers the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons and the weather.
- Los días de la semana: vocabulary words such as lunes, martes, miércoles, la semana, etc. and sentences such as Hoy es viernes. Ayer fue martes. El jueves aprendo español.
- Los Meses del año: vocabulary words such asenero, febrero, marzo, el mes, el día de fiesta, etc. and sentences such as Es el mes de octubre. Hay doce meses. etc.
- Las estaciones: vocabulary words such as el otoño, el invierno, el verano, la vacación de primavera, la navidad, la pascua etc. and sentences such as La navidad es en el invierno. El día de San Valentín es en febrero. Navidad es el veinticinco de diciembre.
- El tiempo o El clima: vocabulary words such as Hace frío, la lluvia, el sol, las nubes, Hace viento. etc. and sentences such as En el verano hace calor. Hoy hace viento. En la primavera hace sol.
Visit the Spanish Store
Online Homeschool Spanish Program:
As many of you know, my girls are enrolled in an online Homeschool Spanish Program for elementary students with Sra. Morato. (They love it and have learned SO much! They’re speaking in full sentences now!) Sra. Morato also offers other online Spanish classes.
- Elementary Spanish Program
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
You can find out more about the Sra. Morato’s independent study and/or Spanish classes here:
Sra. Morato has 20+ years of teaching experience. She taught in the public schools for 16 years. (Most of her students passed the rigorous IB exam in Spanish.) She then went on to get her Master’s M.A.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and Online Learning. She is a homeschooling parent herself. ?
Sra. Morato has courses with weekly live speaking classes. She also has courses with self-paced/self-study options with teacher support.
- Elementary Spanish Program – full curriculum plus interactive speaking group classes each week (This is what my girls are enrolled in.)
- Elementary Spanish Program – full curriculum with community support
- Spanish 1 Foundation
- Spanish 2 Beyond Foundation
- Spanish 3 Advanced Communication
The Elementary Spanish Program includes
- teaching videos,
- online flashcards and games,
- printable worksheets, flashcards & games
- weekly group classes (This is what my girls do. They meet each week on Tuesdays with the same group of kids & with Sra. Morato to go over the new material and practice speaking.) OR There is an independent Elementary Spanish Program version that includes online community support.
Again, find out more about Sra. Morato’s Spanish Classes here:
Happy Homeschooling!
Liesl & Sra. Morato