136 Search results

For the term "China".
Ancient China Unit Worksheets about the Dynasties of Ancient China 0

Ancient China Unit

100+ page Ancient China Packet Are your kids studying dynasties of Ancient China? This 100+page Ancient China Unit covers nearly 3,000 years of ancient Chinese History from the early cultures of the Neolithic period to the end of the Song Dynasty. This packet includes notebook pages, timeline cards, worksheets, geography materials and more! The link to purchase this is down below. Look for the red, Add to Cart button. Early...

Terracotta Warriors unique faces 0

Terracotta Warriors Exhibit (plus links to our China Freebies)

Last week, I shared a little bit about what we’ve been doing in our homeschool, but I also mentioned that we have been on the go a lot.  Pretty much right after that post went live, we headed out of town again! I wanted to share a few pictures from the amazing exhibit we went to see: Terracotta Army: Legacy of the First Emperor of China. It was wonderful! The Terracotta...

History through Literature - Book Lists for Elementary 0

History through Literature – Book Lists for Units on China, Middle Ages, American Revolution and More!

When we are doing history units, I’ve always tried to bring in a rich selection of literature. Historical fiction is a powerful way to make readers feel more connected to that period. A book like Johnny Tremain (affiliate link) has a rich cast of memorable characters that helps the period, in this case the American Revolutionary period, come to life. We have brought in a wide selection of books for...

China Geography Packet 0

China Geography and Landmarks Packet

Free China Geography and Landmark Packet As many of you know, last semester we read the Story of the World, vol. 1 (affiliate link).  Initially, I was just reading it with my youngest, but my older two wound up listening in too.  🙂 When we came to the first chapters on Ancient China, I wanted to go over some basic facts about China including the geography, government and some of...

Ancient China Worksheets 5

Ancient China Packet

We have been studying Ancient China this semester.  We are using  The Story of Ancient China (affiliate link) (see more about that below) as our spine, but also have read selections from the  Story of the World (affiliate link) and the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. This is the packet that I made to go along with some of our readings. These are now included in our 100+ page Ancient China Unit. Recently,...


China Unit: Books, Books! A Huge List of Children’s Books

When we delve into a new unit, I search high and low for a wide variety of books. Not only do I want non-fiction books, but I also want books that bring the topic alive… and stories and novels are a wonderful way to do that.  This is a long (and probably incomplete!) list of the books we’ve used and are using in our China unit. We’ve read a number...

China Fact Sheet - Free 14

China Fact Sheet (Free)

We started a big unit on China a number weeks ago. This is the first in a whole number of posts & printables from our unit on China.  One of the first things we did was to cover some of basic facts about China: where it is located, its population, capital, president, currency and things like that. This is the page I made for the kids.  I also included the...


Reading Roundup – China

We are using the Five in a Row book list  and some recommended children’s authors to add some spice to our children’s literature readings. WOW! Have we had a wonderful time so far on this adventure! Here is our children’s literature book list, a collection of authors and titles we are making our way through (though I liberally add in my own books/findings as you see!). These books have a...


Country Box Exchange — China

We did a “country box” exchange with another familywho lives and homeschools in China. The kids werevery excited to open their box of goodies. We weretruly overwhelmed by their generosity and it madeour study of China fantastic! The Chinese paper cuttings you see below are sointricate; its hard to believe they are done with scissors. In the first picture below you can see the kids are wearingscarves.  Chinese school kids...


A Study of China

LD worked very hard to put together a book on China. We have a new binding gadget and have moved awayfrom lapbooking and instead are putting pages togetherwith a comb binder. He did some sand writing (China andthe GreatWall using glue/colored sand). He did somelapbook elements (the capital of China, the flagand thingslike that). He did some Chinese writing(with the answersfolded up on the left). We read some interesting storiesfrom...

Earth Science and Physical Science Units BUNDLE 0

Earth Science BUNDLE Options

There are a number of different Earth Science BUNDLE options and I wanted to highlight the options are available (like I’ve done for the Big Animal Bundle, Biology Bundle , Chemistry Bundle, Human Body Bundle, a new Nature Studies Bundle and Spelling Bundle).  You can still purchase these units separately or in various combinations depending on your need. These units are PDF downloads. Be sure to check your PayPal email...

End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire 0

Exciting Homeschool News!

Before I share everything that is going on with me, I wanted to share a few FREE printables that you might find helpful as the school year comes to a close! First, is a free printable End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire. One is for Students, the other is for Parents. I have used this for many years to really think about what went well. I tried to take some time...

Fall 2024 Online Homeschool Classes - Course Schedule 0

Online Homeschool Classes – Begin Sept. 9th

 Online Live Homeschool Classes Class enrollments are now closed! Wishing you a wonderful school year! ~Liesl Classes will meet live, online on Zoom. Students will also have access to their own Canvas Classroom where we will have discussions. This is where our learning materials will be posted. Here are the courses I will be teaching in the Fall of 2024: Classes are now closed! Online Homeschool Classes for Fall 2024...


 Online Live Homeschool Classes Class enrollments are now closed! Wishing you a wonderful school year! ~Liesl Classes will meet live, online on Zoom. Students will also have access to their own Canvas Classroom where we will have discussions. This is where our learning materials will be posted. Here are the courses I will be teaching in the Fall of 2024: NOTE: Classes are now closed! Online Homeschool Classes for Fall...