136 Search results

For the term "China".
World Facts Packet - Geographic Features - Landforms - Topographic Maps 0

World Facts Packet Update!

I have added more than 25 new pages of World Landmark and Topographic Map Activities to the World Facts Packet! This packet covers many of the basic world facts I wanted my kids to know such as the largest countries, population facts, the major world religions, as well as geography terms such as gulf, bay, atoll, peninsula, cape, estuary, isthmus and so forth. There is a huge section on the...

Summer Activity Ideas - with pics 0

Summer Activity Ideas

Here are some fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer with everything from making pony-bead lizards and bead bowls to marbleized paper! Have a great summer! ~Liesl A Huge List of Summer Activity Ideas! Nature Scavenger Hunt: Send your kids outside to complete this scavenger hunt! This printable is free! 🙂We also have a photo hunt: Have them take photos of the things on the...

Welcome Email #5

Hi! How do you know what to teach? You and the kids get to decide! This is the final email in this series.  A few days ago, I talked about planning in a general way. I shared our free curriculum resource guides as well as the free printable Homeschool Science Unit Checklist for Elementary and Middle School and a similar Similarly, this history checklist might help you choose the time...

Welcome Email #3

We have hundreds of resources on our blog. Many of them are free! Hi! Again, I’m so happy you joined our newsletter! I’ve been blogging and writing about our homeschool life for many years now!  I ♥love♥ what I do!  It has allowed me to “meet” homeschoolers (just like you!!) from all around the world!  I’ve become friends and gotten to know educators from the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New...

Geography of Europe Packet - Countries Capitals Flags Worksheets 0

Countries and Capitals of Europe Worksheets

New! Geography of Europe Worksheet Packet Learn the countries, capitals, and flags of Europe! This Geography of Europe Packet includes 25 pages of countries & capitals worksheets as well as a 25-page section on the flags of these European countries. As my kids started learning the countries of Europe, we tackled the country & capitals by geographic locations. The pages included in this packet are organized by region: the Nordic...

Age of Exploration Unit 0

Age of Exploration Unit

Age of Exploration Packet Update! We are just finishing our unit on the Age of Exploration and I wanted to let you know that I have added a lot of new materials to this packet including new notebook pages, map worksheets and a new lapbook/interactive notebook activity! This time as we started the Age of Exploration Unit, we went over some background about world trade at the time. We talked...


Australia Packet

New! 75-page Australia Unit Do your kids know the states and territories of Australia? Perhaps your kids can identify a kangaroo or koala, but can they identify a numbat, bandicoot or quokka? Do they know that some mammals lay eggs? Do they know the terms marsupial or monotreme? This new Australia Unit will help kids become familiar about some basics about Australia.  This 75-page Australia Packet includes worksheets, notebook pages...


Free Homeschool Planner for Fall 2022

FREE Printable Homeschool Planner! Today I have shared a new printable Homeschool Planner for the fall semester 2022. This planner is free to download! As many of you know, I have been creating my own planner for years. Sometimes I have used full-sized pages, sometimes I prefer a smaller booklet-style (1/2 page planner). Last year, I started using a planner with full-size pages once again.  This particular version has calendar...

Elementary, Middle School, High School Tips

Welcome!  I’m Liesl, the homeschool Mom of three wonderful kids. We have homeschooled right from the start and we decided to homeschool all the way through high school. This was a discussion we had regularly along the way; at times the kids considered going to public schools but the benefits (for our family) seemed to outweigh the public school option (especially with the Pandemic and so forth).  A little side...


 Frequently Asked Questions About Me: I’m Liesl and I have been an educator my entire career. Before I had kids, I taught high school (history and German) and college history.  Since having kids, I started making and sharing curriculum packets.  I love trying to make units engaging and hands on, yet in depth!  It’s my passion! We have homeschooled right from the start. You can read more about our homeschool...

Homeschool Literature and Language Arts 0

Literature & Language Arts in our Homeschool

Earlier this week, I had a wonderful back-and-forth email conversation with a reader about literature and language arts in our homeschool. She had questions about the literature book/s we were using when my kids were in grades 2, 5 and 7.  I thought I would share a lot of that conversation with you today. It highlights some of the language arts books/texts/resources we have used over the years. Plus, I’ve...

Ancient History - Resources and Activities 0

Ancient History (Middle School – High School)

This is a chatty post about what we are doing for ancient history. Below, I’ll share some of the resources we are using and some activities we’ve done so far. We’ve only been in school for a few weeks now, but it already feels like we’ve got a good routine down and have covered quite a bit! History Spine: I have a lot of history textbooks that I have used...

Hands-On Geography Activities 0

Geography Activities

Hands-On Geography Activities appeal to all ages from tots to teens!! We often start off with geography activities, whether that’s at the beginning of the year or when we are starting new history units. Geography activities can be fun & hands-on and provide the framework for understanding history. I thought I would share age-by-age what kinds of geography activities we have done along the way.  Way back when my kids...

how do I start homeschooling 0

Starting to Homeschool

Tips for How to Start Homeschooling! I field a LOT of email from readers looking for advice on how to start homeschooling. I wanted to give some tips and pointers from someone who has been homeschooling for a very long time! 🙂 We have been homeschooling right from the start and my kids decided to continue homeschooling right through high school! Are you starting to homeschool or need fresh inspiration?...