136 Search results

For the term "China".
Homeschool Resources 2

Our Homeschool Resources

Finding materials on the Homeschool Den! I wrote this post to help you find some of the pages, posts and homeschool resources within our blog that might be the most useful for you. Over the years, I have made homeschool packets on everything from history and science to spelling, math, spelling and foreign languages (German & Spanish).  And, many of those are free! We have materials from preschool through high...

Homeschooling Kindergarten - Grade 1

Kindergarten-Grade 1

Are you homeschooling Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time or looking for some fresh new ideas?  It’s hard to know where to start, right?!  There are lots of possibilities and picking a starting point can be overwhelming! I hope this post will give you some ideas and inspiration for a wonderful homeschool year ahead! FREE Curriculum Resource Guide for Kindergarten-Grade 1  I was often asked what we did...

COVID-19 Blog Page

This page is just a record of information that I want to keep for my family and my kids. I’m not an expert by any means, so if you happen upon this page, please be aware that this is just a “diary” page for our family. I started writing this on Saturday, March 14 just a day after VA’s governor declared a state of emergency & our local schools were...

10 ways to transition from School to Homeschool - Tips and Strategies for School at Home 0

10 Ways to Transition from School to Homeschool

Tips and Strategies for Doing School at Home Around the country and around the world, there are widespread school closures because of the coronavirus. Students and parents are facing a huge transition from a daily school routine to life at home. How can you help your students transition and even thrive given this huge change? Assuming (and that’s a big assumption here!) that you are able to take time off...

Engineering Challenges for Kids - STEM Activity Ideas 0

Engineering Challenges for Kids

Is it time to spice up your homeschool with something a bit different?  Engineering Challenges have always added some excitement to our homeschooling. In general, they don’t take much time, but they sure are fun & call for some creativity. My daughter said she wanted to add some engineering challenges into our homeschool day again.  I’ve been trying to come up with some new challenges to add into our homeschool...

Pin Map Resources


I thought it would be helpful to show you just how we make and use Pin Maps in our homeschool.  I did a Facebook Live and took you through the process of making your own. This post will help you find some of the resources I mentioned in the video. I wanted to share some of the resources I talked about in that video including the U.S. States and Capitals...

Free Literature Study Guides 0

Free Literature Guides

Do you know about this great literature resource?  The Glencoe Literature Library page has Free Literature Study Guides (UPDATE – These appear not to be available any longer.) for a huge selection of well-known novels. The Literature Study Guides include sections such as Meet the Author Introducing the Novel Before you Read Active Reading activities Personal Responses Update: UNFORTUNATELY THESE GUIDES DON’T SEEM TO BE AVAILABLE ANYMORE! I thought I...

5 Things you Can Do Now to Prepare for the New Homeschool Year - Homeschooling 0

5 Things you Can Do Now to Prepare for the New Homeschool Year!

It’s mid-summer. For some of us, school is still a few weeks away.  Others have started homeschooling or never stopped!  Regardless, we all would like to head into the new year more organized and ready to go, right?! Here are a few tips for getting off on the right foot: 1. Relax It is SO important to get recharged.  Make sure both you and the kids have stepped away from...

Homeschool Travels Summer 2019 Flight 93 Memorial, WWI Museum, Palace of Gold and more 0

Flight 93 Memorial, National World War I Museum and more!

We have gotten to see (and do!) a wide variety of things this month!!  I want to share a couple of amazing places to visit if you have studied World War I or the Russian Revolution. Plus, I wanted to share some pictures of some other places we have visited like the Flight 93 Memorial in PA, the Palace of Gold in West Virginia, and the Institute of Art in...

Homeschooling Kindergarten - Grade 1 2

Homeschooling Kindergarten – Grade 1

This past week I’ve had a couple of emails from readers who will be homeschooling Kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time.  It’s hard to know where to start, right?!  There are lots of possibilities and picking a starting point can be overwhelming! I hope this post will give you some ideas and inspiration for a wonderful homeschool year ahead! For us, homeschooling was not a big change from...


Homeschool Life (Grades 5, 8, 10)

Life has been pretty busy since the homeschool conference, but I really wanted to leave a quick update about life in our homeschool. (If you have younger kids, scroll down to the bottom where I’ve linked to some similar posts from when the kids were in PreK, K, Grades 1, 2, 3 etc.!) History: This year for history, we have been focusing on the twentieth century. We have read a...

Homeschool Conference Hand-Outs - Free Printables 0

Free Homeschool Conference Hand-Outs & Homeschool Resources

Today, I’m sharing the free homeschool conference hand-outs I made for the conference I’m speaking at this weekend (Friday & Saturday). I also wanted to share some of the helpful homeschool resources we have here on the blog. Welcome to those of you from the conference and/or are stopping by for the first time!! It’s been so fun to meet and talk with so many of you!! To my long-time,...

Ultimate Hands-On Homeschooling Guide

Hands-On Homeschool Activities

Why Hands-On Homeschooling is Amazing! Your Ultimate Hands-On Homeschooling Guide Make Learning Exciting, Engaging and Memorable! We have always been a fan of hands-on, engaging activities!  Homeschooling gives us an excuse to dive deep, have fun, and to make learning meaningful and memorable! Here are six good reasons to add hands-on activities into your homeschool week: The kids get excited and are truly engaged. They ask a lot of good...

History Portfolio Projects - Using them in your homeschool or classroom - Free Prinable 0

What is a History Portfolio Project?

History Portfolio Projects have student focus on one theme, topic or time period and can include an array of writing, art, and geography assignments that are compiled together in a final product. While we did a couple of portfolio projects when the kids were in elementary (age 8 -10 or so), Portfolio Project really become a powerful tool during the middle and high school years! History portfolio projects require students...