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Homeschool Supplies & Science Supply List

What supplies do you need to have on hand to homeschool? This post includes a free printable list of basic homeschooling supplies and science materials that you might want to have on hand. This list covers everything from office supplies & art materials to math manipulatives and science materials we have used in our homeschool through the years. Obviously, the first starting point is access to books and curriculum. No...

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Vertebrate – Invertebrate Sorting Cards

I wanted to let you know that I have just made some new Montessori vertebrate-invertebrate sorting cards and added them to the 100+ page Animal Unit. The Animal Unit covers animal classification, animal characteristics, spiders vs. insects, nocturnal vs diurnal animals, animal tracks, herbivores-carnivores-omnivores, and more! I included a sorting mat, as well as labels for the Montessori 3-part vertebrate-invertebrate cards.  If you laminate the cards, you kids can use...

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Writing Workshop Video (New!)

I just wanted to let you know that I added a new video to explain why and how we used a Writing Workshop in our homeschool. You’ll find that at the Writing Workshop page – homeschoolden.com/writing-workshop Just click here: In this video, I didn’t realize I should drag it and make my screen bigger… so I’m like 1/2 an inch as I talk!! Ah well… live and learn! But, the...

Ancient Egypt Unit 0

Ancient Egypt Packet

This 75+page Ancient Egypt Packet includes notebook pages, ancient Egypt timeline cards, Egyptian gods & goddesses cards & activities, an Ancient Egypt lapbook – interactive notebook pages, geography materials and more! Students will learn a lot about the 3,000-year history of Egypt… from the early dynasties through the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms of ancient Egypt.  Students will also have the opportunity to learn about Egyptian mythology, learning how stories...

End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire 0

End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire – for Students, for Parents

Homeschool Reflection Questions Have you finished your homeschool year? If you did, no doubt, this one ended more dramatically than any other one, right? Whew! What a year! I usually take some time to reflect how the year went for our family.  I’m always curious to see what the kids think now that the year is over. A number of years ago, I made a questionnaire for the kids to...

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Homeschool Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This is just a really quick post to tell you that I updated the Homeschooling Kindergarten-1st Grade page and also updated the FREE 50+ Page Curriculum Resource Guide. You will find that free printable here: Creating Your Homeschool Curriculum: Kindergarten – Grade 1 FREE Homeschool Planning Guide This is a FREE 50+ page resource guide that I put together to help answer some basic questions: What subjects should I teach...

Where I Live and Montessori World Map Activities 0

Montessori World Map Activities

I have just added new Montessori world map activities to the Where I Live Activity Packet: My galaxy, solar system, planet, continent, country, state, town, and home! I added about 25 new pages! This new section includes a number of Montessori World Map Activities. Not only does it include world pin map templates, but also a number of worksheets, 3-part cards, matching cards and more. As you can see above,...


Homeschool Life – Take It Easy When you Need To

With a title like that and with the time we’re living in, let me first say our family is healthy, but we had some sad news which has weighed on my heart. I just love writing and if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that I usually write regularly. It used to be that I would write 3-4 times a week! (That was when this blog...

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Square and Square Roots Worksheets, Games and Activities

Are your kids working on squares and/or square roots? If so, be sure to grab this Squaring and Square Roots Packet! It is currently FREE to download! These activities and worksheets are for practicing squaring numbers from 12 all the way to 202 — from 1×1 through 20×20! Knowing the squares is helpful for students in 6th grade and up as they move into prealgebra and Algebra… and even for...

Spanish BUNDLE Set 3 - escuela - SCHOOL 0

Spanish Worksheets for Kids: Mi Escuela – My School

The third Spanish BUNDLE My School – Mi Escuela is now available! It covers four topics related to school: 1. Mi Salón de Clases – My Classroom 2.  Mi materiales de la escuela – My School Supplies 3. Mis materias de la escuela – My School Subjects 4.  Mis actividades de la escuela – My School Activities There are 4 pdfs in this BUNDLE. These include a reference page for...

Screen Free Summer Activity List with Free Summer Planner 0

Screen-Free Activity Ideas!

No doubt, this is a really unusual time. Most of the activities our family has relied on to add variety & spice to our homeschool life have ended for the year. And, it looks like summer camps & things like that won’t be an option either. We still have our homeschool routine, but I though my girls might enjoy it if we added in some different, fun activities. I came...

Five Senses Unit - sight hearing touch smell touch - Worksheets and Activities 0

Five Senses Unit – Early Elementary

Five Senses Packet This 100+ page Five Senses Unit has dozens of hands-on activities and detailed, colorful worksheets for learning all about the five senses – sight & the eye, hearing & the ear, taste & the tongue, smell & the nose, touch & the skin. Five Senses: Hands-On Activities Our family just loves hands-on activities and this Five Senses Packet will keep your kids engaged and excited!  The Five...

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Free Copywork Pages – The Early Bird Catches a Worm

This post was originally a reminder to hang up your hummingbird feeder. I hung our feeder out this past Wednesday and Thursday we noticed our first hummingbird! Now, I’m going to change the cover picture to highlight some free copywork printable with famous sayings like… The early bird catches a worm. When one door shuts, another opens. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. A stitch in time saves...

Clouds Winds Weather Worksheets - Packet 0

Clouds, Wind & Weather Packet

Learn about Clouds, Weather Symbols, Winds, Weather Fronts and More! Today I wanted to share our new 70-page Clouds, Winds and Weather Packet with you! In this packet, students will learn about: The Types of Clouds, Weather Map Symbols, High & Low Pressure Systems, Global Winds, the Jet Stream, Local Winds, Monsoons, el Niño and la Niña conditions, Air masses (and how they are named), and Cold fronts, warm fronts,...