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5 common homeschool mistakes to avoid

Back to Homeschool Challenge: Day 8 As we begin the year, don’t let any of these ruin your homeschool day… Comparison – Every homeschool is unique.  Don’t worry about what your friends are doing. Don’t feel like your homeschool has to incorporate every project on Pinterest.  Don’t compare someone’s best day to your worst day.  Remember that when someone tells you about their homeschool day or writes about homeschooling online...


Sick Days for Home Educators!!

Right now you’re healthy, you’re excited, you’re energized… Motivation is at an all-time HIGH.  But let’s be realistic… there are times when we don’t feel up for homeschooling.  It might be because of a seasonal cold. It might be because we have a series of errands/appointments that fill up the morning. It might be because we’re downright *tired*!! So what do you do when you feel it coming on? When...


Taking Care of Ourselves

Welcome to Day 6 of the Back to Homeschool Challenge! Last week our challenge was to work on some of the nuts and bolts of our homeschools: Our first challenge was just to spend a few minutes reflecting on the journey we’re on and being grateful for the opportunities we have as homeschoolers Then we spent time Organizing our Homeschool Work Space And we made sure we’re *actually* ready to...


How Does Your Family Handle Chores?

One of the huge challenges for me is not necessarily the homeschooling itself… It’s keeping on top of everything. Today, your challenge is to think about how your family will handle chores this year.  In this post, I wanted to share a variety of chore systems that other families have tried. Maybe one will work especially well for yours this year. Each year our kids are just a little older....


Back to Homeschool Challenge, Day 4: Homeschool Shopping List

I love this time of year… fresh pencils, new binders, and colorful fun writing journals.  And apparently I’ve given my joy and excitement of office supplies to my kids.  Today your challenge is two-fold… check to see what you need, but being careful not to OVERSHOP!!!  This is a voice of experience saying this!! 🙂  One year we wound up with so many glue sticks we had to donate a...


Homeschool Planning: Subject Area Checklists

Welcome to Day 3 of the Back to Homeschool Challenge!! Today, let’s tackle the Subject Planning… I don’t know about you, but I really mull things over in the summer.  I generally have tentative plans at the end of the year for the new school year, but given some time, I often change course slightly. Do you need to add in a different topic?  Last year in history, for example,...

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Strategic Homeschool Organization!!

We all hear a lot about getting organized and keeping the clutter down.  But today I want to talk about becoming organized in a strategic way… a way that helps our homeschool day run smoothly.  It’s not really about making the pencils and markers look pretty and organized, though that definitely has its appeal.  It’s about making sure our days flow smoothly. That the kids have some sense of what...


Back to Homeschool Challenge – Day 1

Up until the last minute, I knew exactly what our first challenge would be… You know it, I know it… We should discuss organization, right?  It’s at the core of keeping things running smoothly during the year.  But then much to my surprise, an idea popped into my head.  I realized there was something more important to tap into first… and this post kind of wrote itself! Cartoon graphic purchased...


10-Day Back to Homeschool Challenge Starts Next Monday, August 8th

Hi Everyone, For those in the northern hemisphere, I hope you’ve been having a restful, relaxing, rejuvenating summer!  Time is flying by quickly and maybe you — like me — are wanting to make sure we’re ready for the new school year!!  The Back to Homeschool Challenge starts next week… 10 days of small daily tasks to make sure we’re ready for a fabulous new homeschool year!! Join us each...


Upcoming Homeschool Mastermind Group! (It’s coming soon!)

I’ve hinted this summer about a Homeschool Mastermind Group… It’s going to happen!! I’ve been working hard to iron out the details and plan out a really great course. It’ll be a 14-week discussion group that will delve deep into how we can make our homeschool extraordinary! What is a Mastermind Group?  It’s a group of experts who come together to get support, inspiration, advice and encouragement from others who...


Starting to Homeschool – Where to Start!

Over on Facebook, a reader said, “trying to figure out how to homeschool my 7th grade daughter any advice would help…” For those who are new on their homeschool journey and/or new to our blog I’ll share some resources with you that will hopefully help you as you embark on your own journey to find curriculum, resources, and to make this educational adventure an amazing one for your family!! I...


Homeschool Planner – Free Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Calendar

In last week’s post, I mentioned an online-planner that many homeschool families use.  I still need to be able to see everything at a glance and to be able to check things over the course of the day, so I like having everything gathered in a 3-ring notebook. Last year I got a notebook that has a built in file dividers where I can place invitations and keep important papers...


Technology Tools and Websites to Facilitate Learning

This summer I am spending some time looking at some education apps, tools and websites. I thought I’d talk about a few that I’ve heard other educators mention so that you have a chance to look at them before the school year starts as well. 🙂 These look like they might be a fun way to incorporate a bit of technology in those “checking for understanding” moments. I don’t know...


Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, & Yellowstone Highlights Video and More!

It’s taking me longer to go through the pictures to share them than the trip itself!! I’m excited because today not only do I have some photos to share, but I also put together a 5-minute video of Yellowstone. A week or so ago I shared our photos from Canyon de Chelly.  From there we continued west through Arizona, first to the Petrified Forest and then on to the pueblo...