Free Copywork Pages – The Early Bird Catches a Worm
This post was originally a reminder to hang up your hummingbird feeder. I hung our feeder out this past Wednesday and Thursday we noticed our first hummingbird!
Now, I’m going to change the cover picture to highlight some free copywork printable with famous sayings like…
The early bird catches a worm.
When one door shuts, another opens.
A friend in need, is a friend indeed.
A stitch in time saves nine.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
I think I can. I know I can!
This copywork set has famous sayings from Benjamin Franklin and others. I shared this a couple years ago and you’ll find it at this post: Free Copywork Pages Enjoy! ~Liesl
Here was the original reminder: Almost Time to Put up Your Humming Bird Feeder!
If you are studying backyard birds… or if you just like attracting wildlife to your yard, I just wanted to remind you that now is just about the time to hang up your humming bird feeders!
If you want to see a map of hummingbird migration, you can visit this post at
Happy birding!