Welcome to the Homeschool Den! Check out our latest packets at Our Store (click here!)! New to our website? Click here! Check out our packets and bundles at these pages: Earth and Physical Science Page; Human Body Systems; Zoology/Animal Units; Biology Units; Chemistry Units; History Units; Multiplication/Division 2s thru 12s ; Spelling Games and Activities; Grammar worksheets


Linear and Quadratic Functions – Algebra Review Worksheets

If your kids need some review on linear and quadratic equations these Algebra Review Worksheets might come in handy! They are currently FREE to download! I made these for my daughter so that we can review things like slope (m), the y-intercept, whether quadratic equations face up or down and more! The answers are provided. 😊 Just use the link to below to grab these FREE Linear and Quadratic Functions...

Back to School Writing Pages 0

Back to School – Writing Activity Pages

I have some new Back to School Writing Activity Pages that are a perfect way to get your kids’ writing juices flowing at the beginning of your homeschool year. These pages have been added to the Writing Resource BUNDLE. I know many of you are not quite ready to start back into homeschooling, but I wanted to make these Writing Pages available sooner than later. 🙂 For younger students there...


Free Homeschool Planner for Fall 2022

FREE Printable Homeschool Planner! Today I have shared a new printable Homeschool Planner for the fall semester 2022. This planner is free to download! As many of you know, I have been creating my own planner for years. Sometimes I have used full-sized pages, sometimes I prefer a smaller booklet-style (1/2 page planner). Last year, I started using a planner with full-size pages once again.  This particular version has calendar...

Math Review Worksheets - Fractions Percents Exponents Squares Mean Median and more 0

Free Math Review Worksheets

This time of year, we often spend some time doing some basic math review. I want to highlight some new Math Review pages I made this year (which are for students in grades 7-9 or so), but I will highlight many of our other FREE math review packets as well. I’ve been making review worksheet sets for years now, so hopefully you will find something that will work for your...

Intro to Chemistry Size of an Atom Activities 0

Intro to Chemistry – Size of Atoms Activities

How small is an atom? How does an atom compare in size to virus or to a plant cell?  This introductory chemistry packet has a number of activities to help kids conceptualize just how small an atom is. For the longest time in elementary,  my youngest in particular had trouble understanding which was smaller an atom or a cell. This Intro to Chemistry Mini-Unit has activities to help kids understand...

Free Skip Counting Worksheets 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s 0

Free Spring Skip Counting Pages – 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s

When my kids were younger, they loved skip counting mazes!  I wanted to highlight some FREE spring butterfly skip counting practice sheets we have available. These fun skip counting worksheets are free to download! These colorful skip counting mazes cover the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s. Before the kids tackle the mazes, have them fill out the missing numbers in the skip counting rows.  Then they move on to...

Ions and Isotopes Worksheets Chemistry Unit 0

Ions and Isotopes Chemistry Unit

My middle school daughter has just finished a new chemistry unit on ions and isotopes. It is more than 125 pages. I’m excited to share this new unit with you! What are ions and isotopes? An atom has three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each element on the periodic table has a unique number of protons. The number of protons for an element is always the same. It can...

Nature Scavenger Hunt Free Printable 0

Free Nature Scavenger Hunt Printable

We have a FREE downloadable Nature Scavenger Hunt printable that has been hugely popular over the years. I wanted to share this fun activity with you again today! Every spring, as the weather became nicer and nicer we spent more and more time outdoors. We did this scavenger hunt for years. I know we’re not alone because this printable has gotten well over 75,000 downloads since I first made it...


Layers of the Atmosphere Unit Update!

I wanted to let you know that I added a few new worksheets to the Layers of the Atmosphere Packet. The Layers of the Atmosphere unit includes several interactive notebook activities, sorting cards as well as notebook pages and worksheets. If you purchased this unit or the Earth Science BUNDLE, be sure to check your PayPal email address for the update email with your download link. If you need help,...

Digestive System Unit - worksheets lapbook and more 0

Digestive System Unit (Updated!)

New Digestive System Worksheets and Notebook Pages Added! This 150+ page unit on the Digestive System includes worksheets, notebook pages, lapbook/interactive notebook pages, a flap book and also includes hands-on activity ideas (with photos!). In this Digestive System Unit, students will learn about What happens in the mouth – from the types of teeth to the function of saliva The GI Tract: the hollow organs of the digestive system –...

Valentine's Day Addition and Subtraction Practice Gnome Worksheets 0

Valentine’s Day Addition Worksheets

These Valentines Addition and Subtraction Worksheets are currently FREE! Grab this cute set of Valentine’s Day Math Worksheets while they are free! I made a new set of Valentine’s Day math worksheets for students who are beginning to work on double-digit addition. There are a few practice pages with simple addition and subtraction problems. Then there are double digit addition and subtraction worksheets. Two of the worksheets require no carrying...


FREE Famous Americans Packet

Who are these Famous Americans? Do your kids know who Benjamin Banneker, Dred Scott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Clara Barton or Scott Joplin were? (Mine weren’t sure!) You might want to grab this FREE Famous Americans Packet to help your kids learn more! This packet provides several options for learning about these 20+ Americans.  They can research and write down what they learned, they can do some fill-in-the-blank worksheets or they...

Pathogens Worksheet Packet - bacteria viruses protozoa fungi parasites prions 0

Pathogens Packet – Bacteria Viruses Protozoa Fungi Parasites and Prions

Learn all about the six major types of pathogens in this new 100-page Pathogens Packet on Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Parasites and More!!! This biology packet introduces students to the living and nonliving types of pathogens. Bacteria, protozoa, fungi and parasites/worms are all living pathogens.  Viruses and prions are examples of non-living pathogens. This new Pathogens Packet  has been added to the Biology BUNDLE. If you purchased the Biology Bundle previously...


Free 2022-2023 Calendar Printable

Are you looking for a free printable 2022-2023 Calendar that includes holidays, seasons, day light savings, etc.? Be sure to grab our free printable 2022-2023 calendar! Today I wanted to share our (latest) free calendar printable for the 2022-2023 school year.  This free calendar printable covers 20 months (January 2022 through August 2023). I like having a calendar that includes the holidays, the change in seasons, and things like day...