Digestive System Unit (Updated!)

New Digestive System Worksheets and Notebook Pages Added!Digestive System Packet Worksheets Activities

This 150+ page unit on the Digestive System includes worksheets, notebook pages, lapbook/interactive notebook pages, a flap book and also includes hands-on activity ideas (with photos!).

In this Digestive System Unit, students will learn about

  • What happens in the mouth – from the types of teeth to the function of saliva
  • The GI Tract: the hollow organs of the digestive system – mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
  • The Accessory Organs:  liver, gall bladder and pancreas

This packet includes worksheets and notebook pages – and all answers are provided. You might want to borrow books from your local library to supplement your unit, but no other books are needed.

Digestive System Unit - worksheets lapbook and more
The Digestive System Packet is separated into 9 parts. I’ll include photos below!

Introductory Page – Why do we eat food?
Part I — Digestive System: Mouth
Part II — Digestive System: Swallowing; How the Epiglottis Works
Part III — Digestive System: The Digestive Tract
Part IV – Digestive System Overview Pages
Part V – Digestive System Lapbook Materials and Flap Book Activity
Part VI – Small intestines; the liver, gall bladder & pancreas; and the large intestines Notebook Pages & Worksheets
Part VII – The Transformation of Food: Writing Pages
Part VIII – Introduction to Nutrition (New Section Added!)

• Functions of the Digestive System
• Essential Nutrients
• The Digestion of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats
• Enzymes
• Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fats

Part IX Nutrition: Fiber and Vitamins

What age is this packet for?  This (and many of our packets) is suitable for a homeschool family with kids of a range of ages in elementary and middle school; some of the material would be fine for a high school unit as well. We are a homeschooling family with three kids, each two years apart. We first did this unit (and all the hands-on activities) when the kids were in early elementary. The kids were about ages 5, 7 and 9 at the time.  We’ve done this unit several more times (every couple of years) and I have added new material to the packet each time.  This latest update includes more materials (30+ new pages!) for middle school (my daughter is 14).

The Add to Cart Button is down below! Keep scrolling down!  You might also want to visit the Human Body BUNDLE page.

Digestive System Worksheets and Activities Photos:

Introductory Page – Why do we eat food?

Digestive System Introductory PagesPart I — Digestive System: Mouth

Digestive System Mouth WorksheetsDigestive System Hands-on Activity Ideas for the Mouth - Saliva
Part II — Digestive System: Swallowing; How the Epiglottis Works

Digestive System Hands-On Activity Swallowing and the Epiglottis
Part III — Digestive System: The Digestive Tract

Digestive System Worksheets - the digestive tractPart IV – Digestive System Overview Pages (Newly Added!)

Digestive System Worksheets - Notebook Pages
Part V – Digestive System Lapbook Materials and Flap Book Activity

Digestive System Lapbook Activity
Part VI – Small intestines; the liver, gall bladder & pancreas; and the large intestines Notebook Pages & Worksheets

Small intestines, liver gall bladder pancreas large intestines notebook pages

Here is a sample notebook page about the small intestine. On the left you can see the student fill-in-the-blank page. On the right is the full text version.  I would print the fill-in-the-blank page/s for my kids and then a full text version for myself. We would take turns reading and my kids would try to provide the missing answer. If they didn’t know, I would provide the answer from the full-text page. Answer pages are always provided both for notebook pages and for worksheets (such as a matching page).

Digestive System Notebook Page SamplePart VII – The Transformation of Food: Writing Pages

Digestive System Writing Paper - Essay
Part VIII – Introduction to Nutrition (New Section Added!)

• Functions of the Digestive System
• Essential Nutrients
• The Digestion of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats
• Enzymes
• Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fats

Enzymes and the Digestion of Carbohydrates Proteins and Fats Worksheets

Part IX Nutrition: Fiber and VitaminsNutrition Worksheets and Activities - Fiber Vitamins Fiber and our Digestive System worksheet and activity

The Digestive System Packet includes worksheets, lapbook pieces as well our hands-on activities.

Note: The Digestive System Packet was recently updated with about 45 new pages. If you purchased this or the Human Body BUNDLE earlier, be sure to check your PayPal email for the update message with your download link. If you need help getting your download link, feel free to email me! ~Liesl

Our packets are PDF digital downloads. After your purchase, remember to check your PayPal email address for the download link. This page answers some Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to email me if you have any questions! ~Liesl

This 150+ page Digestive System Packet is $7.99. Again, visit the Human Body BUNDLE page to see the bundle options (or scroll down below for more)

$7.99 Digestive System Unit (150+ pages) The Digestive System Packet covers the functions of the digestive system, the organs of the digestive system, the GI tract, how carbohydrates, proteins and fats are digested, the role of enzymes in digestion as well as a section on nutrition – fiber and vitamins.

Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!

Digestive System Unit - Worksheets Lapbook Activities and More

We had two books we really used a lot for these units when the kids were in elementary: Human Anatomy Coloring Book (affiliate link) has pages you can print out and color in.

Human-Anatomy-Coloring-BookAnd the The Body Book: Easy-to-Make Hands-on Models That Teach (affiliate link) has really neat models that you can make. We did the joints, bones of the body (see our model here), and some other things, but more about those in those other posts. :)

BodyBook-Hands-on-ActivitiesDisclosure: Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.

More about our Human Body Packets and BUNDLE Options!

These are some of the packets that are included in our Human Body Bundle.  See photos down below or at this Human Body Bundle Page or in Our Store.

Human Body Systems BUNDLE

These packets can be purchase separately or you can purchase all of them in one bundle.  I included lots of photos of these packets at the Human Body BUNDLE Page.

Our packets are PDF digital downloads. After your purchase, remember to check your PayPal email address for the download link. This page answers some Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to email me if you have any questions! ~Liesl

$8.99 A Study of Cells Unit (150+pages) Animal and Plant Cells, Cell Theory, Organelles of the Cell, Photosynthesis and More

$4.99 Human Body Systems (50+ pages)

$6.99 Skeletal System Packet (90 pages)

$7.99 Digestive System (150+ pages)

$6.99 Circulatory System Unit (40 pages)

$5.99 Muscular System Unit (50+ pages)

$3.99 Nervous System Packet (20+ pages)

$5.99 Endocrine System Packet – (60 pages) Exocrine glands are those glands that have ducts and lead to the surface of the body… like sweat glands, tear glands whereas endocrine glands (like the hypothalamus or thyroid) secrete hormones into the bloodstream.

$5.99 Five Senses Unit: This 100+ page Five Senses Unit has dozens of hands-on activities and detailed, colorful worksheets for learning all about the five senses – sight & the eye, hearing & the ear, taste & the tongue, smell & the nose, touch & the skin. (NOTE: This unit is NOT included in the Human Body BUNDLE 1 or 2.) Recommended for PreK to Early Elementary. View Post, image 1, image 2, image 3, image 4, image 5

$35.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 1: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit or the Five Senses Unit.)

$42.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 2: Human Body Systems, A Study of Cells Unit, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit,  Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets (We often talked about cells as we started our Human Body Units… then went on to talk about human body cells, tissues, organs & systems… and then would move on to a different body system each year. Generally as homeschoolers, we covered just one or two major body systems each year before moving on to another science topic.) (Does not include the Five Senses Unit.)

$38.99 Human Body BUNDLE OPTION 3: Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Packet, Digestive System, Circulatory System Unit, Muscular System Packet, Nervous System Packet, Endocrine System, Reproductive System Worksheets AND The Five Senses Unit (Does not include the Study of Cells Unit.)

Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! ~Liesl

View our Privacy Policy here.

Here are some screen shots of these units:

  $8.99 A Study of Cells Unit

Cell Packet - Cell Unit Homeschool Curriculum

$4.99 Human Body Systems

Human Body Systems Worksheets and Activities

Human Body Systems Worksheets Human Body Systems and their Organs

  $6.99 Skeletal System Packet

Skeletal System WorksheetsRecently updated with new material! This packet is now about 90 pages.Skeletal System Worksheets and Notebook Pages $5.99 Muscular System Unit (50+ pages)

Muscular System Unit and Hands-On ActivitiesMuscular System Unit Notebook Pages or BookletMuscular System Worksheets

  $7.99 Digestive System

Digestive System Worksheets and Activities

  $6.99 Circulatory System Unit (40 pages)

Circulatory System Worksheets and Activities

$3.99 Nervous System Packet (20+ pages)

Nervous System Worksheet Packet

Nervous System Worksheets $5.99 Endocrine System Packet – (60 pages) Exocrine glands are those glands that have ducts and lead to the surface of the body… like sweat glands, tear glands whereas endocrine glands (like the hypothalamus or thyroid) secrete hormones into the bloodstream.

Endocrine System Unit - Worksheets Notebook Pages and activitiesEndocrine System Booklet Worksheets Endocrine System Worksheets Glands Hormones hypothalamus pituitary pineal adrenal pancreas and more Endocrine System Workhsheets

Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link.

You can visit Our Store to find out more about our other packets! :)

Homeschool Den Store

See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts.  You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group.  Happy Homeschooling, everyone!!  ~Liesl

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