Welcome to the Homeschool Den! Check out our latest packets at Our Store (click here!)! New to our website? Click here! Check out our packets and bundles at these pages: Earth and Physical Science Page; Human Body Systems; Zoology/Animal Units; Biology Units; Chemistry Units; History Units; Multiplication/Division 2s thru 12s ; Spelling Games and Activities; Grammar worksheets

FREE Homeschool Planner Winter-Spring 2024 Printable 0

FREE Homeschool Planner Winter-Spring 2024

Life has been extremely busy the past few months, but I have finally had a chance to update and share our latest Homeschool Planner! Be sure to grab our FREE Winter – Spring 2024 Homeschool Planner! This free 50-page printable includes planning pages for January through August 2024. Some planning pages include the monthly calendar; others include checklists and/or planning boxes. This is what we use to keep tabs on...


Monster Creative Writing Packet (FREE!)

This Monster Creative Writing Packet is a fun activity that encourages descriptive writing! This creative writing printable is currently FREE to download! Activities in the Monster Creative Writing Packet include: Describe the monsters using as many descriptive words as possible. Monster Details: Have everyone write a description of a monster and create a matching drawing. Use a lot of descriptive details. One by one, as one student reads their descriptions...

World Leaders Worksheets - Types of Governments and Societies 0

World Leaders Worksheets – Types of Government and Society Pages

Current World Leaders – Types of Government and Types of Society Packet Newly Updated in September 2023 This packet is currently FREE! This packet has two parts. In the first are three sets of world leaders worksheets (covering a total of 30 world leaders). Each set has two leader-country matching pages (plus answer pages), two fill in the blank charts, and two note-taking pages. There is also a notebook page...

Music Curriculum for Beginners with worksheets activities games 0

Music Curriculum for Beginners

Beginner’s Music Curriculum: Learning Notes, Rhythm, Music Notation and More! Our Music Curriculum for Beginners just got a huge update! I have added in more than 100 pages of worksheets, games and activities. Our Music Curriculum Packets provide everything you need to introduce your kids to the basics of music from reading notes, learning to play notes on a keyboard or piano, to learning what many of the music symbols...

FREE Place Value Practice Worksheets 0

FREE Place Value Practice Worksheets

Place Value Practice FREEBIE! Today I have some new place value practice worksheets for you. This place value PDF is free to download, just click on the link or picture below! Place Value Practice Worksheets – FREE PDF Here are some past math freebies you might want to check out: Free Mixed Math Practice Worksheets – Early Elementary FREE Daily Calendar Page – This is a page I made for...

High School Chemistry Homeschool Syllabus Free PDF 0

High School Chemistry Homeschool Syllabus

Free Printable Chemistry Syllabus for Homeschoolers! This year my youngest daughter is doing high school chemistry. I wanted to share the basic chemistry syllabus I created to (try to 🤣) keep us organized! This syllabus should give you an idea of what we will be covering and the notebook pages and worksheets I printed out for her. (Hopefully I didn’t forget much… there’s a lot I carry in my head...

Deciduous vs Coniferous Trees - Worksheets Notebook Pages Montessori Sorting Cards 0

Deciduous vs Coniferous Trees Packet

Coniferous and Deciduous Tree Unit Nature Studies Packet This new 50+ Page Deciduous vs Coniferous Trees Packet includes worksheets, notebook pages and Montessori 3-part cards for sorting 24 types of deciduous trees and 24 types of coniferous trees. This packet also includes notebook pages and other activities that discuss the major differences between these two types of trees. This packet begins with some notebook pages introducing deciduous and coniferous trees...

Fungi vs Plants Worksheets - Montessori 3-part Cards 0

Fungi vs. Plants Packet – Worksheets and Montessori 3-part Cards

Fungi vs. Plants Packet Nature Studies Packet This new 60+page Fungi vs. Plants Packet includes notebook pages, worksheets and Montessori 3-part cards for sorting and classifying forest plants and fungi. It is part of a bran new Nature Studies BUNDLE along with a new packet on Deciduous vs. Coniferous Trees! When you hear the word forest, you probably think about the tall trees that live there. But forests are also...

FREE Homeschool Planner Fall 2023 0

FREE Homeschool Planner for Fall 2023

Here is our new printable Homeschool Planner for the FALL semester 2023! This planner is free to download! As many of you know, I have been creating my own planner for years. Sometimes I have used full-sized pages, sometimes I prefer a smaller booklet-style (1/2 page planner). A couple of years ago, I started using a planner with full-size pages once again.  This particular version has calendars on some of...

5s and 10s Skip Counting and Multiplication Practice Worksheets 0

5s and 10s Skip Counting and Multiplication Worksheets

Happy Summer! Grab this 5s and 10s Packet while it is FREE!! Today I have a new 30-page math packet to share with you. It is currently free to download! These worksheets focus on skip counting by 5s and 10s and introduce kids to the 5s and 10s multiplication facts. It includes skip counting mazes, skip counting practice sheets and some multiplication worksheets. This packet has also been added to...

Summer Activity Ideas - with pics 0

Summer Activity Ideas

Here are some fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer with everything from making pony-bead lizards and bead bowls to marbleized paper! Have a great summer! ~Liesl A Huge List of Summer Activity Ideas! Nature Scavenger Hunt: Send your kids outside to complete this scavenger hunt! This printable is free! 🙂We also have a photo hunt: Have them take photos of the things on the...


FREE Homeschool Conference Handouts

Hi! I’m Liesl! It is conference season again and I wanted to share our free conference handouts not only with those who are attending/attended this weekend’s conference, but for my audience in general! I hope you find some helpful resources here! If you attended the homeschool conference, you probably noticed that we have a lot of history and science resources as well as other packets for German, Spanish, math (K-2...

Cell Cycle and Mitosis 0

Cell Cycle and Mitosis Worksheet Packet

NEW! Cell Cycle and Mitosis Worksheet Packet This 50-page Cell Cycle and Mitosis Packet includes notebook pages, worksheets and activity cards. The first set of notebook pages go over topics/terms such as cell division, cell death (apoptosis), nucleosomes, histones, binary fission, chromatin, chromosomes, centromere, sister chromatids, and the lifespan of human cells. The next set of notebook pages goes over the stages of the cell cycle including interphase (G1, S,...

Organic Chemistry Unit - hydrocarbons - macromolecules 0

Organic Chemistry Unit

New! 100+ Page Introduction to Organic Chemistry Unit During both high school biology and high school chemistry, my kids have done a unit on organic chemistry. This Organic Chemistry Unit includes over 120 pages of notebook pages, worksheets and activity suggestions. All answers are provided! You can do this! This seemed like such an intimidating topic at first, but we broke it down into understandable chunks! My kids came away...