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President's Day Resources 0

President’s Day Resources

FREE President’s Day Resources February 20th is President’s Day here in the U.S. I thought I would share some resources we have here on the blog relating to our Presidents as well as our (free) U.S Landmarks and Symbols Montessori cards and other materials. We have several different packets about our US Presidents that are free here on the blog. The third Monday in February is a federal holiday in...


The Opportunity of a Lifetime!

Those words automatically suck us in, don’t they?  They evoke feelings that we might miss out.  But what if we applied this to the small choices we make each day?  To the small actions that really make a difference in the long run? Don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime!  Today day is the day… to say I love you to your family. to be a good friend. to smile...

bugs worksheets activities PreK 0

Bugs Bugs Bugs! – Free Printable

Recently, one of our preschool posts called Bugs, Bugs, Bugs has been getting a lot of page views. I thought I would add a couple of fun tracing sheets to that unit. And, I also thought I would highlight some of the free PreK printables we have tucked away on the blog! So, this is quite a packed post if you have 3-5 year olds! The free bug tracing pages...

Circulatory System Worksheets and Activities 2

Circulatory System Packet: Worksheets and Hands-on Activities

We recently finished up our unit on the circulatory system. Today, I want to share the new Circulatory System Packet which includes the worksheets, notebook pages, and activities we did with this unit. The kids really loved this unit (and learned a lot too!)! We started off with an overview of the circulatory system before learning about the heart, blood vessels, blood flow through the heart, blood transport through the...

Homeschool Life Grade 3 6 8 0

What We’ve Been Up To (Grades 3, 6, 8)

Our Homeschool Week It has been quite a while since I wrote about the flow of our homeschool day. I really like writing these posts because it gives a glimpse of our messy, busy, wonderful homeschool life! Plus, I love looking back and seeing how things have changed.  I’ll link to some of our previous posts from other years down below at the bottom of the post.  (I still feel...

Free Skip Counting Mazes 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s 0

Valentine’s Skip Counting Mazes 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s – Free!

Today, I have a set of Valentine’s skip counting mazes to share with you.  My kids loved these types of math activities! In these sheets the kids have to skip count by 2s above and below the mazes.  Then, they have to skip count as many times as they can in the number grid. Answer pages are included. These skip counting worksheets are free to download: Valentines Day Skip Counting...

Free Spanish Worksheets - Valentines Day 0

Free Spanish Worksheets: Valentine’s Day – Día de San Valentín

Hola Parents! Feliz Día de San Valentín (Happy Valentine’s Day!) Once more, Liesl and I are coming together to help you teach Spanish to your homeschooler! Growing up in Guatemala I remember how I used to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my friends. It was a day to celebrate “friendship” we also called it “El Día de la Amistad” (The Day of Friendship). Have fun learning the words and making them...

Reading List Grade 4-6 0

Reading List Grade 4-5

This is a list of some of the well-known children’s novels we’ve been working through the past few years.  Many of these books are award winning (Newbery Award) novels. I always enjoy pouring through other people’s reading lists and thought I would share some of the classics we have on our reading list. We’ve read many of the books on the list (but remember I have three kids!).  Just pick...

Reading List Grades 7 to 9 1

Reading List – Grade 7-9

Today I thought I would share some of the literature that is on our reading list for grades 7 to 9. These are well-known classics.  We’re pretty flexible in that I won’t make them finish a book they “hate.”  Life’s too short and their are too many amazing books! Let me add that our list changes as the kids’ interest change and as we cover different things in our homeschool....

Earth Science Activities 0

Earth Science – Hands-On Activities

Every few years, we have learned about Earth Science.  Each time we cover this material, we’ve added in new hands-on activities to help the kids understand some of the Earth’s processes. Today, I thought I’d share some of the photos from the first time we studied Earth Science since they’re buried here on the blog. We talked about the layers of the Earth and did a cute hands-on activity with...

Are you a good Homeschool Role Model - take this quiz 0

Are You a Good Homeschool Role Model? Take this Quiz!!

There are so many things that go into homeschooling… good curriculum, engaging lessons, keeping the house (reasonably) organized, the laundry done, and meals on the table. But the kids are learning SO much from us.  They are watching most everything we do! How good of a role model are you? Are you a good homeschool role model? Take this Quiz! I get enough sleep. I am always prepared for class....

Free Fractions Packet 0

Free Fractions Packet!

Free Equivalent Fractions Packet! (Hearts-Theme or Plain) My daughter is just starting to learn about equivalent fractions… learning that 1 is the same as 2/2, 3/3, etc.  Today I want to share the fractions packet that I first used with my son years ago! ED has done the basics with fractions (shading in fractions and adding fractions with the same denominator), but she is just diving into creating equivalent fractions...

Valentinstag - German Worksheets 0

German Worksheets: Valentinstag

In German, the kids are working on some Valentine’s Day words such as das Herz, der Kuss, die Umarmung, das Pralinenschachtel, Freundschaft, süß, gute Laune, glücklich, Süßigkeiten das Geschenk, die Schokolade and more. There are 24 words total. There are a variety of different Valentine’s Day worksheets that the kids have been working on – matching German to English, matching German to pictures, der? die? das?, etc.  My kids are...

Valentine's Day Freebies 0

Valentine’s Day Freebies!

 We have a wide range of free Valentine’s Day printables here on the blog. I thought I would highlight those for your today. That’s the perfect way to celebrate love and friendship, right?! My kids often enjoy having worksheets that go along with the holidays. Hope you find something that your kids will enjoy. ~Liesl In this post your find lots of free Valentine’s Day math worksheets, games, and other...