Free Spanish Worksheets: Valentine’s Day – Día de San Valentín
Hola Parents! Feliz Día de San Valentín (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
Once more, Liesl and I are coming together to help you teach Spanish to your homeschooler! Growing up in Guatemala I remember how I used to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my friends. It was a day to celebrate “friendship” we also called it “El Día de la Amistad” (The Day of Friendship).
Have fun learning the words and making them part of your Valentine’s Day!
You might want to make Spanish cards and give them to your friends or family members. Here are a few phrases in Spanish that you could write in a Valentine’s Day card:
- I love you! — ¡Te amo!
- I am glad you are my friend! — Me alegro de que seas mi amigo.
- Thank you for being my friend! — ¡Gracias por ser mi amigo!
- I am happy when I am with you. — Soy feliz cuando estoy contigo.
Also, here is a bilingual song you can sing along to complement your learning. Enjoy! Dia del Amor y la Amistad
Here are the Spanish Valentine’s Day worksheets Liesl and I made for you. They are FREE to download!
Spanish Worksheets Dia de San Valentin Valentines Day
New Spanish Course for Elementary: As many of you know, I offer Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 courses over at Many parents have requested a Elementary Spanish course. I am excited to announce that I am in the process of creating a new Spanish course for elementary ages; year one is complete (units 1 through 8) and I am working on year two (units 9 and beyond)! Many parents have asked for it and my own daughter is eager to learn along with many other students. Please visit this page for more information about the Spanish Course for the Elementary Years (K-Gr. 6)
To learn more about me and my Spanish teachings visit my website
Hasta luego!
~Sra. Morato
Spanish Teacher/ Curriculum Designer/ Homeschool Mom
It’s Liesl here! A huge thank you to Sra. Morato for helping to put together these fun Spanish worksheets! I don’t speak Spanish, so I’m grateful to have a the opportunity to work with Sra. Morato to put this series together for all of you!! Be sure to visit some of the other free Spanish printables we’ve made for you this year:
- Daily Calendar in Spanish! La Página de calendario de Hoy – It will help your kids learn the days of the week, the months of the year, the weather and other skills!
- Free Spanish Worksheets: Christmas Words – Palabras de Navidad
- Coming up next:Free Spanish Worksheets – ¡En el jardín! In the Garden!
As we said above, Sra. Morato has an Elementary Spanish course. However, if you are just interested in the Spanish worksheet sets, be sure to check out the Spanish BUNDLES in the Spanish Store!
Be sure to check out the Spanish BUNDLES in the Spanish Store!
Coming Soon: Spanish Set 4: BUNDLE: Los Días de la semana; Los Meses del año; Las Estaciones; El tiempo o El Clima (includes 4 pdfs)
If you have any requests as you introduce your child to the Spanish language, let us know!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. And, be sure to visit Sra. Morato’s website
Happy Homeschooling!
~Liesl and Sra. Morato