President’s Day Resources
FREE President’s Day Resources
February 20th is President’s Day here in the U.S. I thought I would share some resources we have here on the blog relating to our Presidents as well as our (free) U.S Landmarks and Symbols Montessori cards and other materials. We have several different packets about our US Presidents that are free here on the blog.
The third Monday in February is a federal holiday in the U.S. It is officially called Washington’s Birthday. Because Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is February 12, many people refer to this holiday as Presidents’ Day. This is also a state holiday, though different states call it different things: Washington’s Birthday, President’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Washington and Lincoln Day, and even George Washington/Thomas Jefferson Birthday (in Alabama).
Last year I made some notebook pages that highlight some of the Presidents who were in charge during trying times: U.S. Presidents’ Worksheets – Presidents Day (These are free)
I also made a couple of notebook pages which will highlight a few of the Presidents who were in office during some of the major events:
- Andrew Jackson the Trail of Tears.
- Abraham Lincoln the Civil War
- Woodrow Wilson World War I
- Herbert Hoover (and FDR) the Great Depression
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt World War II
- Harry S. Truman the Korean War
- John F. Kennedy the Cuban Missile Crisis
We have some free notebook pages about President Dwight Eisenhower which I shared earlier this semester.
We have some free notebook pages about President Ronald Reagan that we did last year:
Click here to save this on Pinterest:
NEW! U.S. Presidents Activity We have a new printable booklet that highlights 14 Presidencies from Washington and Lincoln to FDR, JFK and more! It comes in 3 versions: one with full notes, a cut-and-paste version, and a note-taking version.
You can get this FREE download at this post: U.S. Presidents – Quick Study Packet
We also have a U.S. Civics and Government Packet: In this unit, we covered not only the 3 branches of government, the Constitution and “basic facts” about the U.S., but some new material (for us)… how State and Local governments work, what the federal, state and local governments do for us, and what kinds of taxes we pay to help keep the government running. You can find out more about our Civics and Government Packet here:
We have a World Facts Packet – which talks not only about some of the basic facts I wanted the kids to know about the world (What are the largest countries? Which countries have the largest population? What are the world’s longest rivers?) But also covers some basic facts about the United States as well (What is the smallest state? the biggest state? What is the name of the country’s tallest mountain? etc.). You can find out more about it here:
If you have slightly younger kids, you might also be interested in our Montessori cards: U.S. Symbols and Landmarks. These are free here:
If you plan to cover the Causes and Events Leading to the American Revolution, you might want to check out our American Revolution packet.
We also have a large packet about Slavery and the Civil War which you can check out here:
Oregon Trail Lapbook and Notebook Pages
That’s about it for today!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl