The Opportunity of a Lifetime!
Those words automatically suck us in, don’t they? They evoke feelings that we might miss out. But what if we applied this to the small choices we make each day? To the small actions that really make a difference in the long run?
Don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime! Today day is the day…
- to say I love you to your family.
- to be a good friend.
- to smile at everyone you meet today.
- to create an amazing, memorable lesson.
- to make a meal with love.
- to connect with someone you’ve lost touch with.
- to knock something off your to-do list.
- to take a moment for yourself.
- to be courteous and kind to strangers (even when you’re driving somewhere and are late and frazzled!)
- to breathe deeply and appreciate the wonderful things in your life!
Happy Homeschooling!
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