213 Search results

For the term "German".


A blog within a blog! Brilliant! I heard this idea on a podcast I was listening to and thought that I just *had* to start that.  Why? My blog has definitely changed and shifted since I first started writing it in 2009.  Now, it’s more like a resource than as a “diary” of our daily/weekly happenings.  For example, our Human Body Systems worksheets have had well over 100,000 hits and...


What We’re Up to in Our Homeschool (Gr. 2, 5, 7)

This week I’m changing our “Thoughts on Teaching” series up a bit to write about how our homeschool days flow in general.  Each day is pretty different from the one before and is usually a result of what we didn’t get to (or got to only minimally) the day before.  But I keep a general running tab (mentally if not by checklist!) of what we’re doing in each subject. So...


Thoughts on Teaching: Meaningful Teaching Activities

Have you noticed that the longer  you talk, the more the kids’ attention wanders? People’s brains stay sharply focused only for short periods… I think I’ve read figures of between 10 and 20 minutes for average kids. But of course, the more interested  you are in a subjects, the better able you are to sustain attention. The key to education then is transforming students from passive receivers of information to...


Acadia National Park, Maine — The Last Trip of This Summer

Before I dive too much into our school posts, I wanted to share pictures from our last week of summer vacation.  Back in the spring, we made camping reservations at the Blackwood Campground in Acadia National Park.  We drove up to Maine and spent a week enjoying the beauty of that area! We did a lot of hiking! And the kids and Hubby even braved the cold ocean waters! We...


Our First Day of (Home)School!! (Grades 2, 5 and 7 Curriculum)

Yesterday was our very first day school.  We had such an amazing summer (and more about that in another day or so), but it is also great to be back in the groove again!  I started the day with my new morning routine (I’ll talk about that more in another post too!), but it left me organized, energized, and ready to go with the kids! ED, of course, was the...


10 Steps to Get Ready for School!

We’re definitely still in summer mode here… with swimming, camps, play dates, gardening… and an upcoming language immersion camp, but that doesn’t mean that homeschooling isn’t on my mind!! So here are the 10 steps we take to get ready for homeschooling: 1) Send in the official paperwork — the Notice of Intent to Homeschool (if your state require this).  Half of my friends have sent theirs in… the other...

World Facts Packet 0

World Facts Packet

When we start off the new school year, I want the kids to go over some basic world facts again.  Do they remember… What are the four largest countries? (Russia, Canada, the U.S.A., China) What countries have the most people? (China, India, the U.S.A.) What are the world’s largest cities? (Tokyo, Jakarta, Seoul) Which countries have the longest life expectancy? (Monaco, Macau, Japan) What are the major religions? The packet...


A Passel of Past Posts #2

Passel means “a group or lot of indeterminate number…” so here you’ll find a random number of links to posts we’ve written over the years! 🙂 Since we keep getting new readers, I thought I would highlight some of the projects, activities and printables we’ve shared over the years.  I hope you find a few “new” ideas in this series! 🙂  As ever, if you have any questions or comments feel free to...


A Passel of Past Posts #1

So, I wanted a bit of alliteration to make a catchy title… and actually had to look up the definition of passel to be sure I was using it correctly. Sure enough, it means “a group or lot of indeterminate number.”  Perfect!  This post has a collection of posts from the past… and I’m not quite sure how many I’ll wind up highlighting.  But why talk about posts from the past?...


Homeschool Happenin’s! (Outer Banks, Jam Making… Oh yes, and a tiny bit of school…)

The past week or so we were away from home… enjoying the tranquility and pre-summer crowds of the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Since my sister homeschools (and thus also has a flexible schedule), it seemed the perfect time to meet up with her family and my folks! Homeschool Graduate: Before I share a couple of pictures… let me brag on my niece (who has been homeschooled K through 12)....


High Standards and a Nurturing Atmosphere

I am drawn to books and stories about amazing teachers and inspiring mentors who help their students achieve greatness. What are great teachers teaching students along the way?  To love learning. To learn and think for themselves. And to work hard on the fundamentals.   The common thread among many of the inspiring books I’ve read is that great teachers set high standards for all of their students. They believe in...


Monticello and Manassas National Battlefield Park

We have managed to fit in two more learning days on the go!  We visited Thomas Jefferson’s home, Monticello, in Virginia. We did the slavery tour and the tour of his home.  We had an amazing time… Not only because of the incredible weather, but also because of how much we learned. The Monticello plantation was about 5,000 acres. At any one time, Thomas Jefferson owned around 130 slaves.  One thing...


What a Great Week!

We’ve had such a great week!  In early March, the kids were often really testy with one another but ever since our lovely spring break (when my in-laws were here), things have been moving along well! This post actually has nothing to do with the featured image of Starbuck, though she does rule over our homeschool room. She spends a lot of time under the homeschool room couch, but once...

Civics and Government Unit 0

U.S. Civics and Government Unit (3 Branches of Government and More!)

This Civics and Government Unit covers the 3 Branches of Government The Constitution & Bill of Rights The Presidential Cabinet Positions How a Bill becomes Law Civics Review (symbols, landmarks) Federal vs. State Governments and more! We are doing a Civics and Government Unit.  I made this packet for the kids because I couldn’t find a homeschool unit that covered everything I wanted to include. Not only are we covering the...