213 Search results

For the term "German".
Kindergarten Curriculum for ED 0

Kindergarten Curriculum for ED

Our approach to Kindergarten has changed a lot over the course of this year. We had to add in curriculum and change things up as ED grew and matured this year.  ED turned six in February and she was demanding more work… and work that looked more like what her brother and sister were doing.  She is such a different student than my oldest! So here are some of the...

Wild Horses and Light House Tour – Outer Banks, NC 0

Wild Horses and Light House Tour – Outer Banks, NC

One afternoon last week, we decided to do a couple of tours.  First, we stopped off at the Currituck Beach Light Station.  It is 162 feet and has 220 steps.  Construction on it began in 1873 and it was first illuminated in 1875.  It still serves as an aid to naviagation, lighting up every 3 seconds and off for 17 seconds throughout the night. The exterior of this lighthouse was...


Our Homeschool Week (Grades 3 and 5)

The past couple of weeks have flown by. I wanted to write up a quick post to mention some of the things that are going well for us at the moment.  It’s hard to believe that we’ll be wrapping up another school year in four or five weeks! Here’s what we’ve been up to the past few weeks: Language Arts: In order to fulfill the requirements of our state, the...

Ancient China Worksheets 5

Ancient China Packet

We have been studying Ancient China this semester.  We are using  The Story of Ancient China (affiliate link) (see more about that below) as our spine, but also have read selections from the  Story of the World (affiliate link) and the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. This is the packet that I made to go along with some of our readings. These are now included in our 100+ page Ancient China Unit. Recently,...


Preschool at Home: Geography Activities (Maps and More) Ages 4+

There are so many fun things you can do with your preschooler (or elementary kids) to help them gain an understanding of the geography of our amazing world! You can make all kinds of maps to enhance your preschooler’s knowledge of the world. Over the years we have made maps… with sand, dirt and grass seed like our Nile River Valley Out of clay, like our Ancient Greece (and Mediterranean...


What We’re Up to In Our Homeschool – Curriculum We Use

One thing about homeschoolers is that each family has its own style. Some people have quite a structure/routine to their homeschool; some people unschool and support and follow the passions and interests of their kids. Our days are fairly loose, but we follow fairly traditional subjects. Homeschoolers often fall into different categories… Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Classical, or use online-curriculums. I would say we are eclectic, hands-on homeschoolers — meaning we...

Why Should Kids Study Languages? 1

Why Should Kids Study Languages?

U.S. students lag far behind in their foreign language capabilities compared to students in much of the world. The U.S. has a lot to learn from these countries. There are so many reasons to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language helps increase understanding of other cultures and introduces students to new ideas, customs, habits, and values. Put another way, learning a foreign language increases global understanding. It fosters respect...

Our Homeschool Plans This Semester 4

Our Homeschool Plans This Semester

Over the holidays I spent a lot of time away from the computer (blogging, that is), but I did pull together plans for the new semester. Here’s what’s on the agenda: Science: We’ll be starting an earth science unit on weather, wind and water. We’ll be starting with an overview of the Earth’s 4 systems and then will learn about the atmosphere before continuing on to wind, weather, etc. daily...

New Years Self Reflection Questions 2

Self-Reflection Questions for New Years

The year is quickly coming to a close. I absolutely love the year end wrap-ups that come on TV… remembering and reflecting on the good, the amazing, the bad, the sad… And it’s worth thinking about our family’s own year in that same way.  Here are some questions to consider about the year. At the end of the post I’ll share a year-end wrap-up of my own. (It’ll be a...

What’s Happenin’ in Homeschool? 1

What’s Happenin’ in Homeschool?

Tis the season to be flexible! Some days we get quite a bit done, other days… not so much.  I try to keep myself calm about that.  Yesterday, for example, all our friends had a snow day. Often time we do school anyway, but the appeal of sledding and playing outside with friends won over! Today, we were back to the normal homeschool schedule. Here are some of the things...


What Happens in a Homeschool Day? Our Week (or 2) in Review (K, Grade 3, Grade 5)

I thought I would put a post together that helps give a flavor of what our daily homeschooling routine looks like. So many of my posts are compilations of our activities, but they don’t actually show what happens day-to-day.  It’s about time to do that again (and I enjoy reading these posts later as the kids get older!) We have finally gotten back to a relatively normal schedule. (If you...


Guest Post: Working Outside the Home, Homeschooling Mom

Perspectives from a working (part-time outside the home) homeschooling mom. Since Liesl is still under the weather, here is a guest post from a friend (Disclaimer:  I am in no way as amazing a homeschooler as Liesl.)  I have been homeschooling my kids since they were 4 and 2, they are now 9 and 11.  I have also always worked part time outside the home and I love my profession. ...

Find Activities for your Tots or Preschoolers, Search for Different Unit Studies: Categories and Archives Features 0

Find Activities for your Tots or Preschoolers, Search for Different Unit Studies: Categories and Archives Features

We have a wonderful tech team here at Parents. You might have noticed that the categories feature of my blog is now back! Hooray! Ever since I started this blog I have been categorizing things into different units.  If you’re doing a study of Ancient Egypt or natural disasters, the human body or the ocean, or just want to look through the dozens and dozens of posts I did when...


What’s a “Typical” Homeschool Day Like this Year?

We’ve been back to school for about a month, I wanted to share how homeschool life is going.  I love the posts where other homeschoolers share what they aspire to each day — and that’s what this post is.  Not that everything on the list get checked off, but if we were to have an ideal day it might look something like this (this is the list that floats around...