213 Search results

For the term "German".
Workboxes 0


The workbox yahoo group I participate in had a great discussion last week about “fun” boxes.  I wrote my own comments and thought I’d share them here too: I’m a little late adding to the discussion, but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and thoughts about fun boxes.  I always enjoy hearing how things are working for others. I think I’m different from many in that my kids do their...

And other school subjects… 0

And other school subjects…

We’ll be posting more about science experiments for the next few weeks (after all that’s makes for better pictures), but we are more or less back into the swing of things with: mathhandwritingjournal writing (or preschool activities for DD)German (review: greetings, numbers and animals)reading (them reading to me)book time (me reading to them)art (daily crafts/drawing — if not multiple times a day!)the kids have also been doing mazes and dot-to-dots...

Planning for the new Semester 0

Planning for the new Semester

Here in Australia, most kids will be starting a new schoolyear at the beginning of February.  We follow the Americanschool year, so LD will still be in first grade and DD is stillin preschool. Since we take days off as we need to, I generally continueat half speed after the holidays (getting together for play datesor going to the pool at the drop of a hat).  Still, I’ve beenspending time...