213 Search results

For the term "German".

Daily Calendar in Spanish! La Página de calendario de Hoy

It is a new school year! Start learning about the calendar in Spanish! These three video lessons will teach you about the: •    Days of the week •    Months •    How to talk about the weather Hola! I am Sra. Morato, a homeschool mom of three and Spanish certified teacher.  I am so excited Liesl has given me the platform to share with you all some of my Spanish lessons....


Our First Day of School! :)

Today was our first official day of school. After all the planning I did this summer, it was fabulous to finally just jump in and start off the year!! This year we’ve set up a more structured schedule for ourselves… at least to start with.  Other years, we covered all of our subjects, but each day was different. This year we’ve decided (together, this wasn’t just my idea) to have...


Friday Freebies: Missing Numbers 1 to 20 for PreK or Beginning Language Learners

Missing Numbers (1 to 20) Activity Pages for PreK or Beginning Language Learners (Scroll down for the free download!!) Hi Everyone! This fall, I have a number of free file folder games to share with you.  I’ll be sharing those on Fridays!  I have also teamed up with Sra. Morato at  homechoolspanishcurriculum.com [By the way, if you are using Firefox you might get an error message. It’s being worked on...

Homeschool Organization - Dealing with our Homeschool Stuff 0

Strategic Homeschool Organization!!

We all hear a lot about getting organized and keeping the clutter down.  But today I want to talk about becoming organized in a strategic way… a way that helps our homeschool day run smoothly.  It’s not really about making the pencils and markers look pretty and organized, though that definitely has its appeal.  It’s about making sure our days flow smoothly. That the kids have some sense of what...


World’s Only Diamond Mine Open to the Public & Acoma Pueblo Sky City (NM)

When we were planning our trip out West, I purchased a book of some of America’s best geological sites.  I read about the Crater of Diamonds state park and the kids were beside themselves at the thought of being able to search for *real* diamonds!! This state park is the world’s eighth largest diamond-bearing volcanic crater. We camped in the state park and tried our hand at diamond mining! Many...


Our 7,000 Mile Trip Out West!!

Just a few days ago, the kids and I got back from a 7,000 mile cross-country trip. We visited more than 10 national parks and monuments as well as a number of famous state parks.  We spent time looking for diamonds in the world’s only diamond mine open to the public, had a long tour of Canyon De Chelly which we had studied about this spring with a Navajo guide...


Homeschool Thoughts: Spending Time Reviewing

One topic that I don’t hear discussed much in my homeschool circles (or online) is taking time for review. My guess is that it’s not quite as exciting to talk about going backwards (so to speak) as finding new topics and new curriculum. But I find it important to review some of the topics and units we’ve covered in the past. We do that on a daily/weekly basis (with cards...

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Renaissance Worksheets – Holy Roman Empire, Albrecht Dürer

We have continued on with our unit on the Renaissance.  Our readings covered Maximilian and Charles V, and talked about the influential people of that period: the Fugger Family, who were the wealthiest banking family outside of Italy, and Albrecht Dürer the famous German artist. We are using  The Story of the Renaissance (affiliate link)  as our spine for this unit.  We read sections aloud together and add in art...


Week in Review (Grade 7, 5, 2)

A lot of the time I write posts focused just on one topic… like the Renaissance sheets I just shared on Wednesday or the comma worksheet I’m going to share next week. But other times, I just want to chit-chat about what’s going on… and that’s what this post is going to be! Homeschooling has been going pretty well lately. We are trying to keep going at a steady pace...


U.S. Presidents’ Worksheets – Presidents Day and US Presidents Song!

Your kids can learn all of the U.S. Presidents in order with the U.S. Presidents Song!  Plus, be sure to grab these free Presidents Day Notebook Pages all about some of our well-known Presidents. The third Monday in February is a federal holiday in the U.S. It is officially called Washington’s Birthday. Because Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is February 12, many people refer to this holiday as Presidents’ Day.  This is...

Homeschool Organization 0

Organization: How We Keep On Top of Things While Homeschooling

When things get disorganized I feel really scattered and wind up dropping the ball. There’s a lot for homeschoolers to keep track of, right? So, how do we keep on top of everything? Being brutally honest here… I/We can’t always do it all! Homeschooling is challenging because there are so many different areas to juggle, not just the academics. We just do the very best we can! I’ve found there...

History Units

History Units

Homeschool History Units I wanted to make a page that will make it easier to see what history resources we have available on our blog. These are some of the history units we have covered so far in our homeschool and the posts I’ve written related to each unit. As many of you know, we *love* hands-on activities and have done lots of creative activities along the way. 🙂 You...


A Day in the Life – Homeschool Post (Ages almost 8, 10, 12)

It has been a while since I just wrote about one of our days.  I thought I would write up a quick post about the flow of our day. In our homeschool, no day is exactly like another. 🙂 Today I had to drag myself out of bed. I was up until nearly 3am last night working on the computer (on some school stuff for the kids and some behind...


Homeschool Language Arts: Our Year in Review and Resources Chart

Language arts is a subject that is always in progress, so it doesn’t make quite as snazzy of a year in review wrap-up, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to share some of our free grammar resources again in a nice, organized table form since those still are so popular. The chart also includes links to our popular Homeschool Writing Workshop series.  I’ve also included links to...