Category: Math Categories (By Skill and Grade)


Thanksgiving Skip Counting Mazes 2s, 3s, 5s (Free)

Last week my daughter did several skip counting mazes and she asked for more. I whipped a few new sheets together for her… the turkey has to find his lost hat (and not wind up as dinner!). You can move in any direction including diagonally.  If you are interested you can download them and use them with your kids as well!  Enjoy! Thanksgiving Skip Counting Practice 2s 3s 5s If...


Fall and Thanksgiving Math Packs and Games (Free)

I’m always SO grateful for the educators who share their materials for free!  I was looking for some Thanksgiving themed math materials for my kids  and came across a number of free games and printables (most are from TeachersPayTeachers which you need to register (free) to be able to download). We have taken a number of pages for ED’s kindergarten math from Royal Baloo’s Thanksgiving Math Pack Use a hole...


Kindergarten Math (addition games/place value activities)

It has been a while since I talked about what ED is doing for math.  Kindergarten math for ED has included a smorgasbord of materials. She spent the first month or so really working on her doubling math facts (1+1 through 9+9). She has those down now. Although we have a couple of math (homeschool) curriculums (Singapore Grade 1 and Saxon Grade 1) for whatever reason, neither of those really...

Explaining Long Division with Kitty Place Value Cards 7

Explaining Long Division with Kitty Place Value Cards

DD is just now moving into long division–by that I mean we’ve done about a half-dozen problems together.  She really didn’t get it at all… so I wanted a more hands on way of showing her what was happening. Last week I made ED some kitty place value cards (haven’t gotten that post done!) for her to work on building numbers into the thousands, but it occurred to me that...


Dragon Themed Multiplication, Division and Addition Worksheet Packs

Before my surgery I had made some dragon themed math pages for the kids to work on while I was out last week. I drew the red and blue dragons myself. For some reason the kids are VERY into dragons and hippogriffs at the moment!  My drawings turned out reasonably cute (I’ll paste them in below to show you), but for some reason when I printed them, the pictures look...


Monster-Themed Addition Packet

Can you believe how soon Halloween will be here?  I’ve been trying to come up with some fun, interactive math activities for ED.  I loved the idea I saw out on Pinterest back in the summer where someone used googly eyes as manipulatives for addition practice. I drew our own little monster and made ED a packet with some flashcards and addition pages. She is learning very simple addition.  ...

Math Cups 3

Active Multiplication Math Games and Free Online Multiplication Games

DD has learned most of her multiplication facts, but she still needs lots of extra practice because it takes her a while to come up with the answer sometimes.  I’m trying to find some fun ways to keep her practicing them and making sure she has them memorized and can recite the answer quickly. So here’s a post covering some of the fun ways we’re reviewing those facts… everything from...


Kitty Race Game — Doubling (5+5 thru 10+10)

ED loves kittens and I made this game for her to practice her doubling.  It’s a pretty straight-forward game. Just roll the die, double the number and move the token up one space. This doesn’t have to be a competitive game… the players just guess which kitty is going to win the game. (I drew all these kitties — not professional by any means but ED likes them and the fact...


Free Ultimate Math Game Board (+free addition cards)

This week I brought out a math game board to go over some math facts with the kids. The great thing about this board is that the kids can practice any math skill they’re working on. A player can start on any green start space. If she answers a math fact card correctly, she rolls the die and moves clockwise around the gameboard.  If she lands on a space such...

Math Facts — Make it Active! Make it Fun! 4

Math Facts — Make it Active! Make it Fun!

Active Addition Games: Last week, we rolled back the rug and taped down some addition facts ED is working on (the doubles 1+1 through 9+9).  ED loved that we made this an all-body experience!  First, she went through each problem, shouted out the answer and hopped to the next one…   Next, I set out all the answers at the end. She had to run, find the answer and place...


Free Math Dice Game for ages 4-6 (to learn double digit numbers)

This week, ED is going to work on place value. She still needs work on her double digits (not reversing fourteen as 41 and so forth).There’s a game we haven’t played in ages called Sunny Side Up that is just perfect for reviewing those double digit numbers.  I made some new game sheets for her and will share it for anyone else who might be interested. First, here’s how to...


Skip Counting By 2s Mazes

As I mentioned earlier this week, ED is working on the concept of odds-evens and is practicing skip counting by 2s.  I printed out some mazes for her to practice counting from 2 to 200.  There is a huge selection of mazes over at Print Activities with different themes (such as baseball, pirates, Thanksgiving, etc. etc.). Skip Counting by 2s Mazes You can also find mazes to practice Counting By...


Free Daily Calendar Page + Math Lapbook Activities

Yesterday, I shared the free math lapbook I made for my daughter.  Depending on your child it may be appropriate for kids between 4 and 6 or so. Today I wanted to share a little bit about how I’m using the calendar pieces. She’s been taking the days of the week from the lapbook and putting them in order She’s then been using these in her daily calendar page. If...


Free Math Lapbook (PreK, K, 1st Grade)

At the end of the year last year, I had ED cut out and put together a math lapbook. We didn’t go over much of the material in it, but I wanted the lapbook mostly done for the beginning of this year. We had a few finishing touches. For example, we hadn’t attached the left and right hands — so ED glued those on the front of her lapbook. (We...