Category: Math General Posts


Math Addition Activities – 7

I’m not sure this exactly qualifies as addition (it’s also logic, strategy and so forth), but LD got this award winning card game for his birthday and LOVES it. It is called Rat-a-tat-Cat The premise is that you have to get rid of your rats (the high cards like 7, 8, 9) and try to get only low cards. You can not look at your face down card unless you...


Copy Me — Preschool Symmetry Activity

To introduce the concept of symmetry to my preschoolerwe played the “copy me game.” (That’s what I called it.)First I put down an object and she had to put one in it’smirror image (I showed her how if I folded the paper overit would be right in that spot where the paper touchedon the other side.) Then she had to put down an objectand I had to copy her. We...


Mini Eraser Activities

We got a wonderful assortment of mini erasers from OrientalTrading and have been using them for all kinds of math and sorting activities. Below LD did skip counting by 3s ( grouped three items below each wagon. I asked himhow many items there would be with 4 groups of 3 (12) andso forth. DD did some general counting (pictured below) while ED,the toddler, just put the erasers and numbers into...


MATH IDEAS PART I — addition, hundreds board, skip counting (roughly K-2):

MATH IDEAS PART I — addition, hundreds board, skip counting (roughly K-2): With the beginning of the new school year, I worked a lot to become more organized.  Perhaps someone out there can benefit from my master math list. GENERAL MATH SITES: (I used these a lot for Kindergarten Math) NUMBER GAMES from this website: ADDITION: Addition Math War — a card game. The person with...


MATH IDEAS PART II: (Time, Place Value, Money Activities, Multiplication)

MATH IDEAS PART II: (Time, Place Value, Money Activities, Multiplication) TIME: One activity we did quite a bit was to take a blank clock face (no numbers) and to practice putting the hours (1-12) around the edge of the clock in the correct spot. Once that was easy for my son, we took a clock with the numerals and then put the five minute increments around the edge of the...