Category: Math General Posts
I saw these ten-dot cards over at Oceans of First Grade Fun and thought I’d give them a try for DD. The object is to flash the card quickly, put it away and have them mentally figure out how many dots there were (2+2 or 4+4). It’s just another way of helping kids to become automatic with their number sense and basic addition facts. DD actually likes these and we...
DD has been working a lot with coins and counting change recently. Coin Toss and Change Counting There’s nothing wildly original about his idea, but boy did the kids like this activity! I just took a big handful of coins (the same for each of the kids). They took turns throwing the coins into the heart cups and then had to count their change when they had tossed all of...
Someone mentioned this math website on one of the blogs I frequent now and then. I decided to check it out and wanted to mention it for those with kids in 5th or 6th grade. I think even LD will learn something from these short math videos. I watched two of them. They were easy to follow (from my perspective, though haven’t shown LD to get his opinion). The ones...
If your child is learning his or her times tables, there’s a wonderful video game you can download for them to practice. The graphics are great. Timez Attack — There’s a free version or you can purchase a version that has more levels. You should check it out if you haven’t already!
DD took a domino and created an addition problem writing it on her recording sheet. We used the domino recording sheet from Mathwire. You can find more domino math ideas on the investigating dominoes page and on this Mathwire page.There’s a cute activity also for addition called the domino parking lot with use with regular sized dominoes. ED simply counted the dots and put her wooden numbers on top of...
Goodness, we have been so busy here there’s hardly been any time to write. It’s the end of the semester and many of the kids’ (and my) activities are coming to a close. There have been extra practices and parties and we’re still doing our slow but steady homeschool stuff. Lots of books and lots of games this time of year! Plus we’re finishing up some old (unfinished) lapbook projects...
Math Monster: I spread out various cards for the kids — multiplication problems for LD, addition problems for DD and letters to identify for ED. I’m the math monster and try to tag the kids. If they don’t have a card they are frozen, if they have a card and can answer correctly they can go free (if they answer incorrectly they’re frozen as well). They can be unfrozen by...
I made some addition cards for DD this afternoon. We needed some new, more challenging addition cards to use with our ‘Fast Track’ board game. DD wanted flowers and butterfly cards, so I thought I’d give it a go. She declared that these were “beauuuuu – ti – ful.” Hope someone else can use them. Click here to view and print out the addition cards. If you want to print out...
A pack of Crazy Eight cards from the dollar store comes in handy for doing math fact games. Addition Facts Game: Each player started with five cards. There’s a discard pile and a draw pile. Each player takes a turn drawing or picking up a card from the discard pile. The first time we played, we used the numbers 0 through 6 and set the other numbers aside. We had...
DD has enjoyed math so far this week. In addition to a bit of work in her math workbook each day — here are some things we did together: Place Value: She is finding the numbers 500 90 and 7 and stacking them on top of each other (bottom left of pic) to make 597. These plastic place value cards are from our Right Start Math curriculum, but can be...
I saw this wonderful clock idea at Suddenly 2nd Grade — The blog appears not to be up and running any more. Anyway, LD has been working on time in intervals of 5 minutes. This idea and the clock printout made by Mrs. Nielson is great. She has the bottom sheet available to print out too, but when we made it I felt it’d be better for LD to...
LD continues to work on his first multiplication tables from 1s to 6s — with lots of skip counting along the way. Today I had him working on 4s mostly. It has been quite a long time since we’ve done active math games outside and we had a reprieve in the weather. So we set up a chalk math snail again. LD had to multiply each number by 4. DD...
I’ve come across a number of beautiful Valentine’s Day math activities that I plan to use this week with DD. They are so pretty and well done, I just had to share in case someone else might want to incorporate them into their week! I wish I had the time (and health!…I still have a vicious cough from the pneumonia.) to be making such beautiful things, but at the moment...
Science: Obviously we’re working on our Earth Science Unit and that will probably continue for at least another month. We are also working through the Real Science-4 Kids Chemistry book Pre-Level 1. I really like these books and recommended them to my sister (they homeschool) back a couple of years ago. Her kids are older than mine and she went through the Pre-Level one books and then continued on with...