Ten-Dot Cards for DD (math, age 5)
I saw these ten-dot cards over at Oceans of First Grade Fun and thought I’d give them a try for DD. The object is to flash the card quickly, put it away and have them mentally figure out how many dots there were (2+2 or 4+4). It’s just another way of helping kids to become automatic with their number sense and basic addition facts. DD actually likes these and we go through the entire pile in just a couple minutes before moving onto the next math activity or game.We’ll be moving on to some of Mrs. A’s other suggestions soon. Be sure to look at her posting. She generously offered these cards as a free download. Thank you, Mrs. A!
If you have a preschooler or early kindergartener (age 4 or so) be sure to check out all the great math ideas at this post by Kindergarten Crayons! She has lots of great freebies.