Category: Active Math Games


Free Ultimate Math Game Board (+free addition cards)

This week I brought out a math game board to go over some math facts with the kids. The great thing about this board is that the kids can practice any math skill they’re working on. A player can start on any green start space. If she answers a math fact card correctly, she rolls the die and moves clockwise around the gameboard.  If she lands on a space such...

Math Facts — Make it Active! Make it Fun! 4

Math Facts — Make it Active! Make it Fun!

Active Addition Games: Last week, we rolled back the rug and taped down some addition facts ED is working on (the doubles 1+1 through 9+9).  ED loved that we made this an all-body experience!  First, she went through each problem, shouted out the answer and hopped to the next one…   Next, I set out all the answers at the end. She had to run, find the answer and place...

Candy Land Addition Game (Free at the Moment) 1

Candy Land Addition Game (Free at the Moment)

Practically everyone has a Candy Land board around, right? I came across an adorable addition game to go along with the classic board game Candy Land.  If you’re looking to review some basic math facts with your child this summer you might want to print out the cards offered by Mel at Teachers Pay Teachers.  It’s free at the moment; I don’t know if it normally costs something to download...


Patriotic Themed Math Games

We are only doing a light amount of school work at the moment, but I want to keep some of their math facts and skills fresh.  Here are some math games I made to play with the kids. I made them in a patriotic theme since next Thursday is Independence Day, the 4th of July. My youngest is practicing doubling (1+1, 2+2, etc.). My other daughter is practicing squares (3×3, 7×7,...


Equivalent Fraction Cards (Pokemon Theme)

I made a set of equivalent fraction cards.  LD has to figure out the correct answer and then moves that many spaces on our homemade Fast Track Gameboard. You can download these Equivalent Fraction Cards (pokemon-theme) here. They are free to download. 🙂 We made our own gameboard years ago and still have it tucked in the corner to pull out!  This was an idea I got from the wonderful book, Games for...

Free Math Games: The Great Pet Races 6

Free Math Games: The Great Pet Races

I made this selection of games to help DD practice her basic math facts again.  She’s rusty on the problems like 8+7 and 6+9.  Since she and ED really love their little pets, I drew some little critters to appeal to them! You can adjust any of these board games to suit your preschooler (by just identifying the numbers on the board) or your older child (by creating more complicated...

File Folder Games 0

File Folder Games

Have you heard of File Folder Games? They are quick games to help build skills in math, reading, science, social studies and more.  We use them lots and lots in our homeschool. Here are a couple examples that ED, my preschooler, has played recently. This File Folder Game has her practicing counting by 10s and 1s: Here are a couple other examples. One has the child fill in the missing...

Monster Math Tag 6

Monster Math Tag

If you have a break in the weather where you are, you might want to play Monster Math.  It’s just a racing version of freeze tag that I play with my kids. I came up with the fancy name for this game years ago.   They beg for me to get out and chase them down!   I take index cards and write down math problems. For ED (age 4)...

Valentine's Subtraction Cards 1

Valentine’s Day Math Games: Division and Subtraction Cards and other games

Valentine’s Day Division Cards I made a Valentine’s Day set of division cards to use with LD over the next week or so. We use these cards to play a game called Fast Track — an idea we got from Peggy Kaye’s Games for Math. To make the board you need a large piece of butcher paper or poster board. There are three win spaces, three start spaces and various...

This and That — Math 0

This and That — Math

 Math Monster:  I spread out various cards for the kids — multiplication problems for LD, addition problems for DD and letters to identify for ED.  I’m the math monster and try to tag the kids. If they don’t have a card they are frozen, if they have a card and can answer correctly they can go free (if they answer incorrectly they’re frozen as well). They can be unfrozen by...


Skip Counting by 3s and 4s — Active Math Game

LD continues to work on his first multiplication tables from 1s to 6s — with lots of skip counting along the way.  Today I had him working on 4s mostly. It has been quite a long time since we’ve done active math games outside and we had a reprieve in the weather. So we set up a chalk math snail again. LD had to multiply each number by 4.  DD...

Addition/Subtraction Game –Mmm Brains 0

Addition/Subtraction Game –Mmm Brains

We try to play lots of games — and this one is worth a mention because it involves addition, subtraction and simple multiplication.  It’s called Mmm Brains — so it also had great appeal to LD in particular! There’s a large selection of brains.  Red brains are each 5 points.  White brains are 1 point. There are 5 dice — with the numbers 1 through 5 in different colors (yellow,...

Math Games We’ve Been Playing Lately 0

Math Games We’ve Been Playing Lately

These past six weeks or so, LD has been doing a lot of work in his math workbook (that’s not terribly exciting to blog about, is it?!!). That was easiest for me while we were on travel and as we settled in. We generally use Right Start Math, but it is quite Mom-intensive, so we had to put that on the back burner for a while. In fact, we only...

Active Math Games: 5 and 6 — Math Tail Tag; Math Monster 5

Active Math Games: 5 and 6 — Math Tail Tag; Math Monster

MATH TAIL TAG: Today after Kindergym I told the kids we weregoing to the park to play math games. Theywere pretty excited. Our first game was Math Tail Tag. The kids all had astrip of construction paper with a number on it tuckedinto our shorts. We ran around trying to protect our tailfrom being swiped and tried to swipe someone else’stail. When we got a tail, we looked at the...