Category: Homeschool Den

The Face Behind the Blog! 4

The Face Behind the Blog!

Hi! Nice to meet you! As you may know, we will be joining the Parent’s blog team pretty soon.  Our family decided we’d like to share a couple of photos of the family behind this blog.  Here’s my photo for what it’s worth! (Ugh… don’t mind the fly-away hair!) When we transfer over we’ll have a photo of me and the kids to share with you as well. Do you...

We’re Moving Soon! 8

We’re Moving Soon!

Not out of the house, we’re here to stay for a while yet… but the Homeschool Den blog will be moving. A couple of months ago one of the editors of Parents contacted me and asked if I would like to come under the Parents umbrella as one of their bloggers. I was honored and thrilled to join such a great team of people.  So in just a couple of...

The Sistine Chapel 4

The Sistine Chapel

If you are doing art appreciation, you might be interested in going on a virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel. This website was absolutely gorgeous and well worth a look at Michelangelo’s magnificent work: can scroll in and out and move the cursor around to see different parts of the room… not just the famous portions like The Creation of Adam below (photo from Wikimedia Commons). If you are...

My New Vocabulary Word — Cholesteatoma 8

My New Vocabulary Word — Cholesteatoma

Unfortunately, I learned a new word yesterday… cholesteatoma. I really didn’t like wikipedia’s initial definition, “destructive and expanding growth” but overall I’m hoping it’s not that bad.  Read on to see what I have… After several months waiting to see a specialist, I finally got in to see an ENT.  I have a long history of ear infections which started for me around the age of five. I wear hearing...

Recipe: Taco Soup 8

Recipe: Taco Soup

It’s the perfect time of year here for a warm crock-pot meal.  My kids love taco soup and I thought I’d share our recipe: 1/2 onion chopped1 can pinto beans rinsed1 can kidney beans rinsed1 small can green chillies, undrained1 1/2 Tablespoons taco seasoning2 chicken breasts1 can tomato sauce2 cups chicken broth (mine is homemade, just the frozen water/broth leftover from after boiling chicken breasts for other dishes)1 large can...

Seahorse Art–Based on Eric Carle’s book 0

Seahorse Art–Based on Eric Carle’s book

Eric Carle’s books are always inspiring for an art project.  A couple weeks ago we read Mister Seahorse. I cut out seahorses and the kids had a blast painting. The girls each did three or four paintings each. Be sure to visit Deep Space Sparkle for other Eric Carle-based lessons and other fantastic art project ideas.  A couple of years ago we  did a chameleon craft based loosely on Eric...

Wonderful Holidays and a Happy New Year! 2

Wonderful Holidays and a Happy New Year!

I stretched out our early December activities and posted them over the past couple of weeks, but in reality we had a prolonged break for the holidays. I notice a number of comments and will try to get back to you soon.  In the meantime, I want to rave about our amazing break. We had Grams and Gramps with us for three wonderful weeks.  We did so much together. We...

Happy Holidays! 0

Happy Holidays!

Since we are taking a couple of weeks off, I have some posts scheduled to post automatically.  I’ll be sharing more pictures of our astronomy unit on Wednesday and then over the course of the next week or so. Today, though I wanted to come on and wish you all Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. Each evening at dinner, our family takes a few moments in silence...

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful 2

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful

I finished replacing most of the links I lost and have my page up and running again with the Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful. If you’re interested you can now visit that page again. I color coded it as follows: Homeschool Blogs I Enjoy is the first section in pink. Next is Useful Homeschool Resources in light blue with the following subsections:  Great resources and printables...

Just one of those things… sigh 0

Just one of those things… sigh

This evening I wanted to go to one of my links in the “Blogs/Websites I Enjoy” section… I’ve been saving my favorite sites for my own reference for several years… and 3/4 of my links are gone. Ugh!  Even the cached version of the page doesn’t have any of the links so it must have happened some time ago.  Sigh… I’ve reconstructed some of it so far, but it’ll take...


This is the United States–Unit Study of Landmarks and Symbols

We have been working steadily on our USA landmarks and symbols unit study. This is a unit that doesn’t lend itself as well to pictures since I have pulled it together using history resources I have on hand. The kids each have a notebook and we’ve been adding to it steadily. Funny enough, LD has said he LOVES history and has been really into this unit.  That amazes me a...

After Three Months of Training… 0

After Three Months of Training…

I ran and finished a half-marathon this morning.  It was a trail run with intense hills, but I did it and finished strong.  Hooray! It’s been nearly 10 years since I ran my last race, so I feel pretty proud of myself this afternoon (if not a bit tired and sore!).

Learning Spaces 4

Learning Spaces

I love these pictures of other people’s learning spaces. I learned about pinterest from Laura (of My Montessori Journey) who now homeschools her two boys over at Walnut Hill Homeschool.

This is my lucky month! 8

This is my lucky month!

I was chatting with a friend of mine whose daughter is in ED’s gymnastics class. She mentioned that her Mom was down-sizing and getting rid of lots of stuff. At one point they homeschooled and had some “kits and stuff” they wanted to get rid of.  Since LD is so into science I went to have a look.  I don’t know if you can tell, but this is PERFECT for...