Category: Homeschool Den


Domino Addition for PreK-K (Free Domino Sheet)

This week we’ve added in a bit of domino math to ED’s math time.  I know there are lots of domino math sheets out there including the domino mats and cards from, at Making Learning Fun (domino addition, subtraction or multiplication),  and a domino worksheet made by Erica over at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  I needed one that wouldn’t overwhelm ED, though.  I wanted just a few problems on the...


Learning from Life: Archaeologist’s Visit and more

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about finding an ‘arrowhead‘ (really a hafted knife point) in the woods right behind our house. Yesterday morning we had the county archaeologist over to survey the site where we found the hafted knife. He examined it closely and said it was most likely a Piscataway Stemmed Point.  We then took him into the woods to show him the site where it...

Class Dismissed, a Homeschool Movie in the Making 3

Class Dismissed, a Homeschool Movie in the Making

I heard about a movie that is being produced out in Los Angeles that focuses on education, specifically the validity of homeschooling as an alternative to the industrial school model. According to their site, “the film will examine the numerous approaches to home learning, exploring both its history and recent growth.” The movie will follow an ordinary family in their quest to educate their children. You can read more about...

Feathered Dinosaurs 2

Feathered Dinosaurs

This might be of interest to the dinosaur-loving tots (and parents!) out there. This news from last month passed me by until a couple of days ago. Did you hear that a new species of feathered dinosaur was discovered in Bavaria, in Southern Germany? The fossil of a Sciurumimus albersdoerferi, a carnivorous dinosaur that lived about 150 million years ago in the late Jurassic period shows the first evidence of feathered theropod dinosaurs that are...

NPR: Homeschool Interview on the Diane Rhem Show 0

NPR: Homeschool Interview on the Diane Rhem Show

Yesterday on the Diane Rhem Show on NPR there was an interview with a homeschooling family.  If you’re interested, you can listen to the podcast here: Quinn Cummings: “The Year of Learning Dangerously”. Quinn Cummings is an actor, author and inventor who has been homeschooling her daughter for four years.  

Geometry Cards (Free) 2

Geometry Cards (Free)

As I mentioned last week, we started a new unit on geometry. We’ve been busy talking about rays, intersecting lines, parallel lines, line segments, angles and more!  Over the weekend, I came across a set of geometry cards made by Homemade Montessori that will come in handy!  I thought I’d share this great find in case anyone else finds them useful. I am always so grateful to people who share...


5 Senses: Taste ( and Cute Tongue Craft)

Five Senses Unit – The Sense of Taste All week the kids have been waiting impatiently for the taste activities!  LD remembered doing this three or four years ago and couldn’t wait! We first talked about the tongue and where you sense different tastes.  We made a cute tongue model and labeled the different areas. I’ll show you how we put it together with a quick picture collage: How we made a...


5 Senses: Matching Scents Activity

On Friday we revisited an activity that we’ve done a number of times before, making pairs of scents and trying to find the match. To set up for this activity, I taped a piece of paper with matching symbols on sets of 2 Q-tips. Then I dipped the Q-tips into various liquids (vinegar, vanilla, fish sauce, almond extract, and lemon juice).  You can also do this with a cotton ball...


K4 Preschool Plans for the Fall

Last week we started back to school, but I thought I’d spend a few minutes sharing our overall goals this for this next semester. I’ll start off sharing our plans for ED’s preschool. Early next week I’ll share the plans for DD (age 6) and LD (almost 9). Math This year I decided to go with Right Start Math Level A for ED (age 4).  I did this curriculum with...

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars! 0

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars!

I’m adding this to the top of the post a day or so later. If you are interested in seeing the images being sent back from Mars, you can go to the NASA image gallery. Look for the small caption that says “slideshow” and you’ll be able to see the enlarged images such as this one which shows Curiosity’s main target, Mt. Sharp.  The Curiosity team hopes to drive the...

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land! 0

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land!

Curiosity is scheduled to arrive on Mars late Sunday night (10:31 PST, Aug 5) or early Monday (1:31am EST, Aug. 6) depending on where you live. View it live at NASA TV.  The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover took nearly 36 weeks (254 days) to travel from Earth to Mars. Its mission is to continue the robotic exploration of Mars assessing whether Mars ever had an environment that could support life...


Five Senses: Sound Bingo

ED is doing a brief unit on the 5 senses. I’ll talk a little more about our general activities below, but first I wanted to share this wonderful sound game we played! One of the activities we did together this week was called Sound Bingo.  I downloaded the sound files such as a baby, guitar, monkey, fireworks, scissors (41 sounds in all) onto my laptop and printed out bingo cards...

Starting off our Geometry Unit 1

Starting off our Geometry Unit

This week we’ve started easing back into school. We’re not doing all subjects as we still have lots of other things going on (play dates, doctor’s appointments for their wellness checkups, trips with friends, activities, etc.), but we did start up with math and reading.  In math we’re starting the year with a unit on geometry. Geometry Mindmap: I read a book this summer that really recommends using mind maps...

Grammar Games (online) 0

Grammar Games (online)

If your child needs to review some grammar rules, here are a few online games he/she can play: Magical Capitals: Help the fairy find all the words that should be capitalized. Comma Chameleon: Help the chameleon punctuate sentences. Blown Away: Determine which letter in the sentence should be capitalized. Beat the Clock: Apostrophe practice. Rewrite the sentence by adding an apostrophe and/or s. Play your Caps Right: Find the words...