Category: Homeschool Den


Winter Theme Preschool Unit

Over the break, I wanted to pull together a fun packet for ED with activities she can (mostly) do on her own when I’m working with the other kids.  I settled on a winter-relating unit– snowmen, snowflakes and things like that.  Here are some of the resources I pulled together for her: When I want to find some preschool resources for ED, here are some of the first websites I...

General Homeschooling Plans for Spring 2013 0

General Homeschooling Plans for Spring 2013

I spent a lot of time over our winter break thinking about what we will cover this spring. Our kids are  in grades 4, 2 and preschool although as homeschoolers this doesn’t mean much as they cover what they are ready for and go at their own individual paces. I wrote up a general set of plans and you can take a glimpse at what is in store for our family....

The Sweetest, Nicest Thing Happened Today! 3

The Sweetest, Nicest Thing Happened Today!

I was touched by a Random Act of Kindness today!! With Grams and Gramps still visiting, I wanted to have a special “date” with each of the kids on their own. ED and I went out for breakfast.  We giggled and played tic-tac-toe and talked… and when it came time to pay, someone had already paid for our meal!!  Isn’t that just the loveliest thing?!! Thank you, kind stranger! It...

Don’t Read This If You Don’t Want to Read About Hormones and Female-Stuff! 4

Don’t Read This If You Don’t Want to Read About Hormones and Female-Stuff!

Honestly, I will start posting about our homeschooling stuff again. In fact, I have all kinds of materials I’ve made for the kids and have a heap of new things to share with you all, but since I was on the topic of health and well-being (with yesterday’s post about LD’s horrible allergies) I thought I’d share with you some of the struggles I’ve personally had the past eight to ten...

LD’s Health Issues… and the Impact on our Homeschool Life 4

LD’s Health Issues… and the Impact on our Homeschool Life

I’ve been alluding to our health issues here at the Homeschool Den. There’s nothing too terribly major thankfully, but LD has had illness-induced asthma since he was little.  Since we moved back to the USA he’s been steadily having more and more asthma attacks. Some land him in the hospital and some have been controlled at the doctor’s office.  Our pediatrician suggested that we look into some underlying triggers, so...

Time and the Busy Parent 3

Time and the Busy Parent

Do you ever find yourself saying to yourself (or to others for that matter) “there’s not enough time in my day.”  I’ve been thinking about that a lot and how my attitudes about time affect the relationships I have with my loved ones. There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.” –Brian Tracy One of my New Years...

Looking Back at 2012 – Favorites from the Homeschool Den 10

Looking Back at 2012 – Favorites from the Homeschool Den

Wow, it’s the end of 2012… a great time to reflect on the year we’ve had.  Here are some of the highlights from this year: our favorite homeschool activities: It’s hard to choose just two, but I guess these are the ones that really stand out for me at the moment… the Black Plague simulation we did. None of us ever made it to our destination!! The kids really loved...

Self Reflection Questions for New Years 4

25 Self-Reflection Questions for New Year’s

Are you into making New Year’s Resolutions?  I find the process of self-reflection quite helpful when it comes to our family life and homeschooling.  I tend to do this twice a year — at the end of each semester in December and again in June. Last June my self-reflection had a lot to do with our short term and long term homeschooling goals. This season I seem to be pondering...

Helping Kids (and Yourself) Cope with Trauma; Crisis Planning Materials 0

Helping Kids (and Yourself) Cope with Trauma; Crisis Planning Materials

I wasn’t sure just quite when to share this material with the holidays and all, but I thought it was definitely worth spreading the word about these useful materials.  The U.S. Department of Education has put out a number of publications in the past few years on the topics of safety, crime and violence. Personally, I didn’t want to tell the kids about the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut… but...

My Favorite Gifts 0

My Favorite Gifts

Of all the gifts, my favorite was the one made from the heart… my own doll! It’s made of a milk-jug,  tin foil, felt and lots and lots of tape!! Isn’t it precious?! I love that the kids are finally of the age that they can keep secrets from me until Christmas! A close runner up was the homemade picture frame LD made for me, complete with a picture (courtesy...

Traveling, Celebrating, Eating, Enjoying! 0

Traveling, Celebrating, Eating, Enjoying!

Happy Holidays! There are estimates that nearly 93.3 million people will travel this holiday season, with nearly 84.4 million people traveling more than 50 miles. I think my friend, M, and her two kids might get the prize for the longest travel plans — 10,000+ miles from the east coast, USA here over to Victoria, Australia.  We, on the other hand, did a short 4 hour trip to see Grandma...

Our Favorite Holiday Sweets 1

Our Favorite Holiday Sweets

Do you have any special sweets you make this time of year?  Our family has some old traditions and some new. I’d like to share two of the easiest cookies we make this time of year: One of our new additions is from Aunt M… we love this recipe and it is so easy! We’ve altered her original recipe slightly: 1 cup butter 2 cups flour (I actually use 1/2...

My Son’s Teammates Lost their Little Cousin in the Sandy Hook Tragedy 0

My Son’s Teammates Lost their Little Cousin in the Sandy Hook Tragedy

When news of the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary first broke last Friday, I was horrified. While on the one hand, I wanted to know what was going on, what happened, and why, on the other hand I wanted to shield my own children from this terrible news. Quite frankly, I didn’t want them to know. I didn’t listen to the news in front of them. We kept the...


3 Things I Need From School Break

After a busy semester, there are three things I need: a complete break from our school schedule and routine time for self-reflection time to plan We’re currently on stage 1!! We definitely need time to revitalize and become re-inspired by our studies. I’ve been fortunate to have some good quality time by myself without kids while my in-laws were here to babysit. I spent lots of time at the library...