Traveling, Celebrating, Eating, Enjoying!
Happy Holidays!
There are estimates that nearly 93.3 million people will travel this holiday season, with nearly 84.4 million people traveling more than 50 miles. I think my friend, M, and her two kids might get the prize for the longest travel plans — 10,000+ miles from the east coast, USA here over to Victoria, Australia. We, on the other hand, did a short 4 hour trip to see Grandma and Grandpa over the weekend.
A full hour before I was ready to drive off and pick Dad up from work last Friday, the kids were settled into the car, ready to go. Doesn’t that crack you up when they do that?! See the garage wall behind the girls?!
We set out for a quick trip to New Jersey to visit my folks. What a wonderful get away. We spent lots of time visiting with our family, eating good food, and being spoiled rotten with goodies and presents. They took us to a farm/nursery that has one of the most amazing collections of holiday decor I have ever seen… room after room after room of ornaments, knick-knacks, lights, statues, and more! I’m not sure who would buy the 8 foot tall tin soldiers (for a mere $2999.99), but if that’s what you need for your outdoor display, you now know where to go!!
That certainly put us into the right holiday mode!
We got together with our extended family and we enjoyed a train ride with Santa. Everyone loved that ED came equipped with her own travel bag (an early Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa). Little 2-year old A loved the train ride so much, she had a meltdown when it was over (that and it was past her nap time!).
We enjoyed some time out in an old-timey village… of course the favorite building was the bakery (pictured below) where they loaded us up with extra goodies since they were going to be closed for several days!
After that, we piled back in the car and drove back home late last night.
We’re going to have a low-key Christmas… very little cooking (except of course for our favorite cinnamon rolls tomorrow morning). Mostly we’ll have finger foods — seafood, cheese and crackers and lots of fresh fruit and vegies out all day to munch on!
If you’re traveling, be safe!
Wherever you might be, enjoy a relaxing and joyful holiday with your loved ones!