Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Geometry Cards (Free) 2

Geometry Cards (Free)

As I mentioned last week, we started a new unit on geometry. We’ve been busy talking about rays, intersecting lines, parallel lines, line segments, angles and more!  Over the weekend, I came across a set of geometry cards made by Homemade Montessori that will come in handy!  I thought I’d share this great find in case anyone else finds them useful. I am always so grateful to people who share...


5 Senses: Taste ( and Cute Tongue Craft)

Five Senses Unit – The Sense of Taste All week the kids have been waiting impatiently for the taste activities!  LD remembered doing this three or four years ago and couldn’t wait! We first talked about the tongue and where you sense different tastes.  We made a cute tongue model and labeled the different areas. I’ll show you how we put it together with a quick picture collage: How we made a...


5 Senses: Matching Scents Activity

On Friday we revisited an activity that we’ve done a number of times before, making pairs of scents and trying to find the match. To set up for this activity, I taped a piece of paper with matching symbols on sets of 2 Q-tips. Then I dipped the Q-tips into various liquids (vinegar, vanilla, fish sauce, almond extract, and lemon juice).  You can also do this with a cotton ball...


K4 Preschool Plans for the Fall

Last week we started back to school, but I thought I’d spend a few minutes sharing our overall goals this for this next semester. I’ll start off sharing our plans for ED’s preschool. Early next week I’ll share the plans for DD (age 6) and LD (almost 9). Math This year I decided to go with Right Start Math Level A for ED (age 4).  I did this curriculum with...

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars! 0

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars!

I’m adding this to the top of the post a day or so later. If you are interested in seeing the images being sent back from Mars, you can go to the NASA image gallery. Look for the small caption that says “slideshow” and you’ll be able to see the enlarged images such as this one which shows Curiosity’s main target, Mt. Sharp.  The Curiosity team hopes to drive the...

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land! 0

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land!

Curiosity is scheduled to arrive on Mars late Sunday night (10:31 PST, Aug 5) or early Monday (1:31am EST, Aug. 6) depending on where you live. View it live at NASA TV.  The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover took nearly 36 weeks (254 days) to travel from Earth to Mars. Its mission is to continue the robotic exploration of Mars assessing whether Mars ever had an environment that could support life...


Five Senses: Sound Bingo

ED is doing a brief unit on the 5 senses. I’ll talk a little more about our general activities below, but first I wanted to share this wonderful sound game we played! One of the activities we did together this week was called Sound Bingo.  I downloaded the sound files such as a baby, guitar, monkey, fireworks, scissors (41 sounds in all) onto my laptop and printed out bingo cards...

Starting off our Geometry Unit 1

Starting off our Geometry Unit

This week we’ve started easing back into school. We’re not doing all subjects as we still have lots of other things going on (play dates, doctor’s appointments for their wellness checkups, trips with friends, activities, etc.), but we did start up with math and reading.  In math we’re starting the year with a unit on geometry. Geometry Mindmap: I read a book this summer that really recommends using mind maps...

Grammar Games (online) 0

Grammar Games (online)

If your child needs to review some grammar rules, here are a few online games he/she can play: Magical Capitals: Help the fairy find all the words that should be capitalized. Comma Chameleon: Help the chameleon punctuate sentences. Blown Away: Determine which letter in the sentence should be capitalized. Beat the Clock: Apostrophe practice. Rewrite the sentence by adding an apostrophe and/or s. Play your Caps Right: Find the words...

Arrowheads 2

We Found an Arrowhead!!

I’ve been bursting at the seams to write this post, but wanted to wait til I had more information before sharing our excitement! Can you believe, we found an arrowhead on our property?! Okay, so technically it’s not an arrowhead, more about that in a second.   The first thing we did was start googling to find out more information. I really didn’t know too much about arrowheads. I was...

Fitness Game for Kids —  Bakari 0

Fitness Game for Kids — Bakari

A couple of months ago I featured a fitness board game called Flip2BFit.  My kids really loved it.  Today I’m going to review a similar product they put out called Bakari.  It is a fitness memory game. The kids have been itching to play that as well and we finally got a chance to play it. It was a huge hit too!  I thought it’d be perfect to feature today as we’ll...

Free Summer Olympics Pack and Other Resources 0

Free Summer Olympics Pack and Other Resources

Can you believe the Olympics are here?!!! The opening ceremonies are tonight! You might be interested in capitalizing on the excitement and spirit of the games with your young kids with this free Summer Olympics Pack created by Cassie over at 3Dinosaurs. There are three parts you can download, plus a toddler pack! This pack includes activities such as find the difference; tracing, 3-part cards; number puzzles; counting practice; initial letter;...

Black Bean Dip: Simple to Make! 0

Black Bean Dip: Simple to Make!

Over the weekend we had a barbecue for friends. One family is vegan and I tried a new recipe that I thought they could eat.  It was so simple to make and delicious that I thought I’d share it here. Why not, right?! Homeschoolers eat too! Since I was making other Mexican dishes I used half a can each of black beans and kidney beans.  The original recipe called for one full...

Northern Green Frog 0

Backyard Nature

This is a Northern Green Frog that took up residence in our little man-made pond. It’s been there for four months. If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know that we love spending time outdoors. We live nestled down in the woods and have lots of critters and creatures around the creek that cuts through our property and in the woods beyond.   The kids have learned to...