Free Summer Olympics Pack and Other Resources
Can you believe the Olympics are here?!!! The opening ceremonies are tonight!
You might be interested in capitalizing on the excitement and spirit of the games with your young kids with this free Summer Olympics Pack created by Cassie over at 3Dinosaurs. There are three parts you can download, plus a toddler pack!
This pack includes activities such as find the difference; tracing, 3-part cards; number puzzles; counting practice; initial letter; find the same items; sorting into boy-girl, small-medium-large, people-equipment; letter tracing; word tracing; writing words; color by number Olympics rings and much more!
Thank you so much, Cassie, for sharing this wonderful Olympics pack!
Other Summer Olympic Resources:
Deb over at Living Montessori Now put up a list of Montessori inspired Olympic activities.
Homeschool Share has a free Summer Olympic Unit Study and Lapbook.
There’s a great Pinterest board by the Clever Classroom featuring the 2012 Olympics.
There are free Olympic resources at Karascope like the pages pictured below: