German Worksheets – die Familie The Family
The German Worksheet Packet on die Familie has been updated and is now over 40+ pages! This packet will help kids to learn the basic German vocabulary about the family. There are matching worksheets, translation from German to English and English to German, der/die/das worksheets, and worksheets on plurals. Plus, there are matching cards (picture to German) and a bingo game with 6 bingo cards.
German Worksheets for Kids: I wanted my pages to be very visual for the kids because my kids were 5, 7 and 9 when they started learning German, so these worksheets include a lot of pictures. I had a hard time finding the kinds of materials I needed/wanted for my elementary-age kids, so I put together my own packets. 🙂
These are some of the new pages I added to the German Unit on die Familie:
This German Unit on die Familie covers words such as:
- grandmother – die Oma
- grandfather – der Opa
- grandparents – die Großeltern
- mother – die Mutter
- father – der Vater
- parents – die Eltern
- brother – der Bruder
- sister – die Schwester
- baby – das Baby
- aunt – die Tante
- uncle – der Onkel
- (male) cousin – der Cousin
- (female) cousin – die Cousine
- siblings – die Geschwister
- grandson – der Enkel
- grandaughter – die Enkelin
- son – der Sohn
- daughter – die Tochter
- my – mein, meine, mein
- my (more than one) – meine
- child/children–das Kind/die Kinder
Recently, I also added in a set of matching cards and bingo cards to help kids learn this basic vocabulary about die Familie.
The various matching pages and translation worksheets come with answer pages:
My kids were quite little when we started to learn German, so I wanted to put together a packet that was very visual for them. Once the kids had all the family terms down, we moved on to names and ages.
They named their own family (see the picture below) and we did a lot of conversation practice – asking each other questions like… What’s the father’s name? Wie heißt der Vater? or What’s the sister’s name? Wie heißt die Schwester?
We also used this family set to practice questions such as How old is the mother? Wie alt ist die Mutter? or Wie alt ist die Oma? … That’s what DD is doing in the picture below. 🙂
I also had some sheets with one of the family trees labeled with names. The kids had to answer the questions that went with that family tree.
Note: I have quite a number of other German packets available. You can also buy this packet as part of the German Bundle 1 (along with a set on weather-seasons-months and another on clothing) for $7.99. For more details scroll below! Or, visit Our German Store for more details about the other German Bundles I have available.
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If you are interested in purchasing just this packet on the Family (with the sheets you see above), click on the Buy Now button below.
When you click on the link below, it take you directly to paypal. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive a link to the two pdfs. You will also receive an email to your Paypal email address from Sendowl, the service I use, with a link that you can click which will allow you to download your files. (Be sure to check your downloads folder!) You have the option to print the vocabulary (Wortschatz) in either landscape or portrait depending on your needs. If you have any trouble with your order be sure to contact me at liesl at homeschoolden dot com or via the contact page.
This set is included in German Bundle 1 (see below for more details).
German – die Familie Vocabulary and Family Tree Activity
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
German Conversation Card Sets Bundle:
I have found it difficult to find good German materials and curriculum for kids. Early on we used a lot of free German worksheets and materials, but then at a certain point the kids were ready for more. See more about the German Curriculum we use now in this post.
I made a whole series of Conversation Cards and we are slowly building conversations skills and vocabulary from day-to-day, week-to-week. (Click on the links to find out more about each packet):
Be sure to check out our German Store for see all the units and packets we have available!
There you’ll find our three bundle options:
German BUNDLE 1 includes 13 pdfs. (Topics include: die Familie, die Zahlen, die Farben, die Tage der Woche, die Monaten – die Jahreszeiten – das Wetter, Weihnachten, Winterwörter, Krankheiten–Schmerzen, Valentinstag)
German BUNDLE 2 covers topics such as Lebensmittel (a second set of food words); Daily Routine, Chores, Free-time Activities, das Haus Wortschatz; Auf dem Land; der Bauernhof; Sommerwörter – Worksheets and Activities; Gegenteile – Adjective Opposites
German BUNDLE 3 covers topics such as Berufe (Occupations – Professions), In der Stadt – Verkehrsmittel und Fahrzeuge – Gebäude, Tiere (Animals), der Ozean – Unterwasserleben (The Ocean – Marine Life), and Körperteile (Body Parts)
German Bundle 1: $7.99
Click here to see pictures of what is included: German Bundle 1 Quick Preview

German Bundle 1: $7.99
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
There are 13 pdfs in German BUNDLE 1.
German BUNDLE 1 includes ALL of the packets listed below (for photos you can click on the Quick Preview or scroll below. There are 12 pdf files in German BUNDLE 1:
- German Conversation Packet – die Familie (2 pdf files)
- die Tage der Woche
- German Conversation Packet – die Monaten die Jahreszeiten das Wetter
- Weather & Seasons Conversation Starters (Bonus Packet!)
- Weihnachten und Farben
- German Weather Packet –Winterwörter–Krankheiten–Schmerzen
- German Conversation Packet – Kleidung – Clothing (black & white)
- die Kleidung (in color) – 25 pages
- German Vocabulary Builder – Valentinstag
- German Worksheets – Easter Spring Words – Ostern und Frühling
- die deutschen Zahlen, die Farben
Below are some pictures of what is included in German Bundle 1. Click on the pictures to enlarge!
German Bundle 2: $6.99
Click here to see pictures of what is included: German Bundle 2 – Quick Preview

German Bundle 2: $6.99
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download links!
BUNDLE 2 includes ALL of the packets listed below (for photos click on the Quick Preview or scroll below)
- Lebensmittel – includes 2 word sets – tracing, matching and fill-in-the-blank pages plus a bingo game and Brettspiel.
- Daily Routine, Chores, Free-time Activities
- das Haus – a 50-page packet with pages on the rooms of the house as well as objects around the house.
- Auf dem Land
- der Bauernhof
- Sommerwörter – Worksheets and Activities
- Adjective Opposites
Below are some pictures of what is included in German Bundle 2. Click on the pictures to enlarge!
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
German Bundle 3
The packets in the German Bundle 3 set currently includes:
- Tiere (Animals)
- der Ozean – Unterwasserleben (The Ocean – Marine Life)
- Körperteile (Body Parts)
- Berufe (Occupations – Professions) – This packet covers about 50 occupations. It includes matching and fill-in-the-blank worksheets plus bingo cards and a board game. There are also sentence-writing pages
- In der Stadt (In der Stadt; Verkehrsmittel Fahrzeuge; Gebäude — City Words & Directions, Transportation & Vehicles, Buildings in the City). This packet is 50-pages.
Coming Soon:
- Werkzeuge – Tools
Click here to see what is included in this new bundle: German Bundle 3 Quick Preview
German Bundle 3 currently includes
Berufe: This packet is 30+ pages and includes matching (both German words to pictures and German to English), fill-in-the-blank pages (where students can write their own sentences and more.
(Right click to enlarge the picture!)
In der Stadt – Verkehrsmittel & Fahrzeuge – Gebäude This packet is just over 50 pages is divided into three sections 1) In der Stadt 2) Verkehrsmittel und Fahrzeuge 3) Gebäude. It includes matching and fill-in-the-blank pages, vocabulary cards, bingo games and other activities.
Right click to enlarge these pictures.
German Bundle 3: $6.99
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
German Bundle 3 – Körperteile, Tiere, Unterwasserleben, Berufe, In der Stadt
Individual German Packets
These are all included in the BUNDLES described above!
Greetings/Family – We focused on conversation skills, basic greetings like: How are you? What’s your name? How old are you? We used a “family” of people and pretended to be different people. We continued to use these as we jumped into our next units.
German Packet: die Familie $3.50 (or included in German Bundle 1) Plus bingo cards and matching cards for playing games!
Clothing – We went over clothing vocabulary. Our “family” members got clothing and we talked a lot about what “we” were wearing. We also “went shopping” and learned out to ask about prices, how to try things on, how to get another size, etc.
German Packet: Kleidung is included in German Bundle 1)
German Weather, Winter and Sickness/Symptoms (See photos and descriptions below.) Weather – With this unit, we talked about the months, seasons, and weather. We practiced talking about the weather (using weather cards they were given). We then went on to talk about Winter Words (vocabulary building).
German Weather, Winter and Sickness/Symptoms (See photos above and below)
$3.50 (or included in German Bundle 1) Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
Sickness/Symptoms – Following our study of the winter, we talked about catching a cold, the flu, having a fever, having a sore throat, ear ache and more. We play the “Lesespiel” regularly to review all this vocabulary (Who has a cold? I have a cold… Who has diarrhea? I have diarrhea. Who has a sore throat…)
Weather – Seasons Bonus Packet (only available in German Bundle 1) — This packet has picture cards and writing paper to generate conversation about the weather and/or the seasons.
Valentine’s Day Unit – Vocabulary builder worksheets and game. (included in German Bundle 1) Easter Spring Words – Ostern und Frühling (included in German Bundle 1)
German Worksheets – die Zahlen – Numbers (included in German Bundle 1)
Daily Routine, Things Around the House, Hobbies/Activities/Freizeit – 50 page unit Daily Routine, Things Around the House, Hobbies/Activities/Freizeit
( included in German Bundle 2)
Daily Routine – Our next unit was all about our day. We started first with activities we would do during the course of the day (getting up, eating breakfast, brushing our teeth, taking a shower, etc.) Chores – We then added in various chores we do around the house (washing and drying dishes, doing laundry, sweeping the floor, etc.) Things around the house – We did vocabulary building activities with various appliances and things you would find around the house (refrigerator, broom, curtains, chair, rug, etc.) NOTE: We came back to this unit a couple years later and went into more detail about objects around the house. See more details at this post (das Haus Arbeitsblätter) or down below!
Hobbies/Activities – We talked about things we would do for fun – playing the piano, chess, soccer, walking the dog, hiking, swimming, etc. We now use these cards to practice the past tense.
das Haus Arbeitsblätter Bonus Packet (included in German Bundle 2)
This is a new set of German worksheets I made for the kids as they added new vocabulary about objects and furniture around the house. I had large pictures of each room of the house and had the kids describe what they saw. This set include poster-sized pictures, writing stationery for the various rooms around the house, matching pages (German words to English words as well as German words to pictures). Plus, there are two Bingo Game sets (with 8 bingo cards).
In the Countryside – We learned vocabulary for things like stream, bush, mushroom, cloud, branch, twig, farm, various farm animals, farm tools
German Unit: Auf dem Land $3.25 (or included in German Bundle 2)
Sommerwörter: German Worksheets and Activities
$3.00 (or included in German Bundle 2)
Adjectives – We have been working on opposites – old/young, high/low, expensive/cheap, boring/interesting, etc. We’ve read texts/paragraphs from Learn German (affiliate link) that use comparative adjectives – big, bigger, biggest. I made some bingo cards. I read a word aloud and the kids have to cross the opposite word off (high-low, white-black, active-lazy, sharp-dull, etc.). The kids now know about 30 adjective pairs!
German Gegenteile – Opposites $2.00 (or included in German Bundle 2)
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
German Unit: Travel and Transportation; In the City; Buildings; Jobs
In the City – Directions, Getting there (verbs), means of transportation (by bus, by taxi, by foot, etc), vocabulary in a city (crosswalk, traffic, street, traffic light), a trip (airport, luggage, suitcase, airplane, seat belt, etc.),
Buildings in a city (library, town hall, hospital, police station, etc.)
This material is nearly 50 pages and is available in German Bundle 3.
See more details about this In der Stadt Packet here or in the German Store.
See details about the Berufe Packet here or in the German Store.
Our Free German Materials:
Free German Worksheets for Beginners
Free German Worksheets for Kids
School Materials – We still review this vocabulary from time to time and play the bingo game about once every two weeks!
German Books and Resources We Use/d:
When the kids were first learning German, we used the German children’s series, Bobo Siebenschläfer and Bobo Siebenschläfer ist wieder da. Bildgeschichten für ganz Kleine. (affiliate links) We purchased both the books and the CDs and listened to them A LOT!! What I liked about these children’s stories is that Bobo has various adventures. For example, he goes to the store, plays with his toys, goes to the zoo or goes to the park or zoo. It really helps German language learner build vocabulary.
Another books we used a lot when the kids were beginners is called Es War Einmal (German Edition) (affiliate link) by Susanne Ehrlich. Unfortunately, this book seems to be out of print. We got it used on Amazon. The kids did really well with these stories because they were so familiar.
We have used the CD/book set Living Language German (affiliate link) off and on the past couple of years for independent work (essentially like homework). The kids have work they do on their own while I work with the others. This resource comes as a set with three levels–Essential (Beginning), Intermediate, and Advanced. The kids can follow along with the book as it covers new vocabulary and grammar points. The Essential (Book 1) starts off slowly and might even be a good fit for a very young learner without much background in German.
My kids flew through the first book fairly easily (and without much help from me).
By the way, some people like Rosetta Stone, German, (affiliate link) but I felt my kids were too young (because you have to speak quite clearly to progress). It is also quite pricey, so that was also a draw-back. My sister’s kids (my Sis homeschools her 3 kids) used Rosetta Stone German quite a bit. It never worked for us. Some people also love the app DuoLingo. My kids have used that off and on, but sometimes they got frustrated with it. It’s free, though, so it’s definitely worth checking out!
Last year, we wound up using two main textbooks. Often we used both on the same day. I’m going to tell you why they worked for us this year:We started using a new German textbook, German Made Simple. (affiliate link) I loved it last year.
This is not a book to use with beginners (it would be too difficult), but for those who are a bit more advanced, I’ve found it really great. Each chapter starts with a paragraph about Mr. Clark (and his family). In each chapter you learn a bit more about them. What makes this books so usable is that it has the English translation on the right side of the page.
Each chapter has vocabulary, exercises and teaches some grammar. We’ll definitely continue with this book next year. My niece and nephew are also learning German and I recommended this to them. They really like it too (They are 14 and 16).
This year, we have been using the texts (paragraphs) from Learn German (affiliate link) by Dominik Wexenberger. Huge thumbs up for this book!! He writes about one theme and generally there are 3 or 4 texts/paragraphs on each topic. The sentences are simple and we have extremely helpful for continuing to build vocabulary and to read more fluently. Some chapter topics include: Colors and Clothing, Things on a Desk, Shopping, Family, Body, Free Time (which fit in perfectly with our unit on activities/hobbies), Calendar (what do you do all week) – again this fit in well with our unit on activities, Jobs, House (fit in well with our vocabulary building on words around the house and with chores), Sickness/Symptoms, Places (activities), Adjectives (which we are using as we work on opposites – high/low, etc.) and that’s only about half of the topics. Note: This book does not come with English translations. You can check it out here Learn German (affiliate link) and if you have Amazon Prime, you can borrow it for free! Again, I highly recommend it!
This year (2018-2019) my kids used a book called Warum? Tessloffs großes schlaues Antwortbuch: Über 350 Fragen und Antworten aus vielen Wissensgebieten (affiliate link) regularly. My kids are about low-intermediate in German now. It is a preschool-type book with lots of pictures and large print. It covers all kinds of topics from dinosaurs and history to space, the human body, animals and the plant world. Here’s a picture so you can gauge whether it suits your kids/students: (We read this while we did our review of Körperteile.)
Note: There are a number of books in the Warum series. We got our used from Amazon.
You might also want to check out this post: Other German Curriculum Options for other German curriculum, books and textbooks.
German Immersion Camp: Another amazing resource is if you can take your kids to Waldsee, A German Immersion Camp. It is a summer camp for families or for kids and is an amazing experience no matter what your level of German. I first took my kids when they were 7, 9 and 11. I wished we had started earlier for my oldest! The kids (and I!!) learned SO much. The food is incredible! We did the Family Camp, but you can also send the kids for a week. This is located in Minnesota. My Sister sent her three kids there as well, that’s how I found out about it.
Movies in German: This year, we purchased a multi-region DVD player (we bought one of the cheapest models, the 10 inch Sykik Portable DVD (affiliate link) and it works well for us. I plug it into a speaker to boost the sound). We have about a dozen movies that we’ve watched in German so far this year. We set the timer for 20 minutes (because we have other things to do!) but try to watch most days. The kids always beg for more. The purpose of this portion of our lesson is for the kids to hear German as it’s spoken. They said they can understand a lot more than they could at first. And, since these are kid-friendly movies they’re drawn in by the action/plot and can basically follow what’s going on even if they only understand 30% of what they hear.
Check this post out for a list of the movies we watched this year.
That’s about it for today! If you have any questions, feel free to email me! ~Liesl
For science, history, math, spelling and other packets visit Our Store:
German Conversation Practice Card Bundle
Family, Weather/Months/Seasons, Clothing
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link!
There are 12 pdfs in German BUNDLE 1.
Visit our German Store to check out some of our other German Packets including Clothing; Sickness/Symptoms to Daily Routines/Hobbies/Free Time Activities; Adjective Opposites and Much More!
German Bundle 2 – Quick Preview
Again, if you have any questions feel free to contact me!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page!