Homeschool Life (Grades 4, 7, 9)

2 Responses

  1. Lois Tschaepe says:

    I have been following your journey for 6 years now. As my triplet grandsons are the same age as your youngest, I have enjoyed using many of your materials and ideas. As a retired audiologist, I have followed the ups and downs of your auditory problems, and I also play the oboe. We really should have lunch sometime!

    Thanks for the years we’ve “been together”; I have enjoyed them thoroughly!

    • homeschooldenadmin says:

      That would be awesome to have a coffee, Lois! We travel a lot, so maybe one day we can catch up.:) I often see your “likes” over on FB. I always appreciate that!! Thank you! 🙂 Wow, how funny that you are an audiologist. Then you know all about my ear dramas. Had you heard of the BAHA or fitted anyone with one? (I have to go to Johns Hopkins because there is no one locally who works with these yet). The streamer that comes with it is amazing! It works with blue-tooth. The sound goes through my head conductively to my non-deaf (but hearing-impaired) side … which means that it feels like whoever I’m talking to on the phone seems like they are in my head with me! That and the fact that I can plug my ipod (or tablet or whatever) into the streamer means that I can have shows sent straight into my head too. (And of course, I can turn all external sound “off.”) The technology is pretty amazing these days!! Do you play your oboe much? My daughter joined a wind ensemble for flute and adults play with the kids. (The adults are all amazing and play professionally in the army band.) It has been fun to play again once a week! Thanks again for leaving your wonderful note! I loved hearing from you! ~Liesl

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