Snippets of our Week (for our 2 1/2 yr old)
I’ve had a hard time getting to the computer this week (more about that in another posting). I have about four posts I’ve been working on–Snippets of DD’s week–age 5, LD’s week – age 7 and my week, not to mention posting pictures of DD’s completed butterfly lapbook. But now these are rather looonnnggg because it’s taken so long to get these posted. So, in reality these are snippets of the past two weeks or so!
ED is 2 1/2 years old.
First I’d like to share these really cute physical activity cards we’ve added into our day!
I added these to ED’s workbox about two weeks ago and we just love them! They are balance, dance and gymnastics movement cards and when ED is at loose ends (because I’m focusing too much attention on the other two) these cards are a wonderful break! We have a stack of about fifty cards and do a half-dozen of the movements suggested. They include things like star jumps, making yourself wide, thin, pointy, jumping around, moving in a zig-zag and more. At some point I hope to add in some yoga pose cards that I downloaded for free as well, but haven’t had a chance to print them out. Click here to go to the free downloads of the physical education cards from sparklebox. There are three sets that I printed out there.
ED in her balance pose!
These past couple of weeks I’ve brought out some of the girls’ toys for ED to play with in our schoolroom. Along with the play food, I made a little oven out of a box using aluminium foil and black circles covered with contact paper (on the top) and white paper glued straight on the box for the front area. ED and DD loved this! (We don’t have a play kitchen.)
ED has taken great pride in “doing her math.” She’s been doing these spider sheets every day for about 10 days now. I cut the sheets apart after taking these pictures, but as you can see she’s just tonging the correct number of spiders onto each page (I have to help her identify the number and to count them out).
ED and DD have really enjoyed bingo markers lately. They do pages and pages at a time. These pages came from Making Learning Fun.
You can find similar do-a-dot letters at this post:Alphabet Activities for Ages 2 to 4
ED and DD loved, loved the spider web activity (with glue and glitter). They did about twenty!
“I want to do nastics again!” ED goes once a week for a gymnastics class and wakes up each day hopeful that today is the day! The other kids go to this same gym, but in the evenings when it’s considerably more crowded!
Update 5 years later… she has switched to Rhythmic Gymnastics! 🙂
I made this felt board last year out paint canvases. Here are the links showing how I made it:
A New Felt Board
Making a Felt Board
Felt Board Play
My sister sent us these paint cards years ago. We pulled them out for ED to sort through.
It had been a while since I set out pin pushing. I just make designs on construction paper and let the girls go at it. They usually go through about 10-15 each! This time they are using a push pin, though I often have them use a meat skewer wrapped with a couple of rubber bands.
I showed the picture above of the food/kitchen play I set out one week. This week I set out the farm animals and have been doing farm-themed things with ED.
I forget where I got this cute shadow matching activity. I lost one of the pages, but that makes it more challenging as there are a couple left over animals.
This sheet is from kidssoup. It’s simple one-to-one correspondence where ED had to give each crow a popcorn seed.
Here ED is matching the farm animals with the (free) farm animal cards I printed out. They also have some wild animal cards as well.
Farm Animal Sounds: This game called Old MacDonald Had a Farm is a great gave for memory and animal sound recognition. Under each of the hay stacks is an animal baby that needs to find its mama. On the player’s turn she/he chooses a mama animal, pushes it down on the red stand and listens to the sound it makes. Then she/he chooses a hay stack and tries to see if the baby animal is hidden under the hay stack (see the picture below).We haven’t played this yet, but I found cute farm animal bingo sets here: might also enjoy this post:
We have the same disney cards! My 2 yr old loves them! Looks like you girls are having a great time learing and having fun!